Problem G Power et al. Input: Standard Input

Output: Standard Output

Finding the exponent of any number can be very troublesome as it grows exponentially J. But in this problem you will have to do a very simple task. Given two non-negative numbers and n, you will have to find the last digit of mn in decimal number system.


The input file contains less than 100000 lines. Each line contains two integers and n (Less than 10^101). Input is terminated by a line containing two zeroes. This line should not be processed.


For each set of input you must produce one line of output which contains a single digit. This digit is the last digit of mn.

Sample Input 

2 2

2 5

0 0                            

Output for Sample Input






(0) 0 0 0 0

(1)1 1 1 1

(2)2 4 8 6

(3)3 9 7 1

(4)4 6 4 6

(5)5 5 5 5

(6)6 6 6 6

(7)7 9 3 1

(8)8 4 2 6

(9)1 9 1 9


using namespace std;
string a,b;
int f[][]=
}; int deal()
int p=a[a.size()-]-'';
int i,ret=;
return f[p][ret];
int main()
while(cin>>a>>b,!(a=="" && a==b))
return ;

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