

class apscheduler.schedulers.base.BaseScheduler(gconfig={}, **options)

Abstract base class for all schedulers. Takes the following keyword arguments:

  • logger (str|logging.Logger) – logger to use for the scheduler’s logging (defaults to apscheduler.scheduler)
  • timezone (str|datetime.tzinfo) – the default time zone (defaults to the local timezone)
  • job_defaults (dict) – default values for newly added jobs
  • jobstores (dict) – a dictionary of job store alias -> job store instance or configuration dict
  • executors (dict) – a dictionary of executor alias -> executor instance or configuration dict
add_executor(executor, alias='default', **executor_opts)

Adds an executor to this scheduler. Any extra keyword arguments will be passed to the executor plugin’s constructor, assuming that the first argument is the name of an executor plugin.

  • executor (str|unicode|apscheduler.executors.base.BaseExecutor) – either an executor instance or the name of an executor plugin
  • alias (str|unicode) – alias for the scheduler
Raises ValueError:

if there is already an executor by the given alias

add_job(func, trigger=None, args=None, kwargs=None, id=None, name=None, misfire_grace_time=undefined, coalesce=undefined, max_instances=undefined, next_run_time=undefined, jobstore='default', executor='default', replace_existing=False, **trigger_args)

Adds the given job to the job list and wakes up the scheduler if it’s already running.

Any option that defaults to undefined will be replaced with the corresponding default value when the job is scheduled (which happens when the scheduler is started, or immediately if the scheduler is already running).

The func argument can be given either as a callable object or a textual reference in the package.module:some.object format, where the first half (separated by :) is an importable module and the second half is a reference to the callable object, relative to the module.

The trigger argument can either be:
  1. the alias name of the trigger (e.g. date, interval or cron), in which case any extra keyword arguments to this method are passed on to the trigger’s constructor
  2. an instance of a trigger class
  • func – callable (or a textual reference to one) to run at the given time
  • trigger (str|apscheduler.triggers.base.BaseTrigger) – trigger that determines when func is called
  • args (list|tuple) – list of positional arguments to call func with
  • kwargs (dict) – dict of keyword arguments to call func with
  • id (str|unicode) – explicit identifier for the job (for modifying it later)
  • name (str|unicode) – textual description of the job
  • misfire_grace_time (int) – seconds after the designated run time that the job is still allowed to be run
  • coalesce (bool) – run once instead of many times if the scheduler determines that the job should be run more than once in succession
  • max_instances (int) – maximum number of concurrently running instances allowed for this job
  • next_run_time (datetime) – when to first run the job, regardless of the trigger (pass None to add the job as paused)
  • jobstore (str|unicode) – alias of the job store to store the job in
  • executor (str|unicode) – alias of the executor to run the job with
  • replace_existing (bool) – True to replace an existing job with the same id (but retain the number of runs from the existing one)
Return type:


add_jobstore(jobstore, alias='default', **jobstore_opts)

Adds a job store to this scheduler. Any extra keyword arguments will be passed to the job store plugin’s constructor, assuming that the first argument is the name of a job store plugin.

  • jobstore (str|unicode|apscheduler.jobstores.base.BaseJobStore) – job store to be added
  • alias (str|unicode) – alias for the job store
Raises ValueError:

if there is already a job store by the given alias

add_listener(callback, mask=EVENT_ALL)

Adds a listener for scheduler events. When a matching event occurs, callback is executed with the event object as its sole argument. If the mask parameter is not provided, the callback will receive events of all types.

  • callback – any callable that takes one argument
  • mask (int) – bitmask that indicates which events should be listened to

See also

Scheduler events

configure(gconfig={}, prefix='apscheduler.', **options)

Reconfigures the scheduler with the given options. Can only be done when the scheduler isn’t running.

