crack the coding interview



  1. #ifndef __Question_1_1_h__ 

  2. #define __Question_1_1_h__ 

  3. #include <string> 

  4. using std::string; 

  5. class Question1_1  

  6. public: 

  7. int run(); 

  8. bool isUniqueChars(const string& str); 

  9. bool isUniqueChars2(const string& str); 

  10. string result(bool value); 

  11. };  

  12. #endif // __Question_1_1_h__ 

  13. #include<iostream> 

  14. #include<string> 

  15. #include "Question1_1.h" 

  16. using namespace std; 

  17. bool Question1_1::isUniqueChars(const string& str) 

  18. if (str.length() > 256)  

  19. return false; 

  20. unsigned int checker = 0; 

  21. for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); ++i)  

  22. int value = str[i] - 'a'; 

  23. if ((checker & (1 << value)) != 0) 

  24. return false; 

  25. checker |= (1 << value); 

  26. return true; 

  27. bool Question1_1::isUniqueChars2(const string& str)  

  28. if (str.length() > 256)  

  29. return false; 

  30. bool ascii_set[256] = { false }; 

  31. for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); ++i)  

  32. int value = str[i]; 

  33. if (ascii_set[value])  

  34. return false; 

  35. ascii_set[value] = true;  

  36. return true; 

  37. /* Function to print true and false */ 

  38. string Question1_1::result(bool value) 

  39. if (value)  

  40. return "True"; 

  41. return "False"; 

  42. int Question1_1::run()  

  43. string input[] ={"abcde", "aba"}; 

  44. for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)  

  45. cout << input[i] << " has unique characters: " << result(isUniqueChars(input[i])) << endl; 

  46. cout << input[i] << " has unique characters: " << result(isUniqueChars2(input[i])) << endl; 

  47. return 0; 


  1. #ifndef __Question_1_2_h__ 

  2. #define __Question_1_2_h__ 

  3. class Question1_2  

  4. public: 

  5. int run(); 

  6. void reverse(char* str); 

  7. };  

  8. #endif // __Question_1_2_h__ 

  9. #include<iostream> 

  10. #include "Question1_2.h" 

  11. using std::cout; 

  12. using std::endl; 

  13. void Question1_2::reverse(char* str)  

  14. char *ptrEnd = str; 

  15. char temp; 

  16. if (str)  

  17. while (*ptrEnd)  

  18. ptrEnd++; 

  19. ptrEnd--; 

  20. while (str < ptrEnd)  

  21. temp = *str; 

  22. *str++ = *ptrEnd; 

  23. *ptrEnd-- = temp; 

  24. int Question1_2::run()  

  25. char input[][10] = { "abcde", "cat" }; 

  26. for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)  

  27. cout << "reversing the string: " << input[i] << endl; 

  28. reverse(input[i]); 

  29. cout << "reverse of input string is " << input[i] << endl; 

  30. return 0; 


  1. #ifndef __Question_1_3_B_h__ 

  2. #define __Question_1_3_B_h__ 

  3. #include <string> 

  4. using std::string; 

  5. class Question1_3_B  

  6. public: 

  7. int run(); 

  8. bool permutation(const string& a, const string& b); 

  9. string result(bool value); 

  10. };  

  11. #endif // __Question_1_3_B_h__ 

  12. #include<iostream> 

  13. #include<string> 

  14. #include<algorithm> 

  15. #include "Question1_3_B.h" 

  16. using namespace std; 

  17. bool Question1_3_B::permutation(const string& a, const string& b)  

  18. if (a.length() != b.length())  

  19. return false; 

  20. int ascii_set[256] = {0}; 

  21. for (int i = 0; i < a.length(); i++)  

  22. int val = static_cast<int>(a[i]); 

  23. ascii_set[val]++; 

  24. for (int i = 0; i < b.length(); i++)  

  25. int val = static_cast<int>(b[i]); 

  26. if ((--ascii_set[val]) < 0)  

  27. return false; 

  28. return true; 

  29. string Question1_3_B::result(bool value)  

  30. if (value)  

  31. return "True"; 

  32. return "False"; 

  33. int Question1_3_B::run()  

  34. string a = "apple"; 

  35. string b = "papel"; 

  36. cout << "Result for " << a << " and " << b << " is " << result(permutation(a, b)) << endl; 

  37. return 0; 


  1. #ifndef __Question_1_4_h__ 

  2. #define __Question_1_4_h__ 

  3. #include <memory> 

  4. class Question1_4  

  5. public: 

  6. int run(); 

  7. void replaceSpaces(std::unique_ptr<char[]>&, int length); 

  8. };  

  9. #endif // __Question_1_4_h__ 

  10. #include<iostream> 

  11. #include<memory> 

  12. #include<string> 

  13. #include "Question1_4.h" 

  14. using namespace std; 

  15. void Question1_4::replaceSpaces(unique_ptr<char[]> &str, int length) //char str[] 

  16. int newLength, spaceCount = 0; 

  17. //count the number of spaces in the given string. 

