BLVD: Building A Large-scale 5D Semantics Benchmark for Autonomous Driving


Jianru Xue, Jianwu Fang, Tao Li, Bohua Zhang, Pu Zhang, Zhen Ye and Jian Dou

Abstract—In autonomous driving community, numerous benchmarks have been established to assist the tasks of 3D/2D object detection, stereo vision, semantic/instance segmentation. However, the more meaningful dynamic evolution of the surrounding objects of ego-vehicle is rarely exploited, and lacks a large-scale dataset platform. To address this, we introduce BLVD, a large-scale 5D semantics benchmark which does not concentrate on the static detection or semantic/instance segmentation tasks tackled adequately before. Instead, BLVD aims to provide a platform for the tasks of dynamic 4D (3D+temporal) tracking, 5D (4D+interactive) interactive event recognition and intention prediction.This benchmark will boost the deeper understanding of traffic scenes than ever before. We totally yield 249,129 3D annotations, 4,902 independent individuals for tracking with the length of overall 214,922 points, 6,004 valid fragments for 5D interactive event recognition, and 4,900 individuals for 5D intention prediction. These tasks are contained in four kinds of scenarios depending on the object density (low and high) and light conditions (daytime and nighttime). The benchmark can be downloaded from our project site

在自动驾驶社区中,已经建立了许多基准来辅助3D / 2D物体检测,立体视觉,语义/实例分割的任务。然而,自我车辆周围物体的更有意义的动态演化很少被利用,并且缺乏大规模的数据集平台。为了解决这个问题,我们引入了BLVD,这是一个大规模的5D语义基准测试,它不专注于之前充分处理的静态检测或语义/实例分割任务。相反,BLVD旨在为动态4D(3D +时间)跟踪,5D(4D +交互式)交互式事件识别和意图预测的任务提供平台。该基准将比以往更加深入地了解交通场景。 我们完全产生249,129个3D注释,4,902个独立个体用于跟踪,总长度为214,922个点,6,004个有效片段用于5D交互事件识别,4,900个用于5D意图预测。这些任务包含在四种场景中,具体取决于对象密度(低和高)和光照条件(白天和夜晚)。 基准测试可以从我们的项目站点下载。


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