package pingo

import (

var (
    errInvalidMessage      = ErrInvalidMessage(errors.New("Invalid ready message"))
    errRegistrationTimeout = ErrRegistrationTimeout(errors.New("Registration timed out"))

// Represents a plugin. After being created the plugin is not started or ready to run.
// Additional configuration (ErrorHandler and Timeout) can be set after initialization.
// Use Start() to make the plugin available.
type Plugin struct {
    exe         string
    proto       string
    unixdir     string
    params      []string
    initTimeout time.Duration
    exitTimeout time.Duration
    handler     ErrorHandler
    running     bool
    meta        meta
    objsCh      chan *objects
    connCh      chan *conn
    killCh      chan *waiter
    exitCh      chan struct{}

// NewPlugin create a new plugin ready to be started, or returns an error if the initial setup fails.
// The first argument specifies the protocol. It can be either set to "unix" for communication on an
// ephemeral local socket, or "tcp" for network communication on the local host (using a random
// unprivileged port.)
// This constructor will panic if the proto argument is neither "unix" nor "tcp".
// The path to the plugin executable should be absolute. Any path accepted by the "exec" package in the
// standard library is accepted and the same rules for execution are applied.
// Optionally some parameters might be passed to the plugin executable.
func NewPlugin(proto, path string, params ...string) *Plugin {
    if proto != "unix" && proto != "tcp" {
        panic("Invalid protocol. Specify 'unix' or 'tcp'.")
    p := &Plugin{
        exe:         path,
        proto:       proto,
        params:      params,
        initTimeout: 2 * time.Second,
        exitTimeout: 2 * time.Second,
        handler:     NewDefaultErrorHandler(),
        meta:        meta("pingo" + randstr(5)),
        objsCh:      make(chan *objects),
        connCh:      make(chan *conn),
        killCh:      make(chan *waiter),
        exitCh:      make(chan struct{}),
    return p

// Set the error (and output) handler implementation.  Use this to set a custom implementation.
// By default, standard logging is used.  See ErrorHandler.
// Panics if called after Start.
func (p *Plugin) SetErrorHandler(h ErrorHandler) {
    if p.running {
        panic("Cannot call SetErrorHandler after Start")
    p.handler = h

// Set the maximum time a plugin is allowed to start up and to shut down.  Empty timeout (zero)
// is not allowed, default will be used.
// Default is two seconds.
// Panics if called after Start.
func (p *Plugin) SetTimeout(t time.Duration) {
    if p.running {
        panic("Cannot call SetTimeout after Start")
    if t == 0 {
    p.initTimeout = t
    p.exitTimeout = t

func (p *Plugin) SetSocketDirectory(dir string) {
    if p.running {
        panic("Cannot call SetSocketDirectory after Start")
    p.unixdir = dir

// Default string representation
func (p *Plugin) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", p.exe, strings.Join(p.params, " "))

// Start will execute the plugin as a subprocess. Start will return immediately. Any first call to the
// plugin will reveal eventual errors occurred at initialization.
// Calls subsequent to Start will hang until the plugin has been properly initialized.
func (p *Plugin) Start() {
    p.running = true

// Stop attemps to stop cleanly or kill the running plugin, then will free all resources.
// Stop returns when the plugin as been shut down and related routines have exited.
func (p *Plugin) Stop() {
    wr := newWaiter()
    p.killCh <- wr
    p.exitCh <- struct{}{}

// Call performs an RPC call to the plugin. Prior to calling Call, the plugin must have been
// initialized by calling Start.
// Call will hang until a plugin has been initialized; it will return any error that happens
// either when performing the call or during plugin initialization via Start.
// Please refer to the "rpc" package from the standard library for more information on the
// semantics of this function.
func (p *Plugin) Call(name string, args interface{}, resp interface{}) error {
    conn := &conn{wr: newWaiter()}
    p.connCh <- conn

    if conn.err != nil {
        return conn.err

    return conn.client.Call(name, args, resp)

// Objects returns a list of the exported objects from the plugin. Exported objects used
// internally are not reported.
// Like Call, Objects returns any error happened on initialization if called after Start.
func (p *Plugin) Objects() ([]string, error) {
    objects := &objects{wr: newWaiter()}
    p.objsCh <- objects

    return objects.list, objects.err

// ErrorHandler is the interface used by Plugin to report non-fatal errors and any other
// output from the plugin.
// A default implementation is provided and used if none is specified on plugin creation.
type ErrorHandler interface {
    // Error is called whenever a non-fatal error occurs in the plugin subprocess.
    // Print is called for each line of output received from the plugin subprocess.

// Default error handler implementation. Uses the default logging facility from the
// Go standard library.
type DefaultErrorHandler struct{}

// Constructor for default error handler.
func NewDefaultErrorHandler() *DefaultErrorHandler {
    return &DefaultErrorHandler{}

// Log via default standard library facility prepending the "error: " string.
func (e *DefaultErrorHandler) Error(err error) {
    log.Print("error: ", err)

