
Given a string s, partition s such that every substring of the partition is a palindrome.

Return the minimum cuts needed for a palindrome partitioning of s.


Input: "aab"
Output: 1
Explanation: The palindrome partitioning ["aa","b"] could be produced using 1 cut.



由上题Palindrome Partitioning,可以得到一个解此题的思路,DFS穷举所有方案。然而,仅仅是DFS会超时。此题仅要求求得划分次数最小的方法的划分次数。在这个问题下,dfs(string &s, int idx) 返回 s[idx, s.size()-1] 这个子串最少需要多少次划分。可以发现,朴素DFS存在大量的重复计算,因为s[0, idx)子串有多少种划分法,dfs(string &s, int idx) 就会被调用多少次,而每次计算 dfs(string &s, int idx) 返回的结果都是相同的。因此,自然而然的想到记忆化搜索,也就是dp。

class Solution {
vector<vector<bool>> is_palindrome;
vector<int> dp;
int minCut(string s) {
int len = s.size();
is_palindrome = std::move(vector<vector<bool>>(len, vector<bool>(len, false)));
dp = std::move(vector<int>(len, len+));
for(size_t l=; l<=len; l++)
for(size_t head=; head+l-<len; head++){
int tail = head+l-;
if(l == )
is_palindrome[head][tail] = true;
else if(s[head]==s[tail] && (head == tail- || is_palindrome[head+][tail-]))
is_palindrome[head][tail] = true;
int ret = len;
dfs(s, );
return dp[]-;
} int dfs(string& s, int hp){
if(hp == s.size())
return ;
if(dp[hp] < s.size()+)
return dp[hp];
int ret = s.size()+;
for(size_t i=s.size()-hp; i>=; i--)
ret = min(ret, +dfs(s, hp+i));
return dp[hp] = ret;

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