The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.


There is nothing noble in being feeling superior to our fellows, true nobility lies in being superior to our former self.

Always try to be better than the one you were of yesterday, and gradually you will find those trival improements finally evolve into great accomplishments.

Both trival and great achievements have resulted from the transmission of ideas and enthusiasm.

But what is  the bridge or the medium of the transmission?

Endeavors or luck?

Sometimes the latter may be more decisive than the former.

Uh, sometimes. In most cases, your efforts, worthwhile efforts, will be the only guarantee you can depend on.

Don't easily say: No, I can't. That will undermine your confidence and your impression.

No matter how hard the task is, just have a try, or have more tries.

Life, to some extent, may be a matter of trial and errors, and finally we find out some right things in these process.

I love being married. It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.


From Rita Rudner.

Have you been prepared well to get married, to support a family and to take the responsibilities of a man?

No, I think I haven't been prepared, mainly due to my earning capability.

But waht are the deep-seated problems that result in all of that?

Poor time-management ability?

Ultra-low work efficency?

Surely I know all the reasons, like many other losers, but we are lack of firmness of will and robust implementation-power.

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