Divide Two Integers(模拟计算机除法)
Divide two integers without using multiplication, division and mod operator.
- class Solution {
- private:
- int res;
- public:
- int solve(long long dividend, long long divisor){
- long long temp=;
- while (divisor<=dividend)
- {
- divisor=divisor<<;
- temp=temp<<;
- }
- divisor=divisor>>;
- temp=temp>>;
- res+=temp;
- return dividend-divisor;
- }
- int divide(int dividend, int divisor) {
- res=;
- bool fu=false;
- if(divisor==) return -;
- if(divisor==) return dividend;
- long long my_dividend=(long long)dividend;
- long long my_divisor=(long long)divisor;
- if(my_dividend<&&my_divisor<){
- my_dividend=-my_dividend;
- my_divisor=-my_divisor;
- fu=false;
- }
- if(my_dividend<) {my_dividend=-my_dividend;fu=true;}
- if(my_divisor<) {my_divisor=-my_divisor;fu=true;}
- while (((my_dividend=solve(my_dividend,my_divisor))-my_divisor)>=);
- if(fu) res=-res;
- return res;
- }
- };
- int main()
- {
- freopen("C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\a.txt","r",stdin);
- Solution so;
- int a=-;
- int b=-;
- cout<<so.divide(a,b)<<endl;
- return ;
- }
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