
" 一般设定
" 设定默认解码
set fenc=utf-
set fencs=utf-,usc-bom,euc-jp,gb18030,gbk,gb2312,cp936 " 不要使用vi的键盘模式,而是vim自己的
set nocompatible " history文件中需要记录的行数
set history= " 在处理未保存或只读文件的时候,弹出确认
set confirm " 与windows共享剪贴板
set clipboard+=unnamed " 侦测文件类型
filetype on " 载入文件类型插件
filetype plugin on " 为特定文件类型载入相关缩进文件
filetype indent on " 保存全局变量
set viminfo+=! " 带有如下符号的单词不要被换行分割
set iskeyword+=_,$,@,%,#,- " 语法高亮
syntax on " 高亮字符,让其不受100列限制
:highlight OverLength ctermbg=red ctermfg=white guibg=red guifg=white
:match OverLength '\%101v.*' " 状态行颜色
highlight StatusLine guifg=SlateBlue guibg=Yellow
highlight StatusLineNC guifg=Gray guibg=White """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
" 文件设置
" 不要备份文件(根据自己需要取舍)
set nobackup " 不要生成swap文件,当buffer被丢弃的时候隐藏它
setlocal noswapfile
set bufhidden=hide " 字符间插入的像素行数目
set linespace= " 增强模式中的命令行自动完成操作
set wildmenu " 在状态行上显示光标所在位置的行号和列号
set ruler
set rulerformat=%(%*%<%f%=\ %m%r\ %3l\ %c\ %p%%%) " 命令行(在状态行下)的高度,默认为1,这里是2
set cmdheight= " 使回格键(backspace)正常处理indent, eol, start等
set backspace= " 允许backspace和光标键跨越行边界
set whichwrap+=<,>,h,l " 可以在buffer的任何地方使用鼠标(类似office中在工作区双击鼠标定位)
set mouse=a
set selection=exclusive
set selectmode=mouse,key " 启动的时候不显示那个援助索马里儿童的提示
set shortmess=atI " 通过使用: commands命令,告诉我们文件的哪一行被改变过
set report= " 不让vim发出讨厌的滴滴声
set noerrorbells " 在被分割的窗口间显示空白,便于阅读
set fillchars=vert:\ ,stl:\ ,stlnc:\ """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
" 搜索和匹配
" 高亮显示匹配的括号
set showmatch " 匹配括号高亮的时间(单位是十分之一秒)
set matchtime= " 在搜索的时候忽略大小写
set ignorecase " 不要高亮被搜索的句子(phrases)
set nohlsearch " 在搜索时,输入的词句的逐字符高亮(类似firefox的搜索)
set incsearch " 输入:set list命令是应该显示些啥?
set listchars=tab:\|\ ,trail:.,extends:>,precedes:<,eol:$ " 光标移动到buffer的顶部和底部时保持3行距离
set scrolloff= " 不要闪烁
set novisualbell " 我的状态行显示的内容(包括文件类型和解码)
set statusline=%F%m%r%h%w\ [FORMAT=%{&ff}]\ [TYPE=%Y]\ [POS=%l,%v][%p%%]\ %{strftime(\"%d/%m/%y\ -\ %H:%M\")} " 总是显示状态行
set laststatus= """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
" 文本格式和排版
" 自动格式化
set formatoptions=tcrqn " 继承前一行的缩进方式,特别适用于多行注释
set autoindent " 为C程序提供自动缩进
set smartindent " 使用C样式的缩进
" set cindent " 制表符为4
set tabstop= " 统一缩进为4
" set softtabstop=
set shiftwidth= " 不要用空格代替制表符
set expandtab
" 如果改成set noexpandtab就是不用四个空格代替一个table " 不要换行
set nowrap " 在行和段开始处使用制表符
set smarttab """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
" CTags的设定
" 按照名称排序
let Tlist_Sort_Type = "name" " 在右侧显示窗口
let Tlist_Use_Right_Window = " 压缩方式
let Tlist_Compart_Format = " 如果只有一个buffer,kill窗口也kill掉buffer
let Tlist_Exist_OnlyWindow = " 不要关闭其他文件的tags
let Tlist_File_Fold_Auto_Close = " 不要显示折叠树
let Tlist_Enable_Fold_Column = """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
" Autocommands
" 只在下列文件类型被侦测到的时候显示行号,普通文本文件不显示 if has("autocmd")
autocmd FileType xml,html,c,cs,java,perl,shell,bash,cpp,python,vim,php,ruby set number
autocmd FileType xml,html vmap <C-o> <ESC>'<i<!--<ESC>o<ESC>'>o-->
autocmd FileType java,c,cpp,cs vmap <C-o> <ESC>'<o/*<ESC>'>o*/
autocmd FileType html,text,php,vim,c,java,xml,bash,shell,perl,python setlocal textwidth=
autocmd Filetype html,xml,xsl source $VIMRUNTIME/plugin/closetag.vim
autocmd BufReadPost *
\ if line("'\"") > 0 && line("'\"") <= line("$") |
\ exe "normal g`\"" |
\ endif
endif " has("autocmd") " F5编译和运行C程序,F6编译和运行C++程序
" 请注意,下述代码在windows下使用会报错
" 需要去掉./这两个字符 " C的编译和运行 func! CompileRunGcc()
exec "w"
silent exec "!gcc % -o %<"
exec "! ./%<"
endfunc " C++的编译和运行 func! CompileRunGpp()
exec "w"
silent exec "!g++ % -o %<"
exec "! ./%<"
endfunc func! CompileCode()
if &filetype == "c"
exec "call CompileRunGcc()"
elseif &filetype == "cpp"
exec "call CompileRunGpp()"
map<F6> :call CompileCode()<CR> map <F4> :call TitleDet2() <cr>
function AddTitle2()
call append(,"/************************************************************")
call append(," * Author : xiaxiaosheng")
call append(," * Email : x810429187@qq.com ")
call append(," * Last modified : ".strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"))
call append(," * Filename : ".expand("%:t"))
call append(," * Description :" )
