6 Workbook 对象
6.1 在奔跑之前先学会走路:打开和关闭工作薄
- '代码清单6.1:一个完整的工作薄批处理框架
- Sub ProcessFileBatch()
- Dim nIndex As Integer
- Dim vFiles As Variant
- Dim wb As Workbook
- Dim bAlreadyOpen As Boolean
- On Error GoTo ErrHandler
- 'Get a batch of Excel files
- vFiles = GetExcelFiles("Select Workbooks for Processing" )
- 'Make sure the dialog wasn't cancelled - in which case
- 'vFiles would equal False and therefore wouldn't be an array.
- If Not IsArray(vFiles) Then
- Debug.Print "No files Selected."
- Exit Sub
- End If
- Application.ScreenUpdating = False
- 'OK - loop through the filenames
- For nIndex = To UBound (vFiles)
- If isWorkbookOpen(CStr(vFiles(nIndex))) Then
- Set wb = Workbooks(GetShortName(CStr (vFiles(nIndex))))
- Debug.Print "workbook already open: " & wb.Name
- bAlreadyOpen = True
- Else
- Set wb = Workbooks.Open(CStr(vFiles(nIndex)), False )
- Debug.Print "Opened workbook: " & wb.Name
- bAlreadyOpen = False
- End If
- Application.StatusBar = "processing workbook: " & wb.Name
- 'code to process the file goes here
- Debug.Print "if we wanted to do something to the workbook, we would do it here"
- 'close workbook unless it was already open
- If Not bAlreadyOpen Then
- Debug.Print "closing workbook: " & wb.Name
- wb.Close True
- End If
- Next nIndex
- Set wb = Nothing
- ErrHandler:
- Application.StatusBar = False
- Application.ScreenUpdating = True
- End Sub
6.2 工作薄打开了吗
- '代码清单6.2: 查看一个工作薄是否是打开的
- ' This function checks to see if a given workbook
- ' is open or not. this function can be used
- ' using a short name such as MyWorkbook.xls
- ' or a full name such as C: \Testing\MyWorkbook.xls
- Function isWorkbookOpen(sWorkbook As String) As Boolean
- Dim sName As String
- Dim sPath As String
- Dim sFullName As String
- On Error Resume Next
- isWorkbookOpen = True
- 'see if we were given a short name or a long name
- If InStr(, sWorkbook, "\", vbTextCompare) > Then
- 'we have a long name need to break it down
- sFullName = sWorkbook
- 'BreakdownName参见代码清单5.8
- BreakdownName sFullName, sName, sPath
- If StrComp(Workbooks(sName).FullName, sWorkbook, vbTextCompare) <> Then
- isWorkbookOpen = False
- End If
- Else
- 'we have a short name
- If StrComp(Workbooks(sWorkbook).Name, sWorkbook, vbTextCompare) <> Then
- isWorkbookOpen = False
- End If
- End If
- End Function
- Function IsWorkbookOpen(sWorkbookName AsString) As Boolean
- Dim wb As Workbook
- IsWorkbookOpen = False
- For Each wb In Workbooks
- If StrComp(sWorkbookName, wb.Name, vbTextCompare) = Then
- IsWorkbookOpen = True
- Exit Function
- End If
- Next
- Set wb =Nothing
- End Function
InStr([start, ]string1, string2[, compare]): 指出string2在string1中第一次出现的位置。
InStrRev(string1, string2[, compare]): 指出string2在string1中最后一次出现的位置。
StrComp(string1, string2[, compare]): 比较两个字符串,返回-1、0、1中的值。
6.2.1 指定特定的集合对象
- Sub ReferringToItems()
- 'refer to a worksheet by index number
- Debug.Print ThisWorkbook.Worksheets( ).Name
- 'once again, but with feeling
- Debug.Print ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Item( ).Name
- 'refer to a worksheet by name
- Debug.Print ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1" ).Name
- 'and gain using item ...
