CF961E Tufurama




电视连续剧有n 季(从1 到n 编号),第i 季有ai​ 集(从1 到ai​ 编号)。Polycarp认为如果有一对x 和y (x<y),使第x 季第y 集、第y 季第x 集存在,那么其中一个搜索就会包含错误的内容。请帮助Polycarp统计这样的数对的数量吧!



第一行,一个整数n(1≤n≤2⋅105) ,表示季数。

第二行,n 个用空格隔开的整数a1​,a2​,...,an​(1≤ai​≤109) ,表示每一季的集数。


只有一行,一个整数,表示x 和y (x<y ),使第x 季第y 集、第y 季第x 集存在的数对的数量。



  1. x=1,y=2 (第1季第2集第2季第1集)
  2. x=2,y=3 (第2季第3集第3季第2集)
  3. x=1,y=3 (第1季第3集第3季第1集)


  1. x=1,y=2 (第1季第2集第2季第1集)
  2. x=1,y=3 (第1季第3集第3季第1集)

感谢@月见之兔 提供的翻译


One day Polycarp decided to rewatch his absolute favourite episode of well-known TV series "Tufurama". He was pretty surprised when he got results only for season 7 episode 3 with his search query of "Watch Tufurama season 3 episode 7 online full hd free". This got Polycarp confused — what if he decides to rewatch the entire series someday and won't be able to find the right episodes to watch? Polycarp now wants to count the number of times he will be forced to search for an episode using some different method.

TV series have n seasons (numbered 1 through n ), the i -th season has ai​ episodes (numbered 1 through ai​ ). Polycarp thinks that if for some pair of integers x and y ( x<y ) exist both season xepisode y and season yepisode x then one of these search queries will include the wrong results. Help Polycarp to calculate the number of such pairs!



The first line contains one integer n (1<=n<=2⋅105) — the number of seasons.

The second line contains n integers separated by space a1​,a2​,...,an​ (1<=ai​<=109) — number of episodes in each season.


Print one integer — the number of pairs x and y ( x<y ) such that there exist both season x episode y and season y episode x .


输入样例#1: 复制

1 2 3 4 5
输出样例#1: 复制

输入样例#2: 复制

8 12 7
输出样例#2: 复制

输入样例#3: 复制

3 2 1
输出样例#3: 复制



Possible pairs in the second example:

  1. x=1 , y=2 (season 1 episode 2  season 2 episode 1);
  2. x=2 , y=3 (season 2 episode 3  season 3 episode 2);
  3. x=1 , y=3 (season 1 episode 3  season 3 episode 1).

In the third example:

  1. x=1 , y=2 (season 1 episode 2  season 2 episode 1);
  2. x=1 , y=3 (season 1 episode 3  season 3 episode 1).


哭哭 多久没遇到这种不用看题解就能a掉的紫题了QAQ







using namespace std; const int N = ; int n, a[N], b[ * N]; struct Node {
Node *ls, *rs;
int pos, val;
void update() {
val = ls -> val + rs -> val;
} pool[*N], *root[N], *tail = pool, *zero; Node *newnode() {
Node *nd = ++ tail;
nd -> ls = zero;
nd -> rs = zero;
nd -> pos = ;
nd -> val = ;
return nd;
} Node *build(int l, int r) {
Node *nd = newnode();
if(l == r) return nd;
int mid = (l + r) >> ;
nd -> ls = build(l, mid);
nd -> rs = build(mid + , r);
nd -> update();
return nd;
} int query(Node *nd, int l, int r, int L, int R) {
if(l >= L && r <= R) return nd -> val;
int ans = ; int mid = (l + r) >> ;
if(L <= mid) ans += query(nd -> ls, l, mid, L, R);
if(R > mid) ans += query(nd -> rs, mid + , r, L, R);
return ans;
} Node *insert(Node *nd, int l, int r, int pos) {
Node *nnd = newnode();
if(l == r) {
nnd -> val = nd -> val + ; return nnd;
int mid = (l + r) >> ;
if(pos <= mid) {
nnd -> rs = nd -> rs;
nnd -> ls = insert(nd -> ls, l, mid, pos);
} else {
nnd -> ls = nd -> ls;
nnd -> rs = insert(nd -> rs, mid + , r, pos);
nnd -> update();
return nnd;
} int main() {
zero = ++ tail;
zero -> ls = zero; zero -> rs = zero; zero -> pos = ; zero -> val = ;
scanf("%d", &n);
int t = ;
for(int i = ; i <= n; i ++) {
scanf("%d", &a[i]);
b[++ t] = a[i]; b[++ t] = i;
sort(b + , b + + t);
int m = unique(b + , b + + t) - b - ;
root[n + ] = build(, m);
long long ans = ;
for(int i = n; i >= ; i --) {
int pos = lower_bound(b + , b + + m, a[i]) - b;
int posi = lower_bound(b + , b + + m, i) - b;
int R = min(n, pos);
root[i] = insert(root[i + ], , m, pos);
if(R < i) continue;
int tmp1 = query(root[i + ], , m, posi, m);
int tmp2 = query(root[R + ], , m, posi, m);
ans += tmp1 - tmp2;
printf("%I64d", ans);

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