
DICOM Web Viewer.

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DWV is a simple javascript/HTML5 (only) DICOM Web Viewer. This means that you can use it on any platform that  provides a modern browser (laptop, tablet, phone and even modern TVs),  without the need to install any plug-in.

Here are a few data example that are displayed as they could be on a web interface to a PACS system. Choose "DWV mobile" if you are using a phone or a tablet,  choose "DWV static" on a laptop or desktop. Then click on the list item  to launch DWV with the selected data.

Choose which DWV to launch:
DWV Mobile
DWV Static
DWV Simple
  • Baby MRI

    Brain MR, 256*256*1, LittleEndianExplicit [1.2.840.10008.1.2.1]

  • Multi-slice Baby MRI

    Brain MR, 256*256*5, LittleEndianExplicit [1.2.840.10008.1.2.1]

The folowing items link to data available online but not in a secured way due to  the same origin policy.  To see them start Google Chrome with --disable-web-security (do not forget to remove that flag for normal browsing).

  • Toutatix  (only for trunk)

    Chest CT(A), 512*512*1, LittleEndianExplicit [1.2.840.10008.1.2.1], from the Osirix examples, hosted on the dwv github.

  • Goudurix

    Chest CT(A), 512*512*1, LittleEndianExplicit [1.2.840.10008.1.2.1], from the Osirix examples, hosted on the dwv github.

  • US

    US, 640*480*1, BigEndianExplicit [1.2.840.10008.1.2.2], from the GDCM examples, hosted on the dwv github.

  • Cerebrix

    Brain SC (Secondary Capture), 176*224*1, JPEG2000 [1.2.840.10008.], from the Osirix examples, hosted on the dwv github.

  • JPEG 2000

    Via wado, 176*224*1, JPEG2000 [1.2.840.10008.], from the examples.

Non DICOM Image formats:

  • JPEG

    Brain PET from wikipedia (, 531*600*1.

  • PNG

    Brain MRI from wikipedia (, 389*504*1.

  • JPG

    Acute Leukimia from wikipedia (, 347*395*1.

Data sources:

Use the trunk version (for debug purposes).

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