Building nginx from Sources(从源代码安装nginx)

The build is configured using the configure command.  安装用配置命令

It defines various aspects of the system, including the methods nginx is allowed to use for connection processing. At the end it creates a Makefile.


The configure command supports the following parameters: 配置命令支持下边的一些参数

--prefix=path — defines a directory that will keep server files. 前缀路径,定义了一个保存服务器文件的目录

This same directory will also be used for all relative paths set by configure (except for paths to libraries sources) 同样的目录将设置为相同目录,如果直接执行configure命令

and in the nginx.conf configuration file. It is set to the /usr/local/nginx directory by default.  默认使用configure命令,最终保存服务器文件的目录在 /usr/local/nginx目录里面,该默认目录的设置是在nginx.conf里面设置的

--sbin-path=path — sets the name of an nginx executable file. This name is used only during installation. By default the file is named prefix/sbin/nginx.

sbin-path 等于一个路径,该路径是设置一个可行执行文件的名字,这个名字仅仅用于安装。默认该文件被命名为 prefix/sbin/nginx.

--conf-path=path — sets the name of an nginx.conf configuration file. If needs be, nginx can always be started with a different configuration file, by specifying it in the command-line parameter

-c file. By default the file is named prefix/conf/nginx.conf.

conf-path等于一个路径,设置nginx.conf这个配置文件的名称。如果有必须要,nginx可以用不同的配置文件开始。特别的命令配置文件的命令行参数为 -c file.默认文件命名为 prefix/conf/nginx.conf

--pid-path=path — sets the name of an file that will store the process ID of the main process. After installation, the file name can always be changed in the nginx.conf configuration file using the pid directive. By default the file is named prefix/logs/

pid-path等于一个路径,该路径是nginx.pid文件,用于存储主进程中的一个进程ID.在安装后,这个文件名称通常被改为nginx.conf备至文件被使用pid指令。默认文件被命名为 prefix/logs/

--error-log-path=path — sets the name of the primary error, warnings, and diagnostic file. After installation, the file name can always be changed in the nginx.conf configuration file using the error_log directive. By default the file is named prefix/logs/error.log.

errror-log-path等于一个路径,该路径是参数错误、警告、诊断文件。在安装后,该文件通常被修改到nginx.conf备至文件用error log指令,默认文件被命名为 prefix/logs/error.log

--http-log-path=path — sets the name of the primary request log file of the HTTP server. After installation, the file name can always be changed in the nginx.conf configuration file using the access_log directive. By default the file is named prefix/logs/access.log.

--http-log-path等于一个路径,该路径设置了http服务器的请求逻辑日志参数的名称。在安装后,该名称被改进进入nginx.conf配置文件用 通过逻辑 指令。默认该文件被命名为 prefix/logs/access.log

--user=name — sets the name of an unprivileged user whose credentials will be used by worker processes. After installation, the name can always be changed in the nginx.conf configuration file using the user directive. The default user name is nobody.


--group=name — sets the name of a group whose credentials will be used by worker processes. After installation, the name can always be changed in the nginx.conf configuration file using the user directive. By default, a group name is set to the name of an unprivileged user.


--without-select_module — enables or disables
building a module that allows the server to work with the
select() method.
This module is built automatically if the platform does not appear
to support more appropriate methods such as kqueue, epoll, or /dev/poll.

--without-select_module:是一个允许或者禁用一个模块,该模块允许服务器用select()方法工作。这个模块被自动建立当平台没有出现适合的方法如kqueue, epoll, or /dev/poll

--without-poll_module — enables or disables
building a module that allows the server to work with the
poll() method.
This module is built automatically if the platform does not appear
to support more appropriate methods such as kqueue, epoll, or /dev/poll.

--without-poll_module:允许或者禁用一个建立的模块,该模块允许服务器用poll()线程方法工作。该模块被自动建立当服务器没有出现荀彧合适的方法,例如kqueue,epoll,or /dev/poll

--without-http_gzip_module — disables building a module that compresses responses of an HTTP server. The zlib library is required to build and run this module.


--without-http_rewrite_module — disables building a module that allows an HTTP server to redirect requests and change URI of requests. The PCRE library is required to build and run this module.  禁用http服务器http服务器转发请求或者改变请求的URL创建的模块。 这个PCRE这个图书馆被允许建立和运行该模块

--without-http_proxy_module — disables building an HTTP server proxying module.

--without-http_proxy_module  禁止http服务器代理模块

--with-http_ssl_module — enables building a module that adds the HTTPS protocol support to an HTTP server. This module is not built by default. The OpenSSL library is required to build and run this module.

--with-http_ssl_module:允许建立一个http服务器的http协议支持的模块。该模块默认不会被建立。 开源库被建立和运行该模块

--with-pcre=path — sets the path to the sources of the PCRE library. The library distribution (version 4.4 — 8.39) needs to be downloaded from the PCRE site and extracted. The rest is done by nginx’s ./configure and make. The library is required for regular expressions support in the location directive and for the ngx_http_rewrite_module module.


--with-pcre-jit — builds the PCRE library with “just-in-time compilation” support (1.1.12, the pcre_jit directive).


--with-zlib=path — sets the path to the sources of the zlib library. The library distribution (version 1.1.3 — 1.2.8) needs to be downloaded from the zlib site and extracted. The rest is done by nginx’s ./configure and make. The library is required for the ngx_http_gzip_module module.


--with-cc-opt=parameters — sets additional parameters that will be added to the CFLAGS variable. When using the system PCRE library under FreeBSD, --with-cc-opt="-I /usr/local/include" should be specified. If the number of files supported by select() needs to be increased it can also be specified here such as this: --with-cc-opt="-D FD_SETSIZE=2048".

--with-cc-opt等于参数,设置附加的参数被添加到目的变量。当使用系统PCRE库在免费的BSD下时候,用--with-cc-opt="-I /usr/lcoal/include"应该被设定。如果文件的大小需要支持选择方法,他被特定指示为这样的形式:--with-c-opt="-D FD_SETSIZE=2048"

--with-ld-opt=parameters — sets additional parameters that will be used during linking. When using the system PCRE library under FreeBSD, --with-ld-opt="-L /usr/local/lib" should be specified.

--with-ld-opt=parameters:设定附加的参数,这些常被用到连接。当我们在UNIX操作系统下使用PCRE库时候,被指定为"--with-ld-opt="-L /usr/local/lib""

Example of parameters usage (all of this needs to be typed in one line): 被使用的参数的例子(所有的需求类型是一行)


After configuration, nginx is compiled and installed using make.


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