- #include<iostream>
- #include<cstdio>
- #include<cstring>
- #include<algorithm>
- #include<map>
- #include<queue>
- #define debug cout
- using namespace std;
- const int maxn=5e3+1e2;
- const int inf=0x3f3f3f3f;
- int in[maxn],n,ans,sum;
- namespace NetworkFlow {
- int s[maxn<<],t[maxn<<],nxt[maxn<<],f[maxn<<],dep[maxn<<],deg[maxn<<],cnt=;
- int bak[maxn<<],bcnt;
- int st,ed,_s,_t;
- inline void coredge(int from,int to,int flow) {
- t[++cnt] = to , f[cnt] = flow ,
- nxt[cnt] = s[from] , s[from] = cnt;
- }
- inline void singledge(int from,int to,int flow) {
- coredge(from,to,flow) , coredge(to,from,);
- }
- inline bool bfs() {
- memset(dep,-,sizeof(dep)) , dep[st] = ;
- queue<int> q; q.push(st);
- while( q.size() ) {
- const int pos = q.front(); q.pop();
- for(int at=s[pos];at;at=nxt[at])
- if( f[at] && !~dep[t[at]] ) {
- dep[t[at]] = dep[pos] + , q.push(t[at]);
- }
- }
- return ~dep[ed];
- }
- inline int dfs(int pos,int flow) {
- if( pos == ed ) return flow;
- int ret = , now = ;
- for(int at=s[pos];at;at=nxt[at])
- if( f[at] && dep[t[at]] > dep[pos] ) {
- now = dfs(t[at],min(flow,f[at])) ,
- ret += now , flow -= now ,
- f[at] -= now , f[at^] += now;
- if( !flow ) return ret;
- }
- if( !ret ) dep[pos] = -;
- return ret;
- }
- inline int dinic() {
- int ret = , now = ;
- while( bfs() ) {
- while( ( now = dfs(st,inf) ) )
- ret += now;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- inline int findflow() {
- for(int at=s[_t];at;at=nxt[at])
- if( t[at] == _s ) return f[at^];
- }
- inline void backup() {
- memcpy(bak,s,sizeof(s)) , bcnt = cnt;
- }
- inline void restore() {
- memcpy(s,bak,sizeof(bak)) , cnt = bcnt;
- }
- }
- namespace SAM {
- map<int,int> ch[maxn<<];
- int fa[maxn<<],len[maxn<<],root,last,cnt;
- inline int NewNode(int ll) {
- len[++cnt] = ll;
- return cnt;
- }
- inline void extend(int x) {
- int p = last;
- int np = NewNode(len[p]+);
- while( p && ch[p].find(x) == ch[p].end() ) ch[p][x] = np , p = fa[p];
- if( !p ) fa[np] = root;
- else {
- int q = ch[p][x];
- if( len[q] == len[p] + ) fa[np] = q;
- else {
- int nq = NewNode(len[p]+);
- ch[nq] = ch[q] , fa[nq] = fa[q];
- fa[np] = fa[q] = nq;
- while( p && ch[p][x] == q ) ch[p][x] = nq , p = fa[p];
- }
- }
- last = np;
- }
- inline void Ex_extend(int* sou,int li) {
- last = root;
- for(int i=;i<=li;i++) {
- if( ch[last].find(sou[i]) != ch[last].end() ) last = ch[last][sou[i]];
- else extend(sou[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- inline void build() {
- using SAM::ch;using SAM::cnt;
- using namespace NetworkFlow;
- _s = cnt * + , _t = _s + , st = _t + , ed = st + ;
- #define cov(x) (x+cnt)
- for(int i=;i<=cnt;i++) {
- if( i != ) ++deg[i] , --deg[cov(i)];
- for(map<int,int>::iterator it=ch[i].begin();it!=ch[i].end();it++) {
- const int tar = it->second;
- if( i == ) singledge(_s,tar,);
- else singledge(cov(i),tar,);
- }
- if( i != ) singledge(cov(i),_t,);
- }
- backup();
- for(int i=;i<=_t;i++) {
- if( !deg[i] ) continue;
- if( deg[i] > ) singledge(i,ed,deg[i]) , sum += deg[i];
- else singledge(st,i,-deg[i]);
- }
- singledge(_t,_s,inf);
- }
- inline int getans() {
- using namespace NetworkFlow;
- int d = dinic();
- if( d != sum ) return -; // No solution .
