[React] Spread Component Props in JSX with React
You often find duplication between the name of a prop and a variable you will assign to the prop. JSX allows you to spread an object containing your named props into your Component which enables you to avoid the repetition of matching prop names and variable names. This lessons covers spreading JSX component props in both pure components and class components.
We have code:
import React from "react";
import { render } from "react-dom"; const Demo = ({ greeting, name }) => (
{greeting}, {name}
); const greeting = "hello";
const name = "John"; const App = () => <Demo greeting={greeting} name={name} />; render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));
We can simply the code:
const App = () => <Demo {...{greeting, name}} />;
const App = () => Demo({greeting, name})
But if we using Class Component instead of functional component like:
class Demo extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
{this.props.greeting}, {this.props.name}
Then we have to use JSX approach or:
const App = () => React.createElement(Demo, {greeting, name});
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