
[root@cc07 fast-pulsar]# glance help  | grep image
[--os-image-url OS_IMAGE_URL]
[--os-image-api-version OS_IMAGE_API_VERSION]
image-create Create a new image.
EXPERIMENTAL: Create a new image via image import.
image-deactivate Deactivate specified image.
image-delete Delete specified image.
image-download Download a specific image.
image-import Initiate the image import taskflow.
image-list List images you can access.
image-reactivate Reactivate specified image.
image-show Describe a specific image.
image-stage Upload data for a specific image to staging.
image-tag-delete Delete the tag associated with the given image.
image-tag-update Update an image with the given tag.
image-update Update an existing image.
image-upload Upload data for a specific image.
location-add Add a location (and related metadata) to an image.
location-delete Remove locations (and related metadata) from an image.
location-update Update metadata of an image's location.
member-create Create member for a given image.
member-delete Delete image member.
member-list Describe sharing permissions by image.
member-update Update the status of a member for a given image.
--os-image-url OS_IMAGE_URL
Defaults to env[OS_IMAGE_URL]. If the provided image
url contains a version number and `--os-image-api-
picked as the image api version to use.
--os-image-api-version OS_IMAGE_API_VERSION
Run `glance --os-image-api-version help` for v1 help


[root@cc07 ~]# glance image-list
| ID | Name |
| c9c21ea6-c74d-43cb-8e93-e100a718cc78 | centos-vmvare |
| 069d5dab--437a-9a0d-02301558ecb8 | centos7 |
| 0276832c-03c1-48d5--6dfd4771cf66 | CentOS7-Ironic-- |
| 1bb24b50-8b06--a396-dada6ba3def2 | centos7withCloudInit.qcow2 |
| 7c63c10f-d543-4b85-99a0-446f43624edf | centos7_10G |
| 568362bf-680b--a142-90dc1f0d9685 | centos7_official |
| 81a2af08-8e14-43f5-8d9a-48f7628e630d | Chinacloud-WIN2K8R2-64bit-DC-20G.qcow2 |
| 181adf3e-beb7-4bb6-b776-d690863e951e | cirros_vhd |
| c17a8330-7b5d-4e9b--c842b363bbf0 | dfsadfa |
| 7c59f7d3-512e-42de-b598-812e88657f53 | gagag345 |
| 083ec459-d4e5-4da8-8b5f-c76b247e63a4 | k8s-base-image |
| 29436d00-e6e5-402e-8a59-c10f89bc5a09 | linux_legacy |
| fa6e0fea-5a5e-48b9-8ba0-fb9d5b53582f | test-xulang111 |
| 5833c05e-56a7-439b-a0b2-567925dea539 | test-xulang12 |
| 7dbda9ff-b13f-410b--2c27c6bba4b6 | test-xulang1g |
| 3c819f4c-15ad-417d-93eb-cb600648ee5d | ubuntu-deploy.initramfs |
| 1a56dae5-196d-4d21-aea8-d89efc994643 | ubuntu-deploy.kernel |
| ad4ef384-03c0-4f5b-87a7-fec8d942ce85 | ubuntuDemoIronic |
| b2814a9e-f4a1-48d7--2cb8cc17dce9 | win2012 |
| 5339fad1-546c-4f63-8dbf-6a40a0e9737e | win2k8_r2_x64 |
| b29574d0-6f9c-405d-9a42-47441ad4f11e | windows2007 |
| 71b6fbee-5f71-458e-8bfb-39c1d5c2779f | windows2012_inject_pwd |
| 28f3f44c-b3f7-4d01-b100-75ec63ed919b | windows2k3r2 |
| bb93f6fc--43c9-ac82-b1835ebcc1df | xulang |


glance image-download --file ./centos7-kvm-1g.qcow2 7dbda9ff-b13f-410b--2c27c6bba4b6


上传iso 镜像(qemu)

openstack image create --container-format bare --disk-format iso --property hypervisor_type=qemu --public --file CentOS-6.9-x86_64-bin-DVD1.iso --name ISO_CentOS6.


[root@cc31 fast-pulsar]# glance image-create --disk-format qcow2 --property hypervisor_type=qemu --container-format bare --file ./centos7-kvm-1g.qcow2  --min-disk= --property os-type=linux --name centos7_kvm_1g
| Property | Value |
| checksum | 64d7c1cd2b6f60c92c14662941cb7913 |
| container_format | bare |
| created_at | --31T01::08Z |
| disk_format | qcow2 |
| hypervisor_type | qemu |
| id | 683b57e2--4b94-af34-4a3eb6a1c6e9 |
| min_disk | |
| min_ram | |
| name | centos7_kvm_1g |
| os-type | linux |
| owner | 093e788ff69e40cb85edad8fac58c5d1 |
| protected | False |
| size | |
| status | active |
| tags | [] |
| updated_at | --31T01::10Z |
| virtual_size | None |
| visibility | private |


glance image-create --disk-format vmdk --property hypervisor_type=vmware --container-format bare --file ./centos6Tomcat.qcow2 --is-public=True --min-disk= --property os-type=linux --property vmware_disktype=thin --propertyvmware_adaptertype=lsiLogicsas --name centos6-vmdk-oracle11g


glance image-create --disk-format vmdk --property hypervisor_type=vmware --property vmware_adaptertype=lsiLogicsas --property vmware_disktype=preallocated --property vmware_ostype=winNetEnterprise64Guest --container-format bare --file ./windows2008server-flat.vmdk --is-public=True --min-disk= --property os-type=windows --name vmdk_windows2008_iis_new2 --property vmware_ostype=winNetEnterprise64Guest --property vmware_disktype=preallocated --property vmware_adaptertype=lsiLogicsas导入windows镜像;property vmware_disktype=preallocated否则会黑屏


glance image-delete 683b57e2--4b94-af34-4a3eb6a1c6e9


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