Solution for sending Whatsapp via sqlite "INSERT INTO"
I use something similar but thought I'd mention this 'bug' that can happen:
when you INSERT '%wa_message' into 'data', bear in mind your typed message will replace %wa_message.
if that typed message contains an apostrophe, your message won't send.
the apostrophe effectively closes 'data' insert and the rest of the text isn't understood by sqlite.
'i'm not going to work' - won't work because only 'i' will be inserted into data,
sqlite won't know what to do with m not going to work'
'im not going to work' - on the other hand WILL work!
'this will work, won't it' - won't work because of the apostrophe, the text t it' will be left over and cause an error
'this will work, wont it' - will work
so be careful with apostrophes and sqlite whatsapp messages!
(this "bug" took me AGES to work out!)
On Sunday, 29 September 2013 16:17:01 UTC+1, Amos Wong wrote:Yo everyone!
I found this from Pockable : which lead me to a Spanish forum :
Origin : pepelolo38
Since part of the commands are in Spanish, I thought of recreating them my Tasker [English] and share it here.
A3 ~ A9 below are copied and modified from the original source.
For this task, I use
- SQLite Installer
- Rooted Galaxy Nexus - Android 4.1
- Whatsapp v2.11.23
Send Whatsapp (491)
Run Both Together
A1: Variable Set [ Name:%nummsg To:%arcomm Do Maths:Off Append:Off ]
A2: Variable Split [ Name:%nummsg Splitter:[}{] Delete Base:Off ]
A3: Variable Set [ Name:%wa_number To:%nummsg1 Do Maths:Off Append:Off ]
A4: Variable Set [ Name:%wa_key_id To:%TIMES Do Maths:Off Append:Off ]
A5: Variable Set [ Name:%wa_message To:%nummsg2 Do Maths:Off Append:Off ]
A6: Variable Set [ Name:%wa_timestamp To:%TIMEMS Do Maths:Off Append:Off ]
A7: Variable Set [ Name:%wa_received_timestamp To:%TIMEMS Do Maths:Off Append:Off ]
A8: Run Shell [ Command:sqlite3 /data/data/com.whatsapp/databases/msgstore.db "INSERT INTO messages (key_remote_jid, key_from_me, key_id,status, needs_push, data, timestamp, media_url, media_mime_type, media_wa_type, media_size, media_name, latitude, longitude, thumb_image, remote_resource, received_timestamp, send_timestamp, receipt_server_timestamp, receipt_device_timestamp, raw_data, media_hash, recipient_count, media_duration, origin) VALUES ('%wa_n...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx',1, '%wa_key_id-1' ,0,0,'%wa_message',%wa_timestamp,'','','0',0,'',0.0,0.0,'', '',%wa_received_timestamp,-1,-1,-1,0,'',0,0,0);" Timeout (Seconds):0 Use Root:On Store Output In: Store Errors In: Store Result In: ]
A9: Kill App [ App:WhatsApp Use Root:On ]
A1 ~ A2 :
For processing message received from Autoremote by joaomgcd [Ignore if you don't use it]
A3 ~ A7 : Setting up necessary variables
A8 : The command to insert data into msgstore.db
A9 : On my phone, this action is required for Whatsapp to send the message.
However, it doesn't seem to exit Whatsapp (My whatsapp will just to blank and come back again).
On my phone
- It takes 30~40 seconds to send a message when my screen is off.
- 10~12 seconds when Whatsapp is opened.
- The message is not shown in Whatsapp's homepage. (It is shown in the conversation)
- The entire task takes 1~2 seconds to run.
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