  18. for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)  

  19. if (str[i] == ' ')  

  20. spaceCount++; 

  21. //calculate new string size. 

  22. newLength = length + spaceCount * 2; 

  23. str[newLength] = '\0'; 

  24. //copying the characters backwards and inserting %20 

  25. for (int i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--)  

  26. if (str[i] == ' ')  

  27. str[newLength - 1] = '0'; 

  28. str[newLength - 2] = '2'; 

  29. str[newLength - 3] = '%'; 

  30. newLength -= 3; 

  31. }  

  32. else 

  33. str[newLength - 1] = str[i]; 

  34. newLength--; 

  35. int Question1_4::run()  

  36. string str = "abc d e f"; 

  37. // Increasing length of the string to meet question requirement of 'true' length by using char array. (Note: using a unique_ptr here) 

  38. auto newStr = make_unique<char[]>(str.length() + 3 * 2 + 1); 

  39. for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++)  

  40. newStr[i] = str[i]; 

  41. cout << "Original string is " << str << endl; 

  42. replaceSpaces(newStr, str.length()); 

  43. cout << "New string with %20 is " << newStr.get() << endl; 

  44. return 0; 


  1. #ifndef __Question_1_5_h__ 

  2. #define __Question_1_5_h__ 

  3. #include <string> 

  4. using std::string; 

  5. class Question1_5  

  6. public: 

  7. int run(); 

  8. int stringToInt(const string& value); 

  9. string intToString(int value); 

  10. int countCompression(const string& str); 

  11. /// C++ std::string is efficient and no need to use a "StringBuffer"-like structure. 

  12. string compressBetter(const string& str); 

  13. };  

  14. #endif // __Question_1_5_h__ 

  15. #include<iostream> 

  16. #include<string> 

  17. #include<sstream> 

  18. #include "Question1_5.h" 

  19. using namespace std; 

  20. int Question1_5::stringToInt(const string& value)  

  21. int temp; 

  22. stringstream(value) >> temp; 

  23. return temp; 

  24. string Question1_5::intToString(int value)  

  25. string temp; 

  26. stringstream convert; 

  27. convert << value; 

  28. temp = convert.str(); 

  29. return temp; 

  30. int Question1_5::countCompression(const string& str) 

  31. if (str.length() == 0)  

  32. return 0; 

  33. char last =; 

  34. int size = 0; 

  35. int count = 1; 

  36. for (int i = 1; i < str.length(); i++)  

  37. if ( == last)  

  38. count++; 

  39. else 

  40. last =; 

  41. size = size + 1 + intToString(count).length(); 

  42. count = 1; 

  43. size = size + 1 + intToString(count).length(); 

  44. return size; 

  45. string Question1_5::compressBetter(const string& str)  

  46. int size = countCompression(str); 

  47. if(size >= str.length())  

  48. return str; 

  49. string newstr; 

  50. char last =; 

  51. int count = 1; 

  52. for (int i = 1; i < str.length(); i++)  

  53. if ( == last)  

  54. count++; 

  55. else 

  56. newstr += last; 

  57. newstr.append(intToString(count)); 

  58. last =; 

  59. count = 1; 

  60. newstr += last; 

  61. newstr.append(intToString(count)); 

  62. return newstr; 

  63. int Question1_5::run()  

  64. string str = "abbccccccde"; 

  65. string newstr = compressBetter(str); 

  66. cout << "Original string is " << str << endl; 

  67. cout << "Compressed string is " << newstr << endl; 

  68. return 0; 


  1. #ifndef __Question_1_6_h__ 

  2. #define __Question_1_6_h__ 

  3. class Question1_6  

  4. public: 

  5. /** 

  6. * Since we can't provide variable matrix size in C++, we will do it "the c way" and will provide a 1-dimensional 

  7. * array 

  8. */ 

  9. void rotate(int* matrix, int n); 

  10. void printMatrix(int* matrix, int m, int n); 

  11. int run(); 

  12. }; 

  13. #endif // __Question_1_6_h__ 

  14. #include <iostream> 

  15. #include <memory> 

  16. #include "Question1_6.h" 

  17. using namespace std; 

  18. void Question1_6::rotate(int* matrix, int n)  

  19. for (int layer = 0; layer < n / 2; ++layer)  

  20. int first = layer; 

  21. int last = n - 1 - layer; 

  22. for (int i = first; i < last; ++i)  

  23. int offset = i - first; 

