

 class Solution {
vector<string> wordBreak(string s, vector<string>& wordDict) {
if(m.count(s)) return m[s];//当映射的子串有s说明已经判断完了返回拆分m[s]
if(s.empty()) return {""};//假如s是空的返回空串
vector<string> res;
for(string word: wordDict){
if(s.substr(,word.size())!=word) continue;//在s开头找到字典中的词;
vector<string> rem=wordBreak(s.substr(word.size()),wordDict);//rem是剩下的子串拆分,递归调用wordBreak
for(string str:rem){
res.push_back(word+(str.empty() ? "" : " ")+str);//str非空时,前面加个空格后面再加单词;
return m[s]=res;


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