1. In File Explorer, open the folder (ex: Pictures) that you want to apply to folders optimized of the same template type.

2. Customize this folder's layoutcolumn widthsort by, and group by view to how you like.

3. When finished, open Folder Options from within this same folder. (see screenshot below)

4. In Folder Options, click/tap on the View tab, and click/tap on Apply to Folders. (see screenshot below)

 If you opened File Explorer Options (aka: Folder Options) from the Control Panel instead, Apply to Folders will be grayed out.

 If you have This PC or a library open, Apply to Folders will be grayed out.


这个修改对于library无效,推荐使用win10的quick access

另外quick access 默认是显示最近常用的folder的,建议去掉。


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