call append(," * *********************************************************/")
echohl WarningMsg |echo "Successful in adding the copyright." | echohl None
endf function UpdateTitle2()
normal m'
execute '/# *Last modified:/s@:.*$@\=strftime(":\t%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")@'
normal ''
normal mk
execute '/# *Filename:/s@:.*$@\=":\t\t".expand("%:t")@'
execute "noh"
normal 'k
echohl WarningMsg | echo "Successful in updating the copy right." | echohl None
endfunction function TitleDet2()
let n=
while n <
let line = getline(n)
if line =~ '^\#\s*\S*Last\smodified:\S*.*$'
call UpdateTitle2()
let n = n+
call AddTitle2()
endfunction autocmd BufNewFile *.c,*.py,*.cpp,*.sh,*.java exec ":call SetTitle()"
func SetTitle() if &filetype == 'sh'
call setline(,"\#!/bin/bash")
call append(line("."), "# Author: xiaxiaosheng")
call append(line(".")+, "# Created Time: ".strftime("%c"))
call append(line(".")+, "")
elseif &filetype == 'cpp'
call setline(,"// File Name: ".expand("%"))
call append(line("."), "// Author: xiaxiaosheng")
call append(line(".")+, "// Created Time: ".strftime("%c"))
call append(line(".")+, "")
call append(line(".")+, "#include<vector>")
call append(line(".")+, "#include<list>")
call append(line(".")+, "#include<map>")
call append(line(".")+, "#include<set>")
call append(line(".")+, "#include<deque>")
call append(line(".")+, "#include<stack>")
call append(line(".")+, "#include<bitset>")
call append(line(".")+, "#include<algorithm>")
call append(line(".")+, "#include<functional>")
call append(line(".")+, "#include<numeric>")
call append(line(".")+, "#include<utility>")
call append(line(".")+, "#include<sstream>")
call append(line(".")+, "#include<iostream>")
call append(line(".")+, "#include<iomanip>")
call append(line(".")+, "#include<cstdio>")
call append(line(".")+, "#include<cmath>")
call append(line(".")+, "#include<cstdlib>")
call append(line(".")+, "#include<cstring>")
call append(line(".")+, "#include<ctime>")
call append(line(".")+, "")
call append(line(".")+, "using namespace std;")
call append(line(".")+, "")
call append(line(".")+, "int main(){")
call append(line(".")+26,"")
call append(line(".")+27, "return 0;")
call append(line(".")+28, "}") elseif &filetype == 'python'
call setline(,"\#!/usr/bin/env python")
call append(line("."), "# Author: xiaxiaosheng")
call append(line(".")+, "# Created Time: ".strftime("%c"))
call append(line(".")+, "")
elseif &filetype == 'c'
call setline(,"// File Name: ".expand("%"))
call append(line("."), "// Author: xiaxiaosheng")
call append(line(".")+, "// Created Time: ".strftime("%c"))
call append(line(".")+, "")
call append(line(".")+,"#include<stdio.h>")
call append(line(".")+,"#include<string.h>")
call append(line(".")+,"#include<stdlib.h>")
call append(line(".")+,"#include<time.h>")
call append(line(".")+,"#include<math.h>")
call append(line(".")+,"")
call append(line(".")+,"int main(){")
call append(line(".")+10,"")
call append(line(".")+11,"return 0 ;")
call append(line(".")+12,"}")
call setline(,"/*")
call append(line("."), "* Author: rechen")
call append(line(".")+, "* Created Time: ".strftime("%c"))
call append(line(".")+, "*/")
call append(line(".")+, "")
endif autocmd BufNewFile * normal G
endfunc " 能够漂亮地显示.NFO文件
set encoding=utf-
function! SetFileEncodings(encodings)
let b:myfileencodingsbak=&fileencodings
let &fileencodings=a:encodings
function! RestoreFileEncodings()
let &fileencodings=b:myfileencodingsbak
unlet b:myfileencodingsbak
endfunction au BufReadPre *.nfo call SetFileEncodings('cp437')|set ambiwidth=single
au BufReadPost *.nfo call RestoreFileEncodings() " 高亮显示普通txt文件(需要txt.vim脚本)
au BufRead,BufNewFile * setfiletype txt " 用空格键来开关折叠
set foldenable
set foldmethod=manual
nnoremap <space> @=((foldclosed(line('.')) < ) ? 'zc' : 'zo')<CR> " minibufexpl插件的一般设置
let g:miniBufExplMapWindowNavVim =
let g:miniBufExplMapWindowNavArrows =
let g:miniBufExplMapCTabSwitchBufs =
let g:miniBufExplModSelTarget =

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