#region 获取网络时间
/// 获取中国国家授时中心网络服务器时间发布的当前时间
publicstatic DateTime GetChineseDateTime()
DateTime res = DateTime.MinValue;
string url = "http://www.time.ac.cn/stime.asp";
HttpHelper helper = new HttpHelper();
helper.Encoding = Encoding.Default;
string html = helper.GetHtml(url);
string patDt = @"\d{4}年\d{1,2}月\d{1,2}日";
string patHr = @"hrs\s+=\s+\d{1,2}";
string patMn = @"min\s+=\s+\d{1,2}";
string patSc = @"sec\s+=\s+\d{1,2}";
Regex regDt = new Regex(patDt);
Regex regHr = new Regex(patHr);
Regex regMn = new Regex(patMn);
Regex regSc = new Regex(patSc); res = DateTime.Parse(regDt.Match(html).Value);
int hr = GetInt(regHr.Match(html).Value, false);
int mn = GetInt(regMn.Match(html).Value, false);
int sc = GetInt(regSc.Match(html).Value, false);
res = res.AddHours(hr).AddMinutes(mn).AddSeconds(sc);
catch { }
return res;
} ///<summary>
/// 从指定的字符串中获取整数
///<param name="origin">原始的字符串</param>
///<param name="fullMatch">是否完全匹配,若为false,则返回字符串中的第一个整数数字</param>
privatestaticint GetInt(string origin, bool fullMatch)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(origin))
origin = origin.Trim();
if (!fullMatch)
string pat = @"-?\d+";
Regex reg = new Regex(pat);
origin = reg.Match(origin.Trim()).Value;
int res = ;
int.TryParse(origin, out res);
return res;
/// 获取标准北京时间1
publicstatic DateTime GetStandardTime()
//<?xml version="1.0" encoding="GB2312" ?>
//- <ntsc>
//- <time>
// <year>2011</year>
// <month>7</month>
// <day>10</day>
// <Weekday />
// <hour>19</hour>
// <minite>45</minite>
// <second>37</second>
// <Millisecond />
// </time>
// </ntsc>
DateTime dt;
WebRequest wrt = null;
WebResponse wrp = null;
wrt = WebRequest.Create("http://www.time.ac.cn/timeflash.asp?user=flash");
wrt.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; wrp = wrt.GetResponse();
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(wrp.GetResponseStream(), Encoding.UTF8);
string html = sr.ReadToEnd(); sr.Close();
wrp.Close(); int yearIndex = html.IndexOf("<year>") + ;
int monthIndex = html.IndexOf("<month>") + ;
int dayIndex = html.IndexOf("<day>") + ;
int hourIndex = html.IndexOf("<hour>") + ;
int miniteIndex = html.IndexOf("<minite>") + ;
int secondIndex = html.IndexOf("<second>") + ; string year = html.Substring(yearIndex, html.IndexOf("</year>") - yearIndex);
string month = html.Substring(monthIndex, html.IndexOf("</month>") - monthIndex); ;
string day = html.Substring(dayIndex, html.IndexOf("</day>") - dayIndex);
string hour = html.Substring(hourIndex, html.IndexOf("</hour>") - hourIndex);
string minite = html.Substring(miniteIndex, html.IndexOf("</minite>") - miniteIndex);
string second = html.Substring(secondIndex, html.IndexOf("</second>") - secondIndex);
dt = DateTime.Parse(year + "-" + month + "-" + day + "" + hour + ":" + minite + ":" + second);
catch (WebException)
return DateTime.Parse("2011-1-1");
catch (Exception)
return DateTime.Parse("2011-1-1");
if (wrp != null)
if (wrt != null)
return dt;
} ///<summary>
/// 获取标准北京时间2
publicstatic DateTime GetBeijingTime()
//t0 = new Date().getTime();
//nyear = 2011;
//nmonth = 7;
//nday = 5;
//nwday = 2;
//nhrs = 17;
//nmin = 12;
//nsec = 12;
