package y2019.Algorithm.array;

* @ProjectName: cutter-point
* @Package: y2019.Algorithm.array
* @ClassName: NumRookCaptures
* @Author: xiaof
* @Description: 999. Available Captures for Rook
* On an 8 x 8 chessboard, there is one white rook. There also may be empty squares, white bishops, and black pawns.
* These are given as characters 'R', '.', 'B', and 'p' respectively. Uppercase characters represent white pieces,
* and lowercase characters represent black pieces.
* The rook moves as in the rules of Chess: it chooses one of four cardinal directions (north, east, west, and south),
* then moves in that direction until it chooses to stop, reaches the edge of the board,
* or captures an opposite colored pawn by moving to the same square it occupies.
* Also, rooks cannot move into the same square as other friendly bishops.
* Return the number of pawns the rook can capture in one move.
* Input: [[".",".",".",".",".",".",".","."],[".",".",".","p",".",".",".","."],[".",".",".","R",".",".",".","p"],
* [".",".",".",".",".",".",".","."],[".",".",".",".",".",".",".","."],[".",".",".","p",".",".",".","."],
* [".",".",".",".",".",".",".","."],[".",".",".",".",".",".",".","."]]
* Output: 3
* Explanation:
* In this example the rook is able to capture all the pawns.
* 在一个国际象棋的棋盘上,有一个白车(R),有若干白象(B)、黑卒(p),其余是空白(.),问这个白车在只移动一次的情况下,能吃掉哪几个黑卒
* @Date: 2019/7/4 9:20
* @Version: 1.0
public class NumRookCaptures { public int solution(char[][] board) {
int row = 0, column = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < board.length; ++i) {
for(int j = 0; j < board[i].length; ++j) {
if(board[i][j] == 'R') {
row = i;
column = j;
} //然后根据白车的位置横向或纵向比那里获取黑卒个数
int result = 0;
for(int index1 = column - 1, index2 = column + 1; index1 >= 0 || index2 < board[row].length; ++index2, --index1) {
if(index1 >= 0 && board[row][index1] == 'p') {
index1 = -1;
} else if (index1 >= 0 && board[row][index1] == 'B') {
index1 = -1; //如果遇到B,白象那么就停下
} if(index2 < board[row].length && board[row][index2] == 'p') {
index2 = board[row].length;
} else if (index2 < board[row].length && board[row][index2] == 'B') {
index2 = board[row].length; //如果遇到B,白象那么就停下
} //纵向
for(int index1 = row - 1, index2 = row + 1; index1 >= 0 || index2 < board.length; ++index2, --index1) {
if(index1 >= 0 && board[index1][column] == 'p') {
index1 = -1;
} else if (index1 >= 0 && board[index1][column] == 'B') {
index1 = -1; //如果遇到B,白象那么就停下
} if(index2 < board.length && board[index2][column] == 'p') {
index2 = board[row].length;
} else if (index2 < board.length && board[index2][column] == 'B') {
index2 = board.length; //如果遇到B,白象那么就停下
} return result;
} public static void main(String args[]) {
char A1[][] = {{'.','.','.','.','.','.','.','.'},{'.','.','.','p','.','.','.','.'},{'.','.','.','p','.','.','.','.'},{'p','p','.','R','.','p','B','.'},{'.','.','.','.','.','.','.','.'},{'.','.','.','B','.','.','.','.'},{'.','.','.','p','.','.','.','.'},{'.','.','.','.','.','.','.','.'}};
NumRookCaptures fuc = new NumRookCaptures();
} }

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