Make an existing Git branch track a remote branch?

Given a branch foo and a remote upstream:

As of Git 1.8.0:

git branch -u upstream/foo

Or, if local branch foo is not the current branch:

git branch -u upstream/foo foo

Or, if you like to type longer commands, these are equivalent to the above two:

git branch --set-upstream-to=upstream/foo

git branch --set-upstream-to=upstream/foo foo

As of Git 1.7.0:

git branch --set-upstream foo upstream/foo


All of the above commands will cause local branch foo to track remote branch foo from remote upstream. The old (1.7.x) syntax is deprecated in favor of the new (1.8+) syntax. The new syntax is intended to be more intuitive and easier to remember.

官方文档:git-branch(1) Manual Page

-u <upstream>


Set up <branchname>'s tracking information

so <upstream> is considered <branchname>'s upstream branch.

If no <branchname> is specified, then it defaults to the current branch.



git branch -u upstream/foo foo


git branch -u upstream/foo



he ProGit book has a very good explanation:

Tracking Branches

Checking out a local branch from a remote branch automatically creates what is called a tracking branch. Tracking branches are local branches that have a direct relationship to a remote branch. If you’re on a tracking branch and type git push, Git automatically knows which server and branch to push to. Also, running git pull while on one of these branches fetches all the remote references and then automatically merges in the corresponding remote branch.

When you clone a repository, it generally automatically creates a master branch that tracks origin/master. That’s why git push and git pull work out of the box with no other arguments. However, you can set up other tracking branches if you wish — ones that don’t track branches on origin and don’t track the master branch. The simple case is the example you just saw, running git checkout -b [branch] [remotename]/[branch]. If you have Git version 1.6.2 or later, you can also use the --track shorthand:

$ git checkout --track origin/serverfix
Branch serverfix set up to track remote branch refs/remotes/origin/serverfix.
Switched to a new branch "serverfix"

To set up a local branch with a different name than the remote branch, you can easily use the first version with a different local branch name:

$ git checkout -b sf origin/serverfix
Branch sf set up to track remote branch refs/remotes/origin/serverfix.
Switched to a new branch "sf"

Now, your local branch sf will automatically push to and pull from origin/serverfix.

查看本地分支和远端分支的映射情况git branch -vv


Administrator@LuJunTao MINGW64 /d/SourceCode/GameSourceCode/Hearthstone-Deck-Tracker (chucklu_zhCN)
$ git branch -vv
chucklu_master 8739b35 [chucklu/master] v0.10.16 (mainwindow topmost fix)
* chucklu_zhCN d5dbcc8 1.修改默认语言为中文zhCN
master 8739b35 [epix37/master] v0.10.16 (mainwindow topmost fix)
ui-translation cade481 [epix37/ui-translation] a few more resx entries



Administrator@LuJunTao MINGW64 /d/SourceCode/GameSourceCode/Hearthstone-Deck-Tracker (chucklu_zhCN)
$ git branch -u chucklu/chucklu_zhCN
Branch chucklu_zhCN set up to track remote branch chucklu_zhCN from chucklu.


Administrator@LuJunTao MINGW64 /d/SourceCode/GameSourceCode/Hearthstone-Deck-Tracker (chucklu_zhCN)
$ git branch -vv
chucklu_master 8739b35 [chucklu/master] v0.10.16 (mainwindow topmost fix)
* chucklu_zhCN d5dbcc8 [chucklu/chucklu_zhCN: ahead 1] 1.修改默认语言为中文zhCN     //可以发现这个已经映射成功了
master 8739b35 [epix37/master] v0.10.16 (mainwindow topmost fix)
ui-translation cade481 [epix37/ui-translation] a few more resx entries

remove the remote tracking branch

To remove the upstream for the current branch do:

$ git branch --unset-upstream

This is available for Git v.1.8.0 or newer.


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