






using namespace std;
const int H = 17;
const int W = 33;
char chess[40][40];
string white, black;
struct node{
string pla;
}w[20], b[20]; void build(){
for(int i = 1; i <= H; i++){
if(i % 2 == 1){
for(int j = 1; j <= W; j++){
if(j % 4 == 1) chess[i][j] = '+';
else chess[i][j] = '-';
else if(i % 4 == 2){
for(int j = 1; j <= W; ){
if(j % 4 == 1) {
chess[i][j] = '|';
j += 3;
else {
if(j % 8 == 4){
chess[i][j] = chess[i][j - 1] = chess[i][j - 2] = '.';
else {
chess[i][j] = chess[i][j - 1] = chess[i][j - 2] = ':';
else if(i % 2 == 0){
for(int j = 1; j <= W; ){
if(j % 4 == 1) {
chess[i][j] = '|';
j += 3;
else {
if(j % 8 == 4){
chess[i][j] = chess[i][j - 1] = chess[i][j - 2] = ':';
else {
chess[i][j] = chess[i][j - 1] = chess[i][j - 2] = '.';
} char turn(char x){
if('A' <= x && x <= 'Z')
x += 32;
return x;
} int main()
build(); getline(cin, white);
// White
int cnt_w = 0, h, w;
for(int i = 7; i < white.size(); ){
if(white[i] == 'K' || white[i] == 'Q' || white[i] == 'R' || white[i] == 'B' || white[i] == 'N'){
w = (white[i + 1] - 'a') * 4 + 3;
char ch = white[i + 2];
if(ch == '1') h = 16;
else if(ch == '2') h = 14;
else if(ch == '3') h = 12;
else if(ch == '4') h = 10;
else if(ch == '5') h = 8;
else if(ch == '6') h = 6;
else if(ch == '7') h = 4;
else if(ch == '8') h = 2;
chess[h][w] = white[i];
i += 4;
else {
w = (white[i] - 'a') * 4 + 3;
char ch = white[i + 1];
if(ch == '1') h = 16;
else if(ch == '2') h = 14;
else if(ch == '3') h = 12;
else if(ch == '4') h = 10;
else if(ch == '5') h = 8;
else if(ch == '6') h = 6;
else if(ch == '7') h = 4;
else if(ch == '8') h = 2;
chess[h][w] = 'P';
i += 3;
} getline(cin, black);
// Black
int cnt_b = 0;
for(int i = 7; i < black.size(); ){
if(black[i] == 'K' || black[i] == 'Q' || black[i] == 'R' || black[i] == 'B' || black[i] == 'N'){
w = (black[i + 1] - 'a') * 4 + 3;
char ch = black[i + 2];
if(ch == '1') h = 16;
else if(ch == '2') h = 14;
else if(ch == '3') h = 12;
else if(ch == '4') h = 10;
else if(ch == '5') h = 8;
else if(ch == '6') h = 6;
else if(ch == '7') h = 4;
else if(ch == '8') h = 2;
char b = turn(black[i]);
chess[h][w] = b;
i += 4;
else {
w = (black[i] - 'a') * 4 + 3;
char ch = black[i + 1];
if(ch == '1') h = 16;
else if(ch == '2') h = 14;
else if(ch == '3') h = 12;
else if(ch == '4') h = 10;
else if(ch == '5') h = 8;
else if(ch == '6') h = 6;
else if(ch == '7') h = 4;
else if(ch == '8') h = 2;
chess[h][w] = 'p';
i += 3;
} for(int i = 1; i <= H; i++) printf("%s\n", chess[i] + 1); return 0;

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