- Debug.Print ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Item("Sheet1" ).Name
- End Sub
- '代码清单6.3:以程序设计方式得到链接资源信息
- Sub PrintSimpleLinkInfo(wb As Workbook)
- Dim avLinks As Variant
- Dim nIndex As Integer
- 'get list of excel based link sources
- avLinks = wb.LinkSources(xlExcelLinks)
- If Not IsEmpty(avLinks) Then
- 'loop through every link source
- For nIndex = To UBound (avLinks)
- Debug.Print "link found to '" & avLinks(nIndex) & "'"
- Next nIndex
- Else
- Debug.Print "the workbook '" & wb.Name & "' don't have any links."
- End If
- End Sub
- '代码清单6.4: 用新的文件位置更新链接
- Sub fixLinks(wb As Workbook, sOldLink As String, sNewLink As String )
- On Error Resume Next
- wb.ChangeLink sOldLink, sNewLink, xlLinkTypeExcelLinks
- End Sub
- '代码清单6.5: 用新的文件位置更新链接—一个替代过程
- Sub FixLinksII(wb As Workbook, sOldLink As String, sNewLink As String )
- Dim avLinks As Variant
- Dim nIndex As Integer
- 'get a list of link sources
- avLinks = wb.LinkSources(xlExcelLinks)
- 'if there are link sources, see if there are any named sOldLink
- If Not IsEmpty(avLinks) Then
- For nIndex = To UBound (avLinks)
- If StrComp(avLinks(nIndex), sOldLink, vbTextCompare) = Then
- 'we have a match
- wb.ChangeLink sOldLink, sNewLink, xlLinkTypeExcelLinks
- 'once we find a match we won't find another, so exit the loop
- Exit For
- End If
- Next
- End If
- End Sub
- '代码清单6.6: 链接状态查看器
- Function GetLinkStatus(wb As Workbook, sLink As String) As String
- Dim avLinks As Variant
- Dim nIndex As Integer
- Dim sResult As String
- Dim nStatus As Integer
- 'get a list of link sources
- avLinks = wb.LinkSources(xlExcelLinks)
- 'make sure there are links in the workbook
- If IsEmpty(avLinks) Then
- GetLinkStatus = "No links in workbook."
- Exit Function
- End If
- 'default result in case the links is not found
- sResult = "link not found"
- For nIndex = To UBound (avLinks)
- If StrComp(avLinks(nIndex), sLink, vbTextCompare) = Then
- nStatus = wb.LinkInfo(sLink, xlLinkInfoStatus)
- Select Case nStatus
- Case xlLinkStatusCopiedValues
- sResult = "Copied values"
- Case xlLinkStatusIndeterminate
- sResult = "Indeterminnate"
- Case xlLinkStatusInvalidName
- sResult = "Invalid name"
- Case xlLinkStatusMissingFile
- sResult = "Missing file"
- Case xlLinkStatusMissingSheet
- sResult = "Missing sheet"
- Case xlLinkStatusNotStarted
- sResult = "Not started"
- Case xlLinkStatusOK
- sResult = "OK"
- Case xlLinkStatusOld
- sResult = "Old"
- Case xlLinkStatusSourceNotCalculated
- sResult = "Source Not Calculated"
- Case xlLinkStatusSourceNotOpen
- sResult = "Source Not Open"
- Case xlLinkStatusSourceOpen
- sResult = "Source Open"
- Case Else
- sResult = "Unknown status code"
- End Select
- End If
- Next
- End Function
- '代码清单6.7: 查看一个工作薄中所有的链接状态
- Sub CheckAllLinks(wb As Workbook)
- Dim avLinks As Variant
- Dim nLinkIndex As Integer
- Dim sMsg As String
- avLinks = wb.LinkSources(xlExcelLinks)
- If IsEmpty(avLinks) Then
- Debug.Print wb.Name & " does not have any links."
