"This Monday I was invited to do a presentation on this Friday, and today is Friday. I am going to share something with you all, but unfortunatily it is not well prepared since I was so busy this week..."

Have you facing the same situations before? I guess most of you are the same as me. How to deal with such situations? How to make ourselves more effieient? This is the topic of today's session. I am gona sharing some thoughs.

Life is short in someone's mind while it's very long for others, how to blance work and life is an art, and I think most important thing is to be a friend of time instead of controlling the time. There are several ways to achieve that, which is proven in my life.

Firstly, plan for your target. As the saying goes:"no directions without an target", so please make a planning for 3 years, 5 years, 10 years or the whole life. Maybe you have an ambition, or you just want to live peacefully. But no matter which kind of life you want, a target is necessay. Take a notebook, write down what have you had till now, what do you want in the future and what's the actions. For example, I want to be CTO of a technology company after 10 years, and now I am only a project manager of Hengtian. Many skills should be mastered such as project management skills, architect design abilities, collaborate with team members and leadship for a department, and so on. You can have your own goals in any fashion.

Senondly, read a lof of books, no matter what you read. Reading is one way to build our knowledge systems, besides this, there are two more ways, experiment and survey. But these two ways have limitations. Experiment is limited to our historical experiences, some mistakes might be made in some special period, such as long ago people believed that world is flat but acctually it's not correct, and now we know the earth is ellipse; survey is limited to environments, we cannot get information from 1000 years ago since we cannot go back to that dynasty to watch what happened aound ourselves. But we can image that through readings. There are a lot of historical documents/ evidences in libraries.

Thirdly, keep active thinking. Thinking can help us judge what is right and what is wrong. Try your best to avoid logistical errors. Sometimes we complaint the work is too hard, the life is not fair. Stop this kinds of thinkings or hints, since this can drive ourselves into hell.

Finally, practise as more as possible. There is a theory about time called 10000 hours theory. That's to say, you must practise more than 10000 hours if you want to be professional in one area. Daily achievement can make big progress. So keep in mind, practice, practice and practice, important things repeated three times.

As explained above, if we want to be an efficient man, please make friends with time. Fllow your heart and follow your mind.

That's all, thank you and any questions are welcome!

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