osg gdal加载tif数据文件
- #ifdef _WIN32
- #include <Windows.h>
- #endif // _WIN32
- #include <iostream>
- //#include <math.h>
- #include <osg/Node>
- #include <osg/Group>
- #include <osgDB/ReadFile>
- #include <osgViewer/Viewer>
- #include <osg/Geode>
- #include <osg/ShapeDrawable>
- #include <osg/Material>
- #include <osg/Image>
- #include <osg/Texture2D>
- #include <osg/BoundingSphere>
- #include <osg/LineWidth>
- #include <osg/Point>
- #include <osg/TexGen>
- #include <osg/TexEnv>
- //#include <osg/TessellationHints>
- //#include <osg/NodePath>
- #include <osgGA/GUIEventHandler>
- #include <osgGA/GUIEventAdapter>
- #include <osg/PositionAttitudeTransform>
- #include <osgViewer/ViewerEventHandlers>
- #include <osg/MatrixTransform>
- #include <OpenThreads/Thread>
- #include <osg/LightSource>
- #include <osg/Light>
- #include <gdal.h>
- osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> CreateNode()
- {
- osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> _root = new osg::Group;
- //定义并读取高程文件
- //真实高程文件名称为:ASTGTM2_N34E110_dem.tif
- //属于特殊的tiff格式,GEOTiff
- //读取的时候使用osg的gdal插件进行读取,所以在路径后面加上了.gdal
- //.gdal后缀名只要在这里加就可以了,真实的高程文件后缀名不需要修改
- //osg::ref_ptr<osg::HeightField> heightMap = osgDB::readHeightFieldFile("E:\\OpenSourceGraph\\osgearth_install20190830\\data\\world.tif.gdal");
- osg::ref_ptr<osg::HeightField> heightMap = osgDB::readHeightFieldFile("E:\\OpenSourceGraph\\osgearth_install20190830\\data\\1\\1_0_0_5.tif.gdal");
- //创建一个叶结点对象
- osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geode> geode = new osg::Geode;
- if (heightMap != nullptr)
- {
- //由于原始数据过大,创建三维对象会失败,所以重新构造一个对象
- //相当于数据抽稀了一次。当然,可以直接把原图使用特殊工具裁了
- //创建一个新的HeightField对象,用来拷贝heightMap
- osg::ref_ptr<osg::HeightField> heightMap1 = new osg::HeightField;
- //从原对象中拷贝一些熟悉过来
- heightMap1->setOrigin(heightMap->getOrigin());
- heightMap1->setRotation(heightMap->getRotation());
- heightMap1->setSkirtHeight(heightMap->getSkirtHeight());
- //XY方向的间隔设置为原来的两倍,
- heightMap1->setXInterval(heightMap->getXInterval() * );
- heightMap1->setYInterval(heightMap->getYInterval() * );
- //设置新的高程数据量的行列数目为原来的一半
- heightMap1->allocate(heightMap->getNumColumns() / , heightMap->getNumRows() / );
- //把真实的数据值放进来
- for (size_t r = ; r < heightMap1->getNumRows(); ++r)
- {
- for (size_t c = ; c < heightMap1->getNumColumns(); ++c)
- {
- //加载的数据中XY方向的间隔是0.0002左右(经纬度偏移),3600个格子,数量级太小,高程值动辄在千级别,如果没有进行坐标转换(GPS转换成米),显示出来之后结果会严重失常。所以此处简单的给高度值除以50000(这个是按照这个tif文件来试出来的,不同高程文件可能不同)
- heightMap1->setHeight(c, r, heightMap->getHeight(c * , r * ) / );
- }
- }
- //添加到叶子节点中
- geode->addDrawable(new osg::ShapeDrawable(heightMap1));
- osg::ref_ptr<osg::Material> material = new osg::Material;
- material->setAmbient(osg::Material::FRONT_AND_BACK, osg::Vec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
- material->setDiffuse(osg::Material::FRONT_AND_BACK, osg::Vec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
- material->setSpecular(osg::Material::FRONT_AND_BACK, osg::Vec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
- material->setShininess(osg::Material::FRONT_AND_BACK, );
- osg::ref_ptr<osg::Texture2D> texture2D = new osg::Texture2D;
- //设置纹理
- osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image> image1 = osgDB::readImageFile("D:\\image_1\\arm1.jpg");
- if (image1.valid())
- {
- texture2D->setImage(image1.get());
- }
- geode->getOrCreateStateSet()->setAttributeAndModes(material.get(), osg::StateAttribute::ON);
- geode->getOrCreateStateSet()->setTextureAttributeAndModes(, texture2D, osg::StateAttribute::ON);
- }
- _root->addChild(geode.get());
- return _root.get();
- }
- osg::ref_ptr<osg::Light> createLight()
- {
- osg::ref_ptr<osg::Light> l = new osg::Light;
- l->setLightNum();//启用第几个光源 OpenGL有8个光源
- l->setDirection(osg::Vec3(, , -));//方向
- l->setPosition(osg::Vec4(10.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0f));//位置
- //osg::LightSource* ls = new osg::LightSource();//此处用超级指针 返回会发生错误
- //ls->setLight(l);
- return l;
- }
- int main()
- {
- osg::ref_ptr<osgViewer::Viewer> viewer1 = new osgViewer::Viewer;
- osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> group1 = new osg::Group;
- group1->addChild(CreateNode());
- viewer1->setSceneData(group1.get());
- viewer1->setUpViewInWindow(, , , , );
- viewer1->setLight(createLight());
- return viewer1->run();
- }
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