今天搞定了beep linux字符设备驱动,心里还是很开心的,哈哈。。。但在完成的过程中却遇到了一个非常棘手的问题,花费了我大量的时间,,,,




 Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address   

 pgd = c0004000  

 [] *pgd=  

 Internal error: Oops:  [#]  

 Modules linked in: cirrus  


 PC is at dequeue_task+0xc/0x78  

 LR is at deactivate_task+0x38/0x44  

 pc : [ <c0039c44>]    lr : [ <c003a02c>]    Not tainted  

 sp : c0205cc4  ip : c0205cd4  fp : c0205cd0  

 r10: 0000038d  r9 : 72b90480  r8 : c020719c  

 r7 : c0206998  r6 : 0000000a  r5 : c0204000  r4 : c0206998  

 r3 :   r2 :   r1 :   r0 : c0206998  

 Flags: nZCv  IRQs off  FIQs on  Mode SVC_32  Segment kernel  

 Control: C000717F  Table: 33B84000  DAC: 0000001D  

 Process swapper (pid: , stack limit = 0xc0204190)  

 Stack: (0xc0205cc4 to 0xc0206000)  

 5cc0:          c0205ce4 c0205cd4 c003a02c c0039c48 0000038d c0205d20 c0205ce8   

 5ce0: c01d52c4 c003a004 c0205d84 c02069cc 01312d00 c0206b40 0005f5d6 c0204000   

 5d00: 0000000a c0205d24 c020719c   c0205d60 c0205d24 c01d5b24   



#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/miscdevice.h>
#include <linux/fs.h>
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <linux/moduleparam.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>
#include <linux/ioctl.h>
#include <linux/cdev.h>
#include <linux/delay.h>
#include <linux/device.h> #include <mach/gpio.h>
#include <mach/regs-gpio.h>
#include <plat/gpio-cfg.h> #define BEEPNAME "mybeep"
static int beepmajor = ; #define BEEPON 1
#define BEEPOFF 0 static struct class* my_beep_class;
static struct device* my_beep_device; struct beep_device {
struct cdev beep_dev;
unsigned char value;
}; struct beep_device* beep_device; static int my_beep_open(struct inode *node, struct file *filep)
s3c_gpio_cfgpin(S5PV210_GPD0(), S3C_GPIO_OUTPUT);
gpio_set_value(S5PV210_GPD0(), );
return ;
} static int my_beep_close(struct inode * inode,struct file * file)
return ;
} static long my_beep_ioctl(struct file *filep, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg)
switch(cmd) {
case BEEPON:
printk("beep on\n");
beep_device->value = ;
gpio_set_value(S5PV210_GPD0(), );
break; case BEEPOFF:
printk("beep off\n");
beep_device->value = ;
gpio_set_value(S5PV210_GPD0(), );
break; default:
return -EUNATCH;
return ;
} struct file_operations beep_ops = {
.owner = THIS_MODULE,
.unlocked_ioctl = my_beep_ioctl,
.open = my_beep_open,
.release = my_beep_close,
}; static void beep_setup_cdev(struct cdev *dev, int minor,struct file_operations *fops)
int err;
dev_t deno;
deno = MKDEV(beepmajor, minor);
cdev_init(&beep_device->beep_dev, &beep_ops);
beep_device->beep_dev.owner = THIS_MODULE;
beep_device->beep_dev.ops = &beep_ops;
err = cdev_add(&beep_device->beep_dev, deno, );
if(err) {
printk("beep cdev_add error");
} static int __init mybeep_init(void)
dev_t deno;
deno = MKDEV(beepmajor, ); if(beepmajor) {
register_chrdev_region(deno, , BEEPNAME);
printk(KERN_EMERG"beep major is %d\n", beepmajor);
} else {
if (alloc_chrdev_region(&deno, , , BEEPNAME))
printk(KERN_EMERG"alloc_chrdev_region error\n");
beepmajor = MAJOR(deno);
printk("beep major is %d\n", beepmajor);
} beep_device = kmalloc(sizeof(struct beep_device), GFP_KERNEL);
if(!beep_device) {
printk("beep kmalloc error\n");
memset(beep_device, , sizeof(struct beep_device)); beep_setup_cdev(&beep_device->beep_dev, , &beep_ops); my_beep_class= class_create(THIS_MODULE, BEEPNAME);
if(IS_ERR(my_beep_class)) {
printk(KERN_EMERG"class_create error\n");
} my_beep_device= device_create(my_beep_class, NULL, deno, NULL, "mybeep");
if(IS_ERR(my_beep_device)) {
printk(KERN_EMERG"device_create error\n");
return ;
} static void __exit mybeep_exit(void)
unregister_chrdev_region(MKDEV(beepmajor, ), );


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h> #define BEEPON 1
#define BEEPOFF 0 int main(void)
int dev_fd;
int i ;
dev_fd = open("/dev/mybeep", O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK);
if (dev_fd == -) {
printf ("Can't open /dev/mybeep\n");
} ioctl(dev_fd, BEEPON, );
for(i = ; i > ; i ++);
ioctl(dev_fd, BEEPOFF, );
return ;

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