
Code Samples

Media Server Studio offers many code examples through two different packages i.e. “samples” and “tutorials” to get you started.

  • The sample package is a collection of code examples that showcase new and important media features of the latest APIs, and are optimized to measure performance on the underlying hardware. Here is the samples guide – Linux* | Windows* for more details.
  • The tutorial package provides step-by-step guides to learn basic media features, understand the pipeline, and are geared toward beginning users.
  • Case Studies – See customer examples and use cases with Intel Media Server Studio

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Intel® SDK for OpenCL™ Applications

Intel Media Server Studio Samples 

Sample applications demonstrate how to incorporate the Intel Media Server Studio API into various applications. These examples showcase many new and important features available in new releases.

Transcoding Sample
sample_multi_transcode performs transcoding of single to multiple elementary video stream from one compressed format to another.

Encoding Sample
sample_encode performs
encoding of raw video frames into elementary compressed stream
(including HEVC encode Plug-in from Intel Media Server HEVC Pack).

Decoding Sample
sample_decode performs
decoding of elementary compressed video stream to raw frames (including
HEVC decode and VP8 decode Plug-in from Intel Media Server Plugin Pack)
and sample_decvpp performs decoding with video processing (color
conversion) of raw video sequences.

Video Processing Sample
performs various video processing algorithms on raw frames such as
Denoising, Deinterlace/Inverse Telecine and Color conversion.

OpenCL Video Motion Estimation Sample
provides step-by-step guidelines on using Intel’s motion estimation
extension for OpenCL standard. The motion estimation extension includes a
set of host-callable functions for frame-based VME.

OpenCL Interoperability Sample
ocl_media_sdk_interop demonstrates how to use Intel Media SDK and Intel® OpenCL SDK together for efficient video decoding and fast post-processing.

Deprecated Samples

Full Transcoding
performs full scale transcoding of media files: allows changing
container format and video/audio compression formats. It also shows
usage of new Splitters and Muxers Sample using FFmpeg, and the Audio

Video Conferencing
performs encoding of raw video frames into elementary compressed stream.
Shows various encoding features specific to video conferencing use

Transcoding Sample using Microsoft* DirectShow*
sample_dshow_plugins demonstrates how to use the Intel Media SDK with DirectShow filters to compress and decompress video files. sample_dshow_player demonstrates how to use the SDK and sample DShow filters to play and transcode media files (streams).

Transcoding Sample using Microsoft Media Foundation*
demonstrates how to use the Media Foundation framework to transcode
media files (streams) in a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)

Transcoding Sample using Microsoft Windows 8 User Interface
demonstrates how to use the API of H.264 video encoder (a Microsoft
Media Foundation* Transform) to transcode a video file to a configurable
format in a Windows 8 UI


Intel Media Server Studio Tutorials

Tutorials are geared towards beginners by providing simple code
examples for basic media features and excellent code examples to start
working with the Intel Media SDK. All code examples come with Microsoft
Visual Studio* solution files (Windows) and Makefile (Linux) to get you started.

Sets up Intel Media SDK session and perform queries to determine selected implementation and which API version is used

Decodes AVC stream into YUV file using system memory surfaces, showcasing simple synchronous decode pipeline flow

Adds use of video memory surfaces for improved decode performance

Encodes YUV frames from file into AVC stream using surfaces in system
memory, showcasing simple synchronous encode pipeline flow.

Adds use of video memory surfaces for improved encode performance.

Adds asynchronous operation to previous example, resulting in further improved performance.

Transcodes (decode+encode) AVC stream to another AVC stream using system memory surfaces.

Same as previous sample but uses the Intel Media SDK opaque memory
feature. The opaque memory type hides surface allocation specifics and
allows the Intel Media SDK to select the best type for the execution in
hardware or software.

Adds asynchronous operation to the transcode pipeline implementation, resulting in further improved performance.

Same as "simple_5_transcode" sample but uses video memory surfaces
instead. While opaque surfaces use video memory internally,
application-level video memory allocation is required to integrate
components not in Intel Media SDK.

Same as "simple_5_transcode_opaque - async" sample but pipeline includes video frame processing (VPP) resize.

Video Processing and more
Showcases VPP using system memory surfaces. Highlights frame resize and denoise filter processing.

Adds use of video memory surfaces for improved VPP performance.

Similar to the “simple_2_decode” sample but adds VPP post-processing capabilities to showcase resize and ProcAmp

Similar to the “simple_3_encode_vmem” sample with additional code to
illustrate how to configure an encode pipeline for low latency and how
to measure latency.

Similar to the “simple_5_transcode_opaque” sample with additional code
to illustrate how to configure a transcode pipeline for low latency and
how to measure latency.

Similar to the “simple_3_encode_vmem” sample but adds VPP
pre-processing capabilities to show frame color conversion from RGB32(4)
to NV12.

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