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第 1 段

1.Listen to a conversation between a student and a faculty advisor for the university newspaper.


第 2 段

1.Hi, I am sorry to bother you, but...


第 3 段



第 4 段

1.This is about the newspaper.


第 5 段

1.Oh, Ok. Well. I am only the advisor; the newspaper office is off campus on Pine Street.


2.Eh... what was it? Did you want to work for the paper? We are always looking for writers.

呃,什么 事情呢? 你是想为这里工作吗?我们一直在期待有更多的作者来加入我们。

第 6 段

1.Well, my problem was with the writing actually, with an article that was published in yesterday's newspaper.【提出了问题】


第 7 段

1.Oh? Which one?


第 8 段

1.The one about the student government and its president Sally Smith.

就是关于学生会及学生会主席萨利. 史密斯的那篇。

第 9 段

1.Is this something to do with what the editor wrote about the statue?


2.Eh, the statue at the main entrance of the university?


第 10 段

1.Well, that's part of it.


2.But you know, the editor used the situation to say some really unfair things, about the student government, and the president Sally Smith in particular.【指出了问题】

但是你知道,编辑用这件事来说一些对学生会,尤其是对学生会主席萨 利.史密斯不公平的事情。

3.I think the paper should publish a retraction, or the very least an apology to Sally.【学生提出的要求,接下来肯定是回击】

我觉得校刊应该发表一篇文章来撤回之前的言论,或者至少是向 萨利道歉。

第 11 段

1.Ok. Um... if I remember correctly, what you are referring to wasn't a(听成了Washington) news story, but an editorial, right? // editorial 社论的

呃,如果我没有记错的话,你指的文章并不是一篇新闻故事,而是一篇社论,对 吧。

2.Eh, it was on the opinion page, it was signed by one of the editors, and was clearly labeled as commentary.


第 12 段

1.Well, yes. But the thing about the statue, Sally made this simple comment that was in really bad condition and should be replaced.


2.And, well, the tone in the editorial was demeaning.【文章的关键性问题】


3.It accused her of not respecting the past and it had some personal stuff that seemed unnecessary. 【文章不好之处】


第 13 段

1.Wait a minute. Remind me.【一不理解就举例子】


第 14 段

1.Well, you know, it implied that Sally doesn't know much about the university's history and it called her a big city politician because she's from Boston.【举例的内容】


2.It's just mean-spirited, isn't it?


第 15 段

1.Haven't you heard the saying "all publicity is good publicity"?


第 16 段



第 17 段

1.I'd say the article is bringing attention to the student government organization, which is pretty invisible.【advisor还说这挺好】


2.Eh, you rarely hear about what the student government is doing.

呃,你很少听说学 生会在做些什么。

第 18 段

1.But this article...


第 19 段

1.And the piece, well, yeah, it had a bit of an exaggerated tone.


2.It was satirical, or at least it was meant to be.

文章很讽刺,或者至少是想要表现 出讽刺的意思。

3.It wasn't only poking fun at Sally, but the whole idea that our school is sort of rural, and you know, not cosmopolitan. // cosmopolitan adj. 世界性的;【advisor指出还有其他好处】

这并不只是在调侃萨利,而是说我们学校比较偏僻,不是什么世界性的大都 市。

第 20 段

1.Well, none of us thought it was very funny.


第 21 段

1.Well, sometimes it's best just to roll with it.


2.It is just a cliché; everybody knows it is not true.【从语调可以听出,advisor对此很不上心,觉得无所谓】


第 22 段

1.But I thought we could expect better than that here.


第 23 段

1.Well, I am certainly in favor of getting a variety of viewpoints.【无所谓的原因】


2.So why don't you go talk to the editor, Jennifer Hamilton, and tell her you want equal time?


3.You or Sally could write a response.


第 24 段

1.Really? She would let us do that?


2.Didn't she write it?


第 25 段

1.I'll let Jennifer know you are coming, she feels the same way I do. She is journalism major.


2.She would be happy to publish another point of view.

一定 很乐意去发表另外一种观点的。

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