circumferential averge streamwise velocity using Tecplot and Matlab
results from solver
circumferential averge physical quantities( such as streamwise velocity)
How to?
1. draw an structured 2D axial meshin Pointwise
a. similar nodes distribution as the mesh in the solver ( normally unstructured)
b. export as plot3D format
2. interpolate solution results on the 2D plane in Tecplot
a. import the CFD results in Tecplot
b. import the 2D mesh
file /load data/
c. interpolate data on the 2D mesh
d. rotate the 2D mesh and then interpolate again ( using for loop)
tecplot macro
#!MC 1410
$!Varset |NumLoop|=360
$!Loop |NumLoop|
$!Varset |num|=(|Loop|*1+0)
ZoneList = [4]
Angle = |num|
XVar = 1
YVar = 2
ZVar = 3
NormalX = 1
NormalY = 0
NormalZ = 0
SourceZones = [1]
DestinationZone = 4
VarList = [4-9]
LinearInterPConst = 0
LinearInterpMode = DontChange
$!WriteDataSet "C:\Users\kaiming\Documents\ZJU\output_|num|.dat"
IncludeText = No
IncludeGeom = No
IncludeDataShareLinkage = Yes
ZoneList = [4]
Binary = No
UsePointFormat = Yes
Precision = 9
TecplotVersionToWrite = TecplotCurrent
output like this
average the result , reshape the data into an array, then get the circumferential average results with 2D matrix distribution -- matlab
matlab code is as follows:
for i=1:n
fileinfo = importdata(filename);,7);,8);,9);
c=[c,uz]; end
aver_Ux=aver_Ux.' % transpose
aver_Uy=aver_Uy.' % transpose
aver_Uz=aver_Uz.' % transpose
aver_Ux_array=reshape(aver_Ux, 499,[]);
aver_Uy_array=reshape(aver_Uy, 499,[]);
aver_Uz_array=reshape(aver_Uz, 499, []);
save -ascii aver_ux_array.dat aver_Ux_array;
save -ascii aver_uy_array.dat aver_Uy_array;
save -ascii aver_uz_array.dat aver_Uz_array;
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