时钟管脚设置问题 xilinx ERROR:Place:864 - Incompatible IOB's are locked to the same bank 0
ERROR:Place:1108 - A clock IOB / BUFGMUX clock component pair have been found
that are not placed at an optimal clock IOB / BUFGMUX site pair. The clock
IOB component <Clk_125M> is placed at site <PAD99>. The corresponding BUFG
component <U_Clk_ctrl/U_2_CLK_SWITCH/U_BUFGMUX> is placed at site
<BUFGMUX_X2Y12>. There is only a select set of IOBs that can use the fast
path to the Clocker buffer, and they are not being used. You may want to
analyze why this problem exists and correct it. If this sub optimal condition
is acceptable for this design, you may use the CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE
constraint in the .ucf file to demote this message to a WARNING and allow
your design to continue. However, the use of this override is highly
discouraged as it may lead to very poor timing results. It is recommended
that this error condition be corrected in the design. A list of all the
COMP.PINs used in this clock placement rule is listed below. These examples
can be used directly in the .ucf file to override this clock rule.
< NET "Clk_125M" CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE = FALSE; > 你在你引脚声明的下面加上这句话 NET "cp" CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE = FALSE; 因为这是时序约束造成的。
NET "i_clk" LOC = B18;
ERROR:Place:1018 - A clock IOB / clock component pair have been found that are not placed at an optimal clock IOB /
clock site pair. The clock component <in_BUFGP/BUFG> is placed at site <BUFGMUX_X2Y10>. The IO component <in> is
placed at site <PAD60>. This will not allow the use of the fast path between the IO and the Clock buffer. If this
sub optimal condition is acceptable for this design, you may use the CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE constraint in the .ucf
file to demote this message to a WARNING and allow your design to continue. However, the use of this override is
highly discouraged as it may lead to very poor timing results. It is recommended that this error condition be
corrected in the design. A list of all the COMP.PINs used in this clock placement rule is listed below. These
examples can be used directly in the .ucf file to override this clock rule.
时钟管脚设置问题 xilinx ERROR:Place:864 - Incompatible IOB's are locked to the same bank 0的更多相关文章
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