I got an issue when copying some line/word (actually just select the context ) in the Linux terminal via SecureCRT,  error box popped up with message "Could not open clipboard: Assess is denied" as blew.  when I double click a word or just select a piece of context, the terminal got line wrap automatically and printed "^C" on screen.

I tried to change the application setting in SecureCRT in the menu "session options" and "global options" to fixed it,  in the "global options" i canceled the check box for item "Copy on select" but the issue persists. I also found that the issue occurs
even the server dnt connect,  then I realised that the issue shd not caused by the application setting.

I seek answers from internet and found that many people encountered this issue but the most common reason is missing clipboard.exe file in windows 7 OS, the solution is to copy and rename clip.exe to let the SecureCRT can invoke it, I had also tried the
same but it still does work.

finally, I was enlighten from a blog "http://www.cnblogs.com/zhaojk2010/p/4124924.html", the author claimed a similar case and answer the root cause:
that's because of some functionality conflicts from dictionary application in your PC ( 金山词霸,网易翻译,etc.). those app has the capability of translation by selecting content, however, it also work with the capability of copy
by selecting content in SecureCRT!

then I found out the arch-criminal is "金山秒译", the issue was fixed after uninstalling the  "金山秒译".

very appreciate for that blog and that's why I write down the blog, I would like to share the case to all the people who encountering the same problem.

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