11-String to Integer (atoi)
Implement atoi to convert a string to an integer.
Hint: Carefully consider all possible input cases. If you want a challenge, please do not see below and ask yourself what are the possible input cases.
using namespace std;
#define IMAX numeric_limits<int>::max()
#define IMIN numeric_limits<int>::min()
test cases:
"+"=>"0" "-"=>"0"
" 0101"=>"101"
" -1010023630o4"=>"-1010023630"
" fsad101 "=>"0"
int myAtoi(string str)
if(str=="")return 0;
if(str[0]>'9'||str[0]<'0')return 0;
int beg=0;
while(str[beg]==' ')beg++;//越过前面的空字符
if((str[beg]>'9'||str[beg]<'0')&&str[beg]!='-'&&str[beg]!='+')return 0;//第一个非空字符非法
int sign=(str[beg]=='-')?-1:1; //判断符号
int j=(str[beg]=='+'||str[beg]=='-')?beg+1:beg;//判定何时开始计算
int res=0;
int count=0;
for(int i=j;i<str.size();++i)
if(count>9)return (sign==1)?IMAX:IMIN;
res = res*10;
if(sign==1&&res>IMAX/10) return IMAX;
if(sign==-1&&res*sign<IMIN/10) return IMIN;
//cout<<str[i]-'0'<<endl<<res<<" "<<IMIN;
if(sign==1&&(IMAX-res<=str[i]-'0'))return IMAX;
if(sign==-1&&(res*sign-IMIN<=str[i]-'0')) return IMIN;
res +=str[i]-'0';
return res*sign;
int main()
cout<<myAtoi(" -1010023630o4");
return 0;
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