- Else
- For nLinkIndex = To UBound (avLinks)
- Debug.Print "workbook: " & wb.Name
- Debug.Print "link source: " & avLinks(nLinkIndex)
- Debug.Print "status: " & GetLinkStatus(wb, CStr (avLinks(nLinkIndex)))
- Next
- End If
- End Sub
6.4 简单普通的工作薄属性
- '代码清单6.8: 一个标准工作薄属性的简单例子
- Sub TestPrintGeneralWBInfo()
- PrintGeneralWorkbookInfo ThisWorkbook
- End Sub
- Sub PrintGeneralWorkbookInfo(wb As Workbook)
- Debug.Print "Name: " & wb.Name
- Debug.Print "Full Name: " & wb.FullName
- Debug.Print "Code Name: " & wb.CodeName
- Debug.Print "File Format: " & GetFileFormat(wb)
- Debug.Print "path: " & wb.Path
- If wb.ReadOnly Then
- Debug.Print " the workbook has been opened as read-only."
- Else
- Debug.Print " the workbook is read-write."
- End If
- If wb.Saved Then
- Debug.Print "the workbook does not need to be saved."
- Else
- Debug.Print " the workbook should be saved."
- End If
- End Sub
- Function GetFileFormat(wb As Workbook) As String
- Dim lFormat As Long
- Dim sFormat As String
- lFormat = wb.FileFormat
- Select Case lFormat
- Case xlAddIn: sFormat = "Add-In"
- Case xlCSV: sFormat = "CSV"
- Case xlCSVMac: sFormat = "CSV Mac"
- Case xlCSVMSDOS: sFormat = "CSV MSDOS"
- Case xlCSVWindows: sFormat = "CSV Windows"
- Case xlCurrentPlatformText: sFormat = "Current Platform Text"
- Case xlDBF2: sFormat = "DBF 2"
- Case xlDBF3: sFormat = "DBF 3"
- Case xlDBF4: sFormat = "DBF 4"
- Case xlDIF: sFormat = "xlDIF"
- Case xlExcel2: sFormat = "xlExcel2"
- Case xlExcel2FarEast: sFormat = "xlExcel2FarEast"
- Case xlExcel3: sFormat = "xlExcel3"
- Case xlExcel4: sFormat = "xlExcel4"
- Case xlExcel4Workbook: sFormat = "xlExcel4Workbook"
- Case xlExcel5: sFormat = "xlExcel5"
- Case xlExcel7: sFormat = "xlExcel7"
- Case xlExcel9795: sFormat = "xlExcel9795"
- Case xlHtml: sFormat = "xlHtml"
- Case xlIntlAddIn: sFormat = "xlIntlAddIn"
- Case xlSYLK: sFormat = "xlSYLK"
- Case xlTemplate: sFormat = "xlTemplate"
- Case xlTextMac: sFormat = "xlTextMac"
- Case xlTextMSDOS: sFormat = "xlTextMSDOS"
- Case xlTextPrinter: sFormat = "xlTextPrinter"
- Case xlTextWindows: sFormat = "xlTextWindows"
- Case xlUnicodeText: sFormat = "xlUnicodeText"
- Case xlWebArchive: sFormat = "xlWebArchive"
- Case xlWJ2WD1: sFormat = "xlWJ2WD1"
- Case xlWJ3: sFormat = "xlWJ3"
- Case xlWJ3FJ3: sFormat = "xlWJ3FJ3"
- Case xlWK1: sFormat = "xlWK1"
- Case xlWK1ALL: sFormat = "xlWK1ALL"
- Case xlWK1FMT: sFormat = "xlWK1FMT"
- Case xlWK3: sFormat = "xlWK3"
- Case xlWK3FM3: sFormat = "xlWK3FM3"
- Case xlWK4: sFormat = "xlWK4"
- Case xlWKS: sFormat = "xlWKS"
- Case xlWorkbookNormal: sFormat = "xlWorkbookNormal"
- Case xlWorks2FarEast: sFormat = "xlWorks2FarEast"
- Case xlWQ1: sFormat = "xlWQ1"
- Case xlXMLSpreadsheet: sFormat = "xlXMLSpreadsheet"
- Case Else
- sFormat = "Unknown format code"
- End Select
- GetFileFormat = sFormat
- End Function
6.5 响应用户动作事件
- Private Sub Workbook_Activate()
- If UseEvents Then
- MsgBox "Welcome back! ", vbOKOnly, "Activate Event"
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean )
- Dim lResponse As Long
- If UseEvents Then
