> db.articles.createIndex( { subject: "text" } )
"createdCollectionAutomatically" : true,
"numIndexesBefore" : ,
"numIndexesAfter" : ,
"ok" :
> db.articles.insert(
... [
... { _id: , subject: "coffee", author: "xyz", views: },
... { _id: , subject: "Coffee Shopping", author: "efg", views: },
... { _id: , subject: "Baking a cake", author: "abc", views: },
... { _id: , subject: "baking", author: "xyz", views: },
... { _id: , subject: "Caf Con Leche", author: "abc", views: },
... { _id: , subject: ".......", author: "jkl", views: },
... { _id: , subject: "coffee and cream", author: "efg", views: },
... { _id: , subject: "Cafe con Leche", author: "xyz", views: }
... ]
... )
"writeErrors" : [ ],
"writeConcernErrors" : [ ],
"nInserted" : ,
"nUpserted" : ,
"nMatched" : ,
"nModified" : ,
"nRemoved" : ,
"upserted" : [ ]
> db.articles.find( { $text: { $search: "coffee" } } )
{ "_id" : , "subject" : "Coffee Shopping", "author" : "efg", "views" : }
{ "_id" : , "subject" : "coffee and cream", "author" : "efg", "views" : }
{ "_id" : , "subject" : "coffee", "author" : "xyz", "views" : }> db.articles.find( { $text: { $search: "\"coffee shop\"" } } )
{ "_id" : , "subject" : "Coffee Shopping", "author" : "efg", "views" : }
> db.articles.find( { $text: { $search: "\"coffee\" \"shop\"" } } )
{ "_id" : , "subject" : "Coffee Shopping", "author" : "efg", "views" : }
> db.articles.find( { $text: { $search: "coffee shop" } } )
{ "_id" : , "subject" : "Coffee Shopping", "author" : "efg", "views" : }
{ "_id" : , "subject" : "coffee and cream", "author" : "efg", "views" : }
{ "_id" : , "subject" : "coffee", "author" : "xyz", "views" : }



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