cried me a river--kristinia debarge

I still remember the day
that we met
I hold on to every word you said
Asked me to surrender
And that's what i did
And you broke my heart again and again
So now you are sorry like your all in love
But where was your sorry when you broke it all up
I told myself never again
There ain't no way i'm lettin you in
Because i keep on remembering when you played me

I cried me a river, I cried me a sea,
I cried me an ocean, I cried me a stream,
I'm fresh outta teardrops1, you've got me on E
I'm out of emotion, got nothing in me,
And I would have done anything in the world for you
I would have done anything that you told me to,
I cried me a river, I cried me a sea
And I ain't got nothing left in me

You can't have my number, don't wanna be friends
I don't care to see you now and then
It's not that I'm bitter, it's just that I'm done
My heart finally said enough's enough
So now you are sorry like your all in love
but where was your
sorry when you broke it all up
i told myself never again
there ain't no
way i'm lettin you in
because i keep on remembering when you played me
cried me a river,
i cried me a sea,
i cried me an ocean
i cried me a
i'm fresh outta teardrops
you've got me on e
i'm outta emotion
got nothin in me,
and i would have done anything in the world for you
would have done anything that you told me too,
i cried me a river,
i cried
me a sea
and i ain't got nothin left in me...

just in case your not
and you think there's a chance
there's no way you're gettin'
this or have me again
until hell has frozen over you need to
you'll never get with me again
i cried me a river,
i cried
me a sea,
i cried me an ocean
i cried me a stream,
i'm fresh outta
you've got me on e
i'm outta emotion got nothin in me,
and i
would have done anything in the world for you
i would have done anything that
you told me too,
i cried me a river,
i cried me a sea
and i ain't got
nothin left in me...
i cried me a river,
i cried me a sea,
i cried me
an ocean
i cried me a stream,
i'm fresh outta teardrops
you've got me
on e
i'm outta emotion got nothin in me,
and i would have done anything in
the world for you
i would have done anything that you told me too,
i cried
me a river,
i cried me a sea
and i ain't got nothin left in me...
cried me a river,
i cried me a sea,
i cried me an ocean
i cried me a
i'm fresh outta teardrops
you've got me on e
i'm outta emotion
got nothin in me

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