- int ret = findflow();
- restore();
- st = _t , ed = _s;
- int dd = dinic();
- return ret - dd;
- }
- int main() {
- static int m;
- SAM::root = SAM::NewNode();
- scanf("%d",&m);
- while(m--) {
- scanf("%d",&n);
- for(int i=;i<=n;i++) scanf("%d",in+i);
- SAM::Ex_extend(in,n);
- }
- build();
- ans = getans();
- printf("%d\n",ans);
- return ;
- }
- #include<iostream>
- #include<cstdio>
- #include<cstring>
- #include<algorithm>
- using namespace std;
- const int maxn=1e6+1e2,maxb=1e3,maxu=1e4+1e2,maxr=1e5+1e2;
- inline int* NewArray() {
- static const int maxu = 1e4 + 1e3 + ;
- static int dat[maxu][maxb],cnt;
- return dat[cnt++];
- }
- struct PersistentBlockedArray {
- int* p[maxb];
- inline void insert(int pos,int x) { // insert into this array .
- if( !p[pos/maxb] ) p[pos/maxb] = NewArray();
- p[pos/maxb][pos%maxb] = x;
- }
- inline void modify(int pos,int x) {
- int* t = NewArray();
- memcpy(t,p[pos/maxb],sizeof(int)*maxb);
- t[pos%maxb] = x , p[pos/maxb] = t;
- }
- inline int query(int pos) {
- return p[pos/maxb][pos%maxb];
- }
- }dat[maxu];
- int ptr[maxu+maxr],now,cnt;
- inline void roll(int tar) {
- ptr[++now] = ptr[tar];
- }
- inline void modify(int pos,int x) {
- dat[++cnt] = dat[ptr[now]] , ptr[now] = cnt;
- dat[ptr[now]].modify(pos,x);
- }
- inline int query(int pos) {
- return dat[ptr[now]].query(pos);
- }
- namespace IO {
- const int BS = << ;
- char ibuf[BS],obuf[BS],*ist,*ied,*oed=obuf;
- inline char nextchar() {
- if( ist == ied ) ied = ibuf + fread(ist=ibuf,,BS,stdin);
- return ist == ied ? - : *ist++;
- }
- inline int getint() {
- int ret = , ch;
- while( !isdigit(ch=nextchar()) );
- do ret=ret*+ch-''; while( isdigit(ch=nextchar()) );
- return ret;
- }
- inline void getstr(char* s) {
- char ch;
- while( !isalpha(ch=nextchar()) ) ;
- do *s++=ch; while( isalpha(ch=nextchar()) );
- }
- inline void flush() {
- //cerr<<"in flush delta = "<<oed-obuf<<endl;
- fwrite(obuf,,oed-obuf,stdout) , oed = obuf;
- }
- inline void printchar(const char &x) {
- *oed++ = x;
- //cerr<<"delta = "<<oed-obuf<<endl;
- if( oed == obuf + BS ) flush();
- }
- inline void printint(int x) {
- //cerr<<"x = "<<x<<endl;
- static int stk[],top;
- if( !x ) printchar('');
- else {
- top = ;
- while(x) stk[++top] = x % , x /= ;
- while(top) printchar(''+stk[top--]);
- }
- printchar('\n');
- }
- }
- using IO::getint;
- using IO::printint;
- using IO::getstr;
- using IO::flush;
- int main() {
- static int n,m,lastans,ope;
- static char o[];
- n = getint() , m = getint();
- for(int i=,x;i<n;i++) x = getint() , dat[].insert(i,x);
- for(int i=,p,x,t;i<=m;i++) {
- getstr(o);
- if( *o == 'Q' ) {
- p = ( getint() ^ lastans ) % n;
- printint(lastans=query(p));
- } else if( *o == 'M' ) {
- ++ope , p = ( getint() ^ lastans ) % n , x = getint();
- modify(p,x);
- } else if( *o == 'R' ) {
- ++ope , t = ( getint() ^ lastans ) % ope;
- roll(t);
- }
- }
- flush();
- return ;
- }
- #include<iostream>
