Internal deployment of Windows 10 Enterprise is currently underway as a phased deployment. Watch your inbox for an invitation email from Microsoft IT! Within a week after receiving the email, you will start getting update pop-ups on the device shown in the email.

You can also get started using Windows 10 Enterprise right away, by updating through Software Center:

  1. Ensure a power cable is connected and the system has power. Do not attempt to perform the update while using battery power.
  2. Open Software Center on the device you want to upgrade (it's local to your device, so you can search for it if you don't know where to find it).
  3. On the Available Software tab, select Windows 10 Enterprise.
  4. Click the Install button in the lower right corner.

Windows 10 Enterprise will download in the background while you continue to work. When the upgrade process kicks off, save all of your work because it will include a reboot.


  • Download times may take longer than usual for the first 24-48 hours after deployment begins, due to high demand.
  • For Non-FTEs: Please check with your vendor or contract manager to determine if/when you should update to Windows 10 Enterprise with Microsoft Edge.



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