

public class Link {

	public int iData;
public double dData;
public Link next; public Link(int id,double dd){
iData = id;
dData = dd;
} public void displayLink(){
System.out.println("{" + iData + " , " + dData + " } ");
} }


public class LinkList {

	private Link first;

	public LinkList(){
first = null;
} public boolean isEmpty(){
return (first == null);
} public void insertFirst(int id, double dd){
Link newLink = new Link(id, dd);
newLink.next = first;
first = newLink;
} public Link deleteFirst(){
Link temp = first;
first = first.next;
return temp;
} public void displayList(){
System.out.println("List (first -- > last);");
Link current = first;
while(current != null){
current = current.next;
System.out.println(" ");
} public Link find(int key){
Link current = first;
while(current.iData != key){
if(current.next == null){
return null;
current = current.next;
return current;
} public Link delete(int key){
Link current = first;
Link previous = first;
while(current.iData != key){
if(current.next == null){
return null;
previous = current;
current = current.next;
if(current == first){
first = first.next;
previous.next = current.next;
return current;
} }


public class LinkList2App {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
LinkList theList = new LinkList(); theList.insertFirst(22, 2.99);
theList.insertFirst(44, 4.99);
theList.insertFirst(66, 6.99);
theList.insertFirst(88, 8.99); theList.displayList(); Link f = theList.find(44);
if(f != null){
System.out.println("Found link with key " + f.iData);
System.out.println("Can't find link");
} Link d = theList.delete(66);
if( d != null){
System.out.println("Deleted link with key " + d.iData);
System.out.println("Can't delete link");
} theList.displayList(); }


List (first -- > last);
{88 , 8.99 }
{66 , 6.99 }
{44 , 4.99 }
{22 , 2.99 } Found link with key 44
Deleted link with key 66
List (first -- > last);
{88 , 8.99 }
{44 , 4.99 }
{22 , 2.99 }


[1] Robert Lalore(著) 计晓云,赵研,曾希,狄小菡(译), Java数据结构和算法(第二版),中国电力出版社,2004 :131-150


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