通过连接vcenter 管理服务器,获取其下所有的:存储,网络,ESXI实体机,虚拟机相关信息的脚步:

  1. #!/opt/python3/bin/python3
  2. #Author: zhaoyong
  4. """
  5. 只用于模拟开发功能测试
  6. """
  7. from pyVmomi import vim
  8. from pyVim.connect import SmartConnect, Disconnect, SmartConnectNoSSL
  9. import atexit
  10. import argparse
  12. def get_args():
  13. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
  14. description='Arguments for talking to vCenter')
  16. parser.add_argument('-s', '--host',
  17. required=True,
  18. action='store',
  19. help='vSpehre service to connect to')
  21. parser.add_argument('-o', '--port',
  22. type=int,
  23. default=443,
  24. action='store',
  25. help='Port to connect on')
  27. parser.add_argument('-u', '--user',
  28. required=True,
  29. action='store',
  30. help='User name to use')
  32. parser.add_argument('-p', '--password',
  33. required=True,
  34. action='store',
  35. help='Password to use')
  37. args = parser.parse_args()
  38. return args
  40. def get_obj(content, vimtype, name=None):
  41. '''
  42. 列表返回,name 可以指定匹配的对象
  43. '''
  44. container = content.viewManager.CreateContainerView(content.rootFolder, vimtype, True)
  45. obj = [ view for view in container.view]
  46. return obj
  48. def main():
  49. esxi_host = {}
  50. args = get_args()
  51. # connect this thing
  52. si = SmartConnectNoSSL(
  53. host=args.host,
  54. user=args.user,
  55. pwd=args.password,
  56. port=args.port)
  57. # disconnect this thing
  58. atexit.register(Disconnect, si)
  59. content = si.RetrieveContent()
  60. esxi_obj = get_obj(content, [vim.HostSystem])
  61. for esxi in esxi_obj:
  62. esxi_host[esxi.name] = {'esxi_info':{},'datastore':{}, 'network': {}, 'vm': {}}
  64. esxi_host[esxi.name]['esxi_info']['厂商'] = esxi.summary.hardware.vendor
  65. esxi_host[esxi.name]['esxi_info']['型号'] = esxi.summary.hardware.model
  66. for i in esxi.summary.hardware.otherIdentifyingInfo:
  67. if isinstance(i, vim.host.SystemIdentificationInfo):
  68. esxi_host[esxi.name]['esxi_info']['SN'] = i.identifierValue
  69. esxi_host[esxi.name]['esxi_info']['处理器'] = '数量:%s 核数:%s 线程数:%s 频率:%s(%s) ' % (esxi.summary.hardware.numCpuPkgs,
  70. esxi.summary.hardware.numCpuCores,
  71. esxi.summary.hardware.numCpuThreads,
  72. esxi.summary.hardware.cpuMhz,
  73. esxi.summary.hardware.cpuModel)
  74. esxi_host[esxi.name]['esxi_info']['处理器使用率'] = '%.1f%%' % (esxi.summary.quickStats.overallCpuUsage /
  75. (esxi.summary.hardware.numCpuPkgs * esxi.summary.hardware.numCpuCores * esxi.summary.hardware.cpuMhz) * 100)
  76. esxi_host[esxi.name]['esxi_info']['内存(MB)'] = esxi.summary.hardware.memorySize/1024/1024
  77. esxi_host[esxi.name]['esxi_info']['可用内存(MB)'] = '%.1f MB' % ((esxi.summary.hardware.memorySize/1024/1024) - esxi.summary.quickStats.overallMemoryUsage)
  78. esxi_host[esxi.name]['esxi_info']['内存使用率'] = '%.1f%%' % ((esxi.summary.quickStats.overallMemoryUsage / (esxi.summary.hardware.memorySize/1024/1024)) * 100)
  79. esxi_host[esxi.name]['esxi_info']['系统'] = esxi.summary.config.product.fullName
  81. for ds in esxi.datastore:
  82. esxi_host[esxi.name]['datastore'][ds.name] = {}
  83. esxi_host[esxi.name]['datastore'][ds.name]['总容量(G)'] = int((ds.summary.capacity)/1024/1024/1024)
  84. esxi_host[esxi.name]['datastore'][ds.name]['空闲容量(G)'] = int((ds.summary.freeSpace)/1024/1024/1024)
  85. esxi_host[esxi.name]['datastore'][ds.name]['类型'] = (ds.summary.type)
  86. for nt in esxi.network:
  87. esxi_host[esxi.name]['network'][nt.name] = {}
  88. esxi_host[esxi.name]['network'][nt.name]['标签ID'] = nt.name
  89. for vm in esxi.vm:
  90. esxi_host[esxi.name]['vm'][vm.name] = {}
  91. esxi_host[esxi.name]['vm'][vm.name]['电源状态'] = vm.runtime.powerState
  92. esxi_host[esxi.name]['vm'][vm.name]['CPU(内核总数)'] = vm.config.hardware.numCPU
  93. esxi_host[esxi.name]['vm'][vm.name]['内存(总数MB)'] = vm.config.hardware.memoryMB
  94. esxi_host[esxi.name]['vm'][vm.name]['系统信息'] = vm.config.guestFullName
  95. if vm.guest.ipAddress:
  96. esxi_host[esxi.name]['vm'][vm.name]['IP'] = vm.guest.ipAddress
  97. else:
  98. esxi_host[esxi.name]['vm'][vm.name]['IP'] = '服务器需要开机后才可以获取'
  100. for d in vm.config.hardware.device:
  101. if isinstance(d, vim.vm.device.VirtualDisk):
  102. esxi_host[esxi.name]['vm'][vm.name][d.deviceInfo.label] = str((d.capacityInKB)/1024/1024) + ' GB'
  104. f = open(args.host + '.txt', 'w')
  105. for host in esxi_host:
  106. print('ESXI IP:', host)
  107. f.write('ESXI IP: %s \n' % host)
  108. for hd in esxi_host[host]['esxi_info']:
  109. print(' %s: %s' % (hd, esxi_host[host]['esxi_info'][hd]))
  110. f.write(' %s: %s' % (hd, esxi_host[host]['esxi_info'][hd]))
  111. for ds in esxi_host[host]['datastore']:
  112. print(' 存储名称:', ds)
  113. f.write(' 存储名称: %s \n' % ds)
  114. for k in esxi_host[host]['datastore'][ds]:
  115. print(' %s: %s' % (k, esxi_host[host]['datastore'][ds][k]))
  116. f.write(' %s: %s \n' % (k, esxi_host[host]['datastore'][ds][k]))
  117. for nt in esxi_host[host]['network']:
  118. print(' 网络名称:', nt)
  119. f.write(' 网络名称:%s \n' % nt)
  120. for k in esxi_host[host]['network'][nt]:
  121. print(' %s: %s' % (k, esxi_host[host]['network'][nt][k]))
  122. f.write(' %s: %s \n' % (k, esxi_host[host]['network'][nt][k]))
  123. for vmachine in esxi_host[host]['vm']:
  124. print(' 虚拟机名称:', vmachine)
  125. f.write(' 虚拟机名称:%s \n' % vmachine)
  126. for k in esxi_host[host]['vm'][vmachine]:
  127. print(' %s: %s' % (k, esxi_host[host]['vm'][vmachine][k]))
  128. f.write(' %s: %s \n' % (k, esxi_host[host]['vm'][vmachine][k]))
  129. f.close()
  131. if __name__ == '__main__':
  132. main()

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