- lResponse = MsgBox("Thanks for visiting!" & "Are you sure you don't want to stick around?", vbYesNo, "see ya.." )
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub Workbook_Deactivate()
- If UseEvents Then
- MsgBox "see you soon...", vbOKOnly, "Deactivate Event"
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub Workbook_Open()
- Dim lResponse As Long
- lResponse = MsgBox("Welcome to the Chapter Six Example Workbook! Would you like to use events?", vbYesNo, "Welcome" )
- If lResponse = vbYes Then
- TurnOnEvents True
- ElseIf lResponse = vbNo Then
- TurnOnEvents False
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub TurnOnEvents(bUseEvents As Boolean)
- On Error Resume Next
- If bUseEvents Then
- ThisWorkbook.Worksheets().Range("TestEvents").Value = "Yes"
- Else
- ThisWorkbook.Worksheets().Range("TestEvents").Value = "No"
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Function UseEvents() As Boolean
- On Error Resume Next
- UseEvents = False
- If UCase(ThisWorkbook.Worksheets().Range("TestEvents").Value) = "YES" Then
- UseEvents = True
- End If
- End Function
- Private Sub Workbook_SheetActivate(ByVal Sh As Object)
- If UseEvents Then
- MsgBox "Activated " & Sh.Name, vbOKOnly, "SheetActivate Event"
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub Workbook_SheetBeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean )
- If UseEvents Then
- MsgBox "Ouch! Stop that.", vbOKOnly, "SheetBeforeDoubleClick Event"
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub Workbook_SheetBeforeRightClick(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean )
- If UseEvents Then
- MsgBox "Right click " & Sh.Name & "; Target " & Target.Address & "; Cancel " & Cancel, vbOKOnly, "RightClick Event"
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)
- If UseEvents Then
- MsgBox "You change the range" & Target.Address & " on " & Sh.Name, vbOKOnly, "Workbook_SheetChange Event"
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub Workbook_SheetDeactivate(ByVal Sh As Object )
- If UseEvents Then
- MsgBox "Leaving " & Sh.Name, vbOKOnly, "Workbook_SheetDeactivate Event"
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub Workbook_SheetSelectionChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)
- If UseEvents Then
- If Target.Row Mod = Then
- MsgBox "I'm keeping my eyes on you! you selected the range " & Target.Address & " on " & Sh.Name, _
- vbOKOnly, "Workbook_SheetSelectionChange Event"
- Else
- MsgBox "you selected the range " & Target.Address & " on " & Sh.Name, _
- vbOKOnly, "Workbook_SheetSelectionChange Event"
- End If
- End If
- End Sub
6 Workbook 对象的更多相关文章
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- 【VBA编程】13.Workbook对象的事件
Workbook事件用于响应对Workbook对象所进行的操作. [BeforeClose事件] BforeClose事件用于响应窗口关闭的操作 在工程资源器中,双击“ThisWorkbook”对象, ...
- Workbook对象的方法总结(二)
(1).Worksheet 对象有 row_dimensions 和 column_dimensions 属性,控制行高和列宽. 例如: >>> sheet.row_dimensio ...
- 【VBA编程】12.Workbook对象常用属性
[ActiveSheet属性] ActiveSheet属性用于返回一个对象,表示活动工作簿中或指定的窗口或工作簿中的活动工作表 [Colors] Colors属性是一个Variant类型的可读写属性, ...
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