
History lives on in this distinguished Polish city

Though it may be ancient. KraKow, Poland, is alive and well as it celebrates and commemorates its meaningful history.

Looking up

When scaning the skies of Krakow,most agree that Wawel Castle cast an unforgettable shadow. Now a museum the complex consists of a number of sections including a palace and a cathedral.Poland's Crown Jewels,royal apartments and world-class art can be found there. Though Wawel is considered the city's culture heart. another remarkable structure lies in the city's main square St.Mary's Basilica.

Marvel after marvel awaits inside.including 14th-century stained glass windows and a high altar that Picasso supposedly called the World's eighth wonder.

Going down

After looking up in St.Mary's. go out into the square and down beneath it to the Old Market Underground,one of KraKow's newset Museum.Located on the city's medieval level,the Undergroun guides you with holograms and mutimedia displays through the old marketplace.

More undergrouns sightseeing is available just outside the city at the Wieliczka Salt Mine with its 300 kilometers of tunnel, a church made of salt and an underground lake.

7 wonders of the ancient world

1. Great Pyramid of Giza

2. Hanging Garden of Babylon

3. Status of Zeus at Olympia

4. Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

5. Mausoleum at Halicarnassus

6. Colossus of Rhodes

7. Lighthouse of Alexandria


commomerate: 纪念、庆祝

The monument was built to commemorate the soldiers who sacrificed their lives for their country.

Many fans attended the ceremony to commemorate their beloved singer.

scan: 浏览、搜寻

Josh scanned the newspaper while eating breakfast.

The desperate mom anxiously scanned the crowd for her missing boy.

marvel:奇迹  marvelous 奇迹的

The RobotVac is the lastest technological marvel from Japan.

It's a marvel to me how these young boys built this treehouse in a week.

medieval 中世纪的

The story took place during the medieval era in England.


Do you feel like doing sth?

Do you feel like shopping at the mall?

No,I don't feel like it.

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