September 30th 2017 Week 39th Saturday
The simplest answer is often the correct one.
Simplest is always best.
Sometimes you may find your answer is astonishingly simple after you have spent enourmous time in seeking for the solutions of your problems.
If it works, don't doublt about its correctness.
That just states you have achieved some higher level.
Beatiful is better than ugly.
Explicit is better than implicit.
Simple is better than complex.
Complex is better than complicated.
Flat is better than nested.
Sparse is btter than dense.
The above is part of the Zen of Python, to my mind, they only contain one thing: To make the solution as simple and concise as possible.
After coding for years, I know it is not easy to follow these rules, but following them in our coding works would be worthwhile.
I really expect that there are some rewards both in finance and position that could justify some of the expenditure of my efforts.
Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterwards.
From Vernon Sanders Law.
If a victory is told in details, then we may fail to distinguish it from common things.
The same is to experience. If you have already known the lessons, you may miss the chance to accumulate your experience.
Now I really find that the more I know, the more I don't know, very anxious, or worried about the uncertainty of my future.
To be an excellent coder? I know I would never reach the level, how about just becoming a qualified coder and program-architec?
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