ODT,OldDriverTree,又名ChthollyTree" role="presentation" style="position: relative;">ODT,OldDriverTree,又名ChthollyTreeODT,OldDriverTree,又名ChthollyTree

−关键操作推平一段区间" role="presentation" style="position: relative;">−关键操作推平一段区间−关键操作推平一段区间

1. CF 896C Willem, Chtholly and Seniorious

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std; typedef long long LL;
const int MOD7 = 1e9 + 7;
const int MOD9 = 1e9 + 9;
const int imax_n = 1e5 + 7;
LL add(LL a, LL b, LL mod)
LL res = 0;
LL ans = a;
while (b)
if (b&1) res = (res + ans) % mod;
ans = (ans + ans) % mod;
return res;
LL pow(LL a, LL b, LL mod)
LL res = 1;
LL ans = a % mod;
while (b)
if (b&1) res = res * ans % mod;
ans = ans * ans % mod;
return res;
} struct node {
int l,r;
mutable LL v;
node(int L, int R=-1, LL V=0):l(L), r(R), v(V){}
bool operator<(const node& o) const {
return l < o.l;
}; set<node> s; // 拆分操作
set<node>::iterator split(int pos)
auto it = s.lower_bound(node(pos));
if (it != s.end() && it->l == pos) return it;
if (pos > it->r) return s.end();
int L = it->l, R = it->r;
LL V = it->v;
s.insert(node(L, pos-1, V));
return s.insert(node(pos, R, V)).first;
// pair<iterator, bool> insert(const value_type& val);
} //区间加操作
void add(int l, int r, LL val=1)
auto itr = split(r+1), itl = split(l);
for (; itl != itr; ++itl) itl->v += val;
} //区间赋值操作
void assign_val(int l, int r, LL val=0)
auto itr = split(r+1), itl = split(l);
s.erase(itl, itr);
s.insert(node(l, r, val));
} //求区间第K大值,reversed控制顺序与逆序
LL rank_(int l, int r, int k, bool reversed=0)
vector<pair<LL, int>> vp;
if (reversed) k = r - l + 2 - k;
auto itr = split(r+1), itl = split(l);
for (; itl != itr; ++itl)
vp.push_back({itl->v, itl->r - itl->l + 1});
sort(vp.begin(), vp.end());
for (auto i: vp)
k -= i.second;
if (k <= 0) return i.first;
return -1LL;
} //区间值求和操作
LL sum(int l, int r, int ex, int mod)
auto itr = split(r+1), itl = split(l);
LL res = 0;
for (; itl != itr; ++itl)
res = (res + (LL)(itl->r - itl->l + 1) * pow(itl->v, LL(ex), LL(mod))) % mod;
return res;
} int n, m;
LL seed, vmax; LL rnd()
LL ret = seed;
seed = (seed * 7 + 13) % MOD7;
return ret;
} LL a[imax_n]; int main()
for (int i=1;i<=n;++i)
a[i] = (rnd() % vmax) + 1;
s.insert(node(n+1, n+1, 0));
int lines = 0;
for (int i =1; i <= m; ++i)
int op = int(rnd() % 4) + 1;
int l = int(rnd() % n) + 1;
int r = int(rnd() % n) + 1;
if (l > r)
int x, y;
// cout<<i<<" op = "<<op<<" ";
if (op == 3)
x = int(rnd() % (r-l+1)) + 1;
x = int(rnd() % vmax) +1; if (op == 4)
y = int(rnd() % vmax) + 1;
if (op == 1)
add(l, r, LL(x));
else if (op == 2)
assign_val(l, r, LL(x));
else if (op == 3)
// cout<<"lines"<<++lines<<endl;
cout<<rank_(l, r, x)<<endl;
// cout<<"lines"<<++lines<<endl;
cout<<sum(l, r, x, y)<<endl;
return 0;

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