  24. // save top 

  25. int top = matrix[first * n + i]; 

  26. // left to top 

  27. matrix[first * n + i] = matrix[(last-offset) * n + first]; 

  28. // bottom to left 

  29. matrix[(last-offset) * n + first] = matrix[last * n + (last-offset)]; 

  30. // right to bottom 

  31. matrix[last * n + (last-offset)] = matrix[i * n + last]; 

  32. // top to right 

  33. matrix[i * n + last] = top; 

  34. void Question1_6::printMatrix(int* matrix, int m, int n)  

  35. for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i)  

  36. for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)  

  37. cout << matrix[i * n + j] << " "; 

  38. cout << endl; 

  39. int Question1_6::run()  

  40. int matrix[][5] ={{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, 

  41. {6, 7, 8, 9, 10}, 

  42. {11, 12, 13, 14, 15}, 

  43. {16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, 

  44. {21, 22, 23, 24, 25}}; 

  45. int* matrixPtr = (int*)matrix; 

  46. cout << "original matrix is :" << endl; 

  47. printMatrix(matrixPtr, 5, 5); 

  48. rotate(matrixPtr, 5); 

  49. cout << "rotated matrix is: " << endl; 

  50. printMatrix(matrixPtr, 5, 5); 

  51. return 0; 


  1. #ifndef __Question_1_7_h__ 

  2. #define __Question_1_7_h__ 

  3. class Question1_7  

  4. public: 

  5. /** 

  6. * Since we can't provide variable matrix size in C++, we will do it "the c way" and will provide a 1-dimensional 

  7. * array 

  8. */ 

  9. void setZeros(int* matrix, int m, int n); 

  10. void printMatrix(int* matrix, int m, int n); 

  11. int run(); 

  12. }; 

  13. #endif // __Question_1_7_h__ 

  14. #include <iostream> 

  15. #include "Question1_7.h" 

  16. using namespace std; 

  17. void Question1_7::setZeros(int* matrix, int m, int n)  

  18. // Assuming M,N <= 32, we'll use a bit vector to represent whether a row/col should be set with zeros. 

  19. int m_rows = 0; 

  20. int m_cols = 0; 

  21. for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i)  

  22. for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)  

  23. if (matrix[i * n + j] == 0)  

  24. m_rows |= (1 << i); 

  25. m_cols |= (1 << j); 

  26. for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i)  

  27. for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)  

  28. if (((m_rows & (1 << i)) != 0) || ((m_cols & (1 << j)) != 0))  

  29. matrix[i * n + j] = 0; 

  30. void Question1_7::printMatrix(int* matrix, int m, int n)  

  31. for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) 

  32. for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) 

  33. cout << matrix[i * n + j] << " "; 

  34. cout << endl; 

  35. int Question1_7::run()  

  36. int matrix[4][5] ={{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, 

  37. {6, 7, 8, 9, 10}, 

  38. {11, 12, 0, 14, 15}, 

  39. {16, 17, 18, 0, 20}}; 

  40. int* matrixPtr = (int*)matrix; 

  41. cout << "original matrix is :" << endl; 

  42. printMatrix(matrixPtr, 4, 5); 

  43. setZeros(matrixPtr, 4, 5); 

  44. cout << "zeroed matrix is: " << endl; 

  45. printMatrix(matrixPtr, 4, 5); 

  46. return 0; 


  1. #ifndef __Question_1_8_h__ 

  2. #define __Question_1_8_h__ 

  3. #include <string> 

  4. using std::string; 

  5. class Question1_8  

  6. public: 

  7. string result(bool value); 

  8. bool isRotation(const string& s1, const string& s2); 

  9. int run(); 

  10. }; 

  11. #endif // __Question_1_8_h__ 

  12. #include<iostream> 

  13. #include<string> 

  14. #include "Question1_8.h" 

  15. using namespace std; 

  16. bool Question1_8::isRotation(const string& s1, const string& s2) 

  17. int len = s1.length(); 

  18. if(len == s2.length() && len > 0)  

  19. string s1s1 = s1 + s1; 

  20. return s1s1.find(s2) != string::npos; 

  21. return false; 

  22. string Question1_8::result(bool value) 

  23. if (value)  

  24. return "True"; 

  25. return "False"; 

  26. int Question1_8::run()  

  27. string a = "apple"; 

  28. string b = "leapp"; 

  29. cout << "Checking if string: " << a << " is a rotation of string: " << b << ": " 

  30. << result(isRotation(a, b)) << endl; 

  31. a = "james"; 

  32. b = "mesje"; 

  33. cout << "Checking if string: " << a << " is a rotation of string: " << b << ": " 

  34. << result(isRotation(a, b)) << endl; 

  35. return 0; 

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