

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface Product : NSObject

@property (nonatomic,assign) NSNumber *weight;

@property (nonatomic,copy)   NSString *color;





@interface ColorSpec :NSObject

@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *color;


@implementation ColorSpec

+ (instancetype)specWithColor:(NSString *)color


ColorSpec *spec = [[ColorSpec alloc] init];

spec.color = color;

return spec;


- (BOOL)satisfy:(Product *)product


return [product.color isEqualToString:_color];



@interface BelowWeightSpec :NSObject

@property (nonatomic, assign) int limit;


@implementation BelowWeightSpec

+ (instancetype)specWithBelowWeight:(float)limit


BelowWeightSpec *spec = [[BelowWeightSpec alloc] init];

spec.limit = limit;

return spec;


- (BOOL)satisfy:(Product *)product


return ([product.weight intValue] < _limit);



@interface ViewController ()


NSMutableArray *_datas;



@implementation ViewController

- (void)viewDidLoad {

[super viewDidLoad];

[self setupModel];


- (void)setupModel{

_datas = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];

for (int i = 0; i < 1000 ; i ++) {

Product *product = [Product new];

product.weight = [NSNumber numberWithInt:i%11];

product.color  = [self getColorWithInt:i];

[_datas addObject:product];



- (NSString *)getColorWithInt:(int)index{

switch (index%9) {

case 0:


return @"GREEN";



case 1:


return @"BLACK";



case 2:


return @"RED";



case 3:


return @"WHIRT";



case 4:


return @"GRAY";



case 5:


return @"LIGHT";



case 6:


return @"ORANGE";



case 7:


return @"BLUE";



case 8:


return @"YELLOW";






return nil;


// 01.在仓库里找到所有颜色为红色的产品

- (NSArray *)findAllRedProducts:(NSArray *)products{

NSMutableArray *list = [@[]mutableCopy];

for (Product *obj in products) {

if ([obj.color isEqualToString:@"RED"]) {

[list addObject:obj];



return list;


// 02.在仓库中查找所有颜色为绿色的产品<参数化设置>

- (NSArray *)findProducts:(NSArray *)products byColor:(ColorSpec *)color


NSMutableArray *list = [@[] mutableCopy];

for (Product *product in products) {

if ([color satisfy:product]) {

[list addObject:product];



return list;


// 03.查找所有重量小于10的所有产品

- (NSArray *)findProducts:(NSArray *)products bySpec:(BelowWeightSpec *)spec


NSMutableArray *list = [@[] mutableCopy];

for (Product *product in products) {

if ([spec satisfy:product]) {

[list addObject:product];



return list;


- (IBAction)findREDClick:(UIButton *)sender {

NSArray *redArr = [self findProducts:_datas byColor:[ColorSpec specWithColor:@"RED"]];

NSLog(@"---- all RED :%tu",redArr.count);

NSArray *greenArr = [self findProducts:_datas byColor:[ColorSpec specWithColor:@"GREEN"]];

NSLog(@"---- all GREEN :%tu",greenArr.count);

NSArray *small10Arr = [self findProducts:_datas bySpec:[BelowWeightSpec specWithBelowWeight:10]];

NSLog(@"---- all < 10 : %tu",small10Arr.count);



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