中文命名的文档,上传是乱码 -- 显示的
打开后, 中文部分是乱码
Comment 1 by project member ffdixon, Nov 08, 2010

Translation "Chinese name of the document, the upload is garbled - show opens, the Chinese part is garbled"

Do you have a sample Chinese document that you can attach to this bug and give us steps to reproduce? - 你有一个示例中的文件,您可以连接到这个错误,给我们的步骤来重现?

Also, could you try uploading a PDF version of the document and let us know if you still see the same problems. 此外,你能尝试上传一个文件的PDF版本,让我们知道,如果你仍然可以看到同样的问题。
Summary: Chinese document is garbled - 中文文档是乱码
Comment 3 by pieafriend, Nov 13 (4 days ago)


It should not be a bug of BBB, but linux doesn't have the Chinese fonts of the uploaded documents. What you need to do is to add the appropriate Chinese fonts to linux and then you will fix this issue.

In short, you can fix it in the following steps:

1.copy all Chinese fonts from Windows OS to the appropriate folder in Ubuntu.

cd /usr/shar/fonts

sudo mkdir 11

sudo chmod 755 11

cp "the fonts" /usr/share/fonts/11

2. Build fonts cache,

sudo mkfontscale

sudo mkfontdir

sudo fc-cache –fv

Then reload the system.

Now you fix it!

The following are the Chinese guide for your easy reference. Hope you fix it:


cd /usr/shar/fonts

sudo mkdir 11

sudo chmod 755 11

cp /下载后文件路径/11.ttf /usr/shar/fonts/11


sudo mkfontscale

sudo mkfontdir

sudo fc-cache –fv
Comment 4 by project member ffdixon, Nov 13 (4 days ago)


I agree that this isn't a bug for BigBlueButton.  While we can't advocate that you copy the fonts from a windows machine (as there is probably a license associated with them), another option is to always upload a PDF document to BigBlueButton.

Using PDF the document converts directly to SWF and there is no need for font substitution on the BigBlueButton server.

In short, whenever possible, use PDF.


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