DateTime dt;
WebRequest wrt = null;
WebResponse wrp = null;
wrt = WebRequest.Create("http://www.beijing-time.org/time.asp");
wrp = wrt.GetResponse(); string html = string.Empty;
using (Stream stream = wrp.GetResponseStream())
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(stream, Encoding.UTF8))
html = sr.ReadToEnd();
} string[] tempArray = html.Split(';');
for (int i = ; i < tempArray.Length; i++)
tempArray[i] = tempArray[i].Replace("\r\n", "");
} string year = tempArray[].Substring(tempArray[].IndexOf("nyear=") + );
string month = tempArray[].Substring(tempArray[].IndexOf("nmonth=") + );
string day = tempArray[].Substring(tempArray[].IndexOf("nday=") + );
string hour = tempArray[].Substring(tempArray[].IndexOf("nhrs=") + );
string minite = tempArray[].Substring(tempArray[].IndexOf("nmin=") + );
string second = tempArray[].Substring(tempArray[].IndexOf("nsec=") + );
dt = DateTime.Parse(year + "-" + month + "-" + day + "" + hour + ":" + minite + ":" + second);
catch (WebException)
return DateTime.Parse("2011-1-1");
catch (Exception)
return DateTime.Parse("2011-1-1");
if (wrp != null)
if (wrt != null)
return dt;
/// <summary>
/// 获取标准北京时间
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public static DateTime DataStandardTime()
DateTime dt; //返回国际标准时间
string[,] 时间服务器 = new string[, ];
int[] 搜索顺序 = new int[] { , , , , , , , , , , , , };
时间服务器[, ] = "time-a.nist.gov";
时间服务器[, ] = "";
时间服务器[, ] = "time-b.nist.gov";
时间服务器[, ] = "";
时间服务器[, ] = "time-a.timefreq.bldrdoc.gov";
时间服务器[, ] = "";
时间服务器[, ] = "time-b.timefreq.bldrdoc.gov";
时间服务器[, ] = "";
时间服务器[, ] = "time-c.timefreq.bldrdoc.gov";
时间服务器[, ] = "";
时间服务器[, ] = "utcnist.colorado.edu";
时间服务器[, ] = "";
时间服务器[, ] = "time.nist.gov";
时间服务器[, ] = "";
时间服务器[, ] = "time-nw.nist.gov";
时间服务器[, ] = "";
时间服务器[, ] = "nist1.symmetricom.com";
时间服务器[, ] = "";
时间服务器[, ] = "nist1-dc.glassey.com";
时间服务器[, ] = "";
时间服务器[, ] = "nist1-ny.glassey.com";
时间服务器[, ] = "";
时间服务器[, ] = "nist1-sj.glassey.com";
时间服务器[, ] = "";
时间服务器[, ] = "nist1.aol-ca.truetime.com";
时间服务器[, ] = "";
时间服务器[, ] = "nist1.aol-va.truetime.com";
时间服务器[, ] = "";
int portNum = ;
string hostName;
byte[] bytes = new byte[];
int bytesRead = ;
System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient client = new System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient();
for (int i = ; i < ; i++)
hostName = 时间服务器[搜索顺序[i], ];
client.Connect(hostName, portNum);
System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream ns = client.GetStream();
bytesRead = ns.Read(bytes, , bytes.Length);
catch (System.Exception)
char[] sp = new char[];
sp[] = ' ';
dt = new DateTime();
string str1;
str1 = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes, , bytesRead); string[] s;
s = str1.Split(sp);
if (s.Length >= )
dt = System.DateTime.Parse(s[] + " " + s[]);//得到标准时间
dt = dt.AddHours();//得到北京时间*/
dt = DateTime.Parse("2011-1-1");
catch (Exception)
dt = DateTime.Parse("2011-1-1");
return dt;


DateTime dt = Common.GetBeijingTime();// Common.GetStandardTime();
if (dt.ToString() == "2011-1-1 0:00:00")


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