November 17th, 2017 Week 46th Friday
If you shut the door to all errors, truth will be shut out.
Sometimes being a fool who knows nothing is happier than being a man who knows a lot.
Truth, or error, can any of them bring me some extra money?
Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.
From John Wooden.
Maybe I should stop such useless exercises.
I am not a native-English speaker, and I am not wealthy enough to have learned abroad.
It is no strange that my English is so poor.
There are many things I can't deal with successfully, why not stop doing these stupid exercises and save the time I had spent on them so that I can have more time to learn what can bring me more practical knowledge and what can bring me more money.
I am so poor now and I desperately need some extra money to afford my tuition.
Ok, from now on, I won't write down any quote, really useless and just a waste of time.
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