  • gconfig (dict) – a “global” configuration dictionary whose values can be overridden by keyword arguments to this method
  • prefix (str|unicode) – pick only those keys from gconfig that are prefixed with this string (pass an empty string or None to use all keys)
Raises SchedulerAlreadyRunningError:

if the scheduler is already running

get_job(job_id, jobstore=None)

Returns the Job that matches the given job_id.

  • job_id (str|unicode) – the identifier of the job
  • jobstore (str|unicode) – alias of the job store that most likely contains the job

the Job by the given ID, or None if it wasn’t found

Return type:


get_jobs(jobstore=None, pending=None)

Returns a list of pending jobs (if the scheduler hasn’t been started yet) and scheduled jobs, either from a specific job store or from all of them.

  • jobstore (str|unicode) – alias of the job store
  • pending (bool) – False to leave out pending jobs (jobs that are waiting for the scheduler start to be added to their respective job stores), True to only include pending jobs, anything else to return both
Return type:


modify_job(job_id, jobstore=None, **changes)

Modifies the properties of a single job. Modifications are passed to this method as extra keyword arguments.

  • job_id (str|unicode) – the identifier of the job
  • jobstore (str|unicode) – alias of the job store that contains the job
pause_job(job_id, jobstore=None)

Causes the given job not to be executed until it is explicitly resumed.

  • job_id (str|unicode) – the identifier of the job
  • jobstore (str|unicode) – alias of the job store that contains the job
print_jobs(jobstore=None, out=sys.stdout)

Prints out a textual listing of all jobs currently scheduled on either all job stores or just a specific one.

  • jobstore (str|unicode) – alias of the job store, None to list jobs from all stores
  • out (file) – a file-like object to print to (defaults to sys.stdout if nothing is given)

Removes all jobs from the specified job store, or all job stores if none is given.

Parameters: jobstore (str|unicode) – alias of the job store
remove_executor(alias, shutdown=True)

Removes the executor by the given alias from this scheduler.

  • alias (str|unicode) – alias of the executor
  • shutdown (bool) – True to shut down the executor after removing it
remove_job(job_id, jobstore=None)

Removes a job, preventing it from being run any more.

  • job_id (str|unicode) – the identifier of the job
  • jobstore (str|unicode) – alias of the job store that contains the job
Raises JobLookupError:

if the job was not found

remove_jobstore(alias, shutdown=True)

Removes the job store by the given alias from this scheduler.

  • alias (str|unicode) – alias of the job store
  • shutdown (bool) – True to shut down the job store after removing it

Removes a previously added event listener.

reschedule_job(job_id, jobstore=None, trigger=None, **trigger_args)

Constructs a new trigger for a job and updates its next run time. Extra keyword arguments are passed directly to the trigger’s constructor.

  • job_id (str|unicode) – the identifier of the job
  • jobstore (str|unicode) – alias of the job store that contains the job
  • trigger – alias of the trigger type or a trigger instance
resume_job(job_id, jobstore=None)

Resumes the schedule of the given job, or removes the job if its schedule is finished.

  • job_id (str|unicode) – the identifier of the job
  • jobstore (str|unicode) – alias of the job store that contains the job
scheduled_job(trigger, args=None, kwargs=None, id=None, name=None, misfire_grace_time=undefined, coalesce=undefined, max_instances=undefined, next_run_time=undefined, jobstore='default', executor='default', **trigger_args)

A decorator version of add_job(), except that replace_existing is always True.


The id argument must be given if scheduling a job in a persistent job store. The scheduler cannot, however, enforce this requirement.


Shuts down the scheduler. Does not interrupt any currently running jobs.

Parameters: wait (bool) – True to wait until all currently executing jobs have finished
Raises SchedulerNotRunningError:
  if the scheduler has not been started yet

Starts the scheduler. The details of this process depend on the implementation.

Raises SchedulerAlreadyRunningError:
  if the scheduler is already running

Notifies the scheduler that there may be jobs due for execution. Triggers _process_jobs() to be run in an implementation specific manner.

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