1. Post-dissector


1.1 最简单的Post-dissector

这个示例主要是演示post-dissector脚本的骨架,它的功能是在packet list的所有info列加上了一个字符串"hello world"。

-- @brief A simple post-dissector, just append string to info column
-- @author zzq
-- @date 2015.08.13 local myproto = Proto("hello","Dummy proto to edit info column") -- the dissector function callback
function myproto.dissector(tvb,pinfo,tree)
pinfo.cols.info:append(" hello world")
end -- register our new dummy protocol for post-dissection


1.2 识别协议特征

这个示例简单地演示了如何使用post-dissector来识别协议特征。例子中,通过识别tcp载荷中是否含有字符串”weibo“来判断报文是否为weibo报文,如果是,则在packet list的protocol列标出,并在proto tree添加树节点,给出滑动特征在TCP载荷中的位置。


-- @brief A post-dissector, to indentify pattern in payload
-- @author zzq
-- @date 2015.08.26 local weibo = Proto("weibo", "Weibo Service") local function get_payload_offset(data, proto_type)
local mac_len = ;
local total_len;
local ip_len = (data(, ):uint() - ) * ;
if (proto_type == 0x06) then
local tcp_len = (data(, ):uint()/) * ;
total_len = mac_len + ip_len + tcp_len;
elseif (proto_type == 0x11) then
local udp_len = ;
total_len = mac_len + ip_len + udp_len;
return total_len
end -- the dissector function callback
function weibo.dissector(tvb, pinfo, tree)
local proto_type = tvb(, ):uint();
if(proto_type ~= 0x06) then
end local offset = get_payload_offset(tvb, proto_type)
local data = tvb(offset):string();
local i, j = string.find(data, "weibo")
if(i) then
pinfo.cols.protocol = weibo.name
local subtree = tree:add(weibo, tvb(offset+i-))
subtree:append_text(", ptn_pos: " .. i .. "-" .. j)
end -- register our plugin for post-dissection


2. Listener



  • 创建Listener
    listener = Listener.new([tap], [filter]),其中tap, filter分别是tap和过滤条件
  • listener.packet
  • listener.draw
  • listener.reset


register_menu(name, action, [group])


-- @brief a simple Listener plugin
-- @author zzq
-- @date 2015.08.13 local function zzq_listener()
local pkts =
local win = TextWindow.new("zzq Listener")
local tap = Listener.new(nil, "http") win:set_atclose(function() tap:remove() end) function tap.packet (pinfo, tvb, tapinfo)
pkts = pkts +
end function tap.draw()
win:set("http pkts: " .. pkts)
end function tap.reset()
pkts =
end -- Rescan all packets and just run taps - don’t reconstruct the display.
end register_menu("freeland/zzq Listener", zzq_listener, MENU_STAT_GENERIC)

要查看运行结果,要选择”Statistics“菜单中的freeland/zzq Listerner子菜单来触发。此插件的运行效果如下图:


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