- #include<cstdio>
- #include<cstring>
- #include<algorithm>
- #define debug cout
- #define bool unsigned char
- typedef long long int lli;
- using namespace std;
- const int maxn=1e6+1e2,lim=1e6,maxk=1e3+1e1;
- const int mod=1e9+;
- int n,k;
- namespace Sieve {
- lli sum[maxn],mem[maxn];
- bool vis[maxn];
- inline void pre() {
- static int prime[maxn/],cnt;
- static bool vis[maxn];
- sum[] = ;
- for(int i=;i<=lim;i++) {
- if( !vis[i] ) prime[++cnt] = i , sum[i] = i - ;
- for(int j=;j<=cnt&&(lli)i*prime[j]<=lim;j++) {
- const int tar = i * prime[j];
- vis[tar] = ;
- if( i % prime[j] ) sum[tar] = sum[i] * ( prime[j] - );
- else {
- sum[tar] = sum[i] * prime[j];
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- for(int i=;i<=lim;i++) sum[i] = ( sum[i] + sum[i-] ) % mod;
- }
- inline lli getphi(lli x) {
- if( x <= lim ) return sum[x];
- const lli t = n / x;
- if( vis[t] ) return mem[t];
- lli& ret = mem[t]; ret = x * ( x + ) >> , vis[t] = ;
- for(lli i=,j;i<=x;i=j+) {
- j = x / ( x / i );
- ret -= ( j - i + ) * getphi(x/i) % mod , ret %= mod;
- }
- return ret = ( ret % mod + mod ) % mod;
- }
- }
- namespace Inter {
- lli in[maxk],fac[maxk],facrev[maxk],pprv[maxk],ssuf[maxk],*prv=pprv+,*suf=ssuf+;
- inline lli fastpow(lli base,int tim) {
- lli ret = ;
- while(tim) {
- if( tim & ) ret = ret * base % mod;
- if( tim >>= ) base = base * base % mod;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- inline void init() {
- for(int i=;i<k;i++) in[i] = fastpow(i,k-);
- for(int i=;i<k;i++) in[i] = ( in[i] + in[i-] ) % mod;
- }
- inline lli getmul(int p) {
- return p ? fac[p] * facrev[k-p-] % mod : facrev[k-];
- }
- inline lli getval(lli x) {
- lli ret = ;
- prv[-] = ;
- for(int i=;i<k;i++) prv[i] = prv[i-] * (x-i+mod) % mod;
- suf[k] = ;
- for(int i=k-;~i;i--) suf[i] = suf[i+] * (x-i+mod) % mod;
- for(int i=;i<k;i++) {
- lli now = prv[i-] * suf[i+] % mod;
- ret = ret + now * in[i] % mod * getmul(i) % mod , ret %= mod;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- inline void getinv() {
- static lli inv[maxn];
- *fac = ;
- for(int i=;i<=k;i++) fac[i] = fac[i-] * i % mod;
- inv[k] = fastpow(fac[k],mod-);
- for(int i=k;i;i--) inv[i-] = inv[i] * i % mod;
- for(int i=;i<=k;i++) inv[i] = inv[i] * fac[i-] % mod;
- for(int i=;i<=k;i++) fac[i] = fac[i-] * inv[i] % mod;
- facrev[] = ;
- for(int i=;i<=k;i++) facrev[i] = facrev[i-] * ( mod - inv[i] ) % mod;
- }
- }
- inline lli segphi(lli l,lli r) {
- return ( Sieve::getphi(r) - Sieve::getphi(l-) + mod ) % mod;
- }
- inline lli calc(lli n) {
- lli ret = ;
- for(lli i=,j;i<=n;i=j+) {
- j = n / ( n / i );
- ret += segphi(i,j) % mod * Inter::getval(n/i) % mod , ret %= mod;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- int main() {
- scanf("%d%d",&n,&k) , k += , Sieve::pre() , Inter::init() , Inter::getinv();
- printf("%lld\n",calc(n));
- return ;
- }
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