// Log via default standard library facility.
func (e *DefaultErrorHandler) Print(s interface{}) {

const internalObject = "PingoRpc"

type conn struct {
    client *rpc.Client
    err    error
    wr     *waiter

type waiter struct {
    c chan struct{}

func newWaiter() *waiter {
    return &waiter{c: make(chan struct{})}

func (wr *waiter) wait() {

func (wr *waiter) done() {

func (wr *waiter) reset() {
    wr.c = make(chan struct{})

type client struct {
    secret string

func newClient(s string, conn io.ReadWriteCloser) *client {
    return &client{secret: s, Client: rpc.NewClient(conn)}

func (c *client) authenticate(w io.Writer) error {
    _, err := io.WriteString(w, "Auth-Token: "+c.secret+"\n\n")
    return err

func dialAuthRpc(secret, network, address string, timeout time.Duration) (*rpc.Client, error) {
    conn, err := net.DialTimeout(network, address, timeout)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    c := newClient(secret, conn)
    if err := c.authenticate(conn); err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return c.Client, nil

type objects struct {
    list []string
    err  error
    wr   *waiter

type ctrl struct {
    p    *Plugin
    objs []string
    // Protocol and address for RPC
    proto, addr string
    // Secret needed to connect to server
    secret string
    // Unrecoverable error is used as response to calls after it happened.
    err error
    // This channel is an alias to p.connCh. It allows to
    // intermittedly process calls (only when we can handle them).
    connCh chan *conn
    // Same as above, but for objects requests
    objsCh chan *objects
    // Timeout on plugin startup time
    timeoutCh <-chan time.Time
    // Get notification from Wait on the subprocess
    waitCh chan error
    // Get output lines from subprocess
    linesCh chan string
    // Respond to a routine waiting for this mail loop to exit.
    over *waiter
    // Executable
    proc *os.Process
    // RPC client to subprocess
    client *rpc.Client

func newCtrl(p *Plugin, t time.Duration) *ctrl {
    return &ctrl{
        p:         p,
        timeoutCh: time.After(t),
        linesCh:   make(chan string),
        waitCh:    make(chan error),

func (c *ctrl) fatal(err error) {
    c.err = err

func (c *ctrl) isFatal() bool {
    return c.err != nil

func (c *ctrl) close() {
    c.connCh = nil
    c.objsCh = nil

func (c *ctrl) open() {
    c.connCh = c.p.connCh
    c.objsCh = c.p.objsCh

func (c *ctrl) ready(val string) bool {
    var err error

    if err := c.parseReady(val); err != nil {
        return false

    c.client, err = dialAuthRpc(c.secret, c.proto, c.addr, c.p.initTimeout)
    if err != nil {
        return false

    // Remove the temp socket now that we are connected
    if c.proto == "unix" {
        if err := os.Remove(c.addr); err != nil {
            c.p.handler.Error(errors.New("Cannot remove temporary socket: " + err.Error()))

    // Defuse the timeout on ready
    c.timeoutCh = nil

    return true

func (c *ctrl) readOutput(r io.Reader) {
    scanner := bufio.NewScanner(r)

    for scanner.Scan() {
        c.linesCh <- scanner.Text()

func (c *ctrl) waitErr(pidCh chan<- int, err error) {
    c.waitCh <- err

func (c *ctrl) wait(pidCh chan<- int, exe string, params ...string) {
    defer close(c.waitCh)

    cmd := exec.Command(exe, params...)

    stdout, err := cmd.StdoutPipe()
    if err != nil {
        c.waitErr(pidCh, err)
    stderr, err := cmd.StderrPipe()
    if err != nil {
        c.waitErr(pidCh, err)
    if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
        c.waitErr(pidCh, err)

    pidCh <- cmd.Process.Pid


    c.waitCh <- cmd.Wait()

func (c *ctrl) kill() {
    if c.proc == nil {
    // Ignore errors here because Kill might have been called after
    // process has ended.
    c.proc = nil

func (c *ctrl) parseReady(str string) error {
    if !strings.HasPrefix(str, "proto=") {
        return errInvalidMessage
    str = str[6:]
    s := strings.IndexByte(str, ' ')
    if s < 0 {
        return errInvalidMessage
    proto := str[0:s]
    if proto != "unix" && proto != "tcp" {
        return errInvalidMessage
    c.proto = proto

    str = str[s+1:]
    if !strings.HasPrefix(str, "addr=") {
        return errInvalidMessage
    c.addr = str[5:]

    return nil

// Copy the list of objects for the requestor
func (c *ctrl) objects() []string {
    list := make([]string, len(c.objs)-1)
    for i, j := 0, 0; i < len(c.objs); i++ {
        if c.objs[i] == internalObject {
        list[j] = c.objs[i]
        j = j + 1
    return list

func (p *Plugin) run() {
    if p.unixdir == "" {
        p.unixdir = os.TempDir()

    params := []string{
        "-pingo:prefix=" + string(p.meta),
        "-pingo:proto=" + p.proto,
    if p.proto == "unix" && p.unixdir != "" {
        params = append(params, "-pingo:unixdir="+p.unixdir)
    for i := 0; i < len(p.params); i++ {
        params = append(params, p.params[i])

    c := newCtrl(p, p.initTimeout)

    pidCh := make(chan int)
    go c.wait(pidCh, p.exe, params...)
    pid := <-pidCh

    if pid != 0 {
        if proc, err := os.FindProcess(pid); err == nil {
            c.proc = proc

    for {
        select {
        case <-c.timeoutCh:
        case r := <-c.connCh:
            if c.isFatal() {
                r.err = c.err

            r.client = c.client
        case o := <-c.objsCh:
            if c.isFatal() {
                o.err = c.err

            o.list = c.objects()
        case line := <-c.linesCh:
            key, val := p.meta.parse(line)
            switch key {
            case "auth-token":
                c.secret = val
            case "fatal":
                if err := parseError(val); err != nil {
                } else {
            case "error":
                if err := parseError(val); err != nil {
                } else {
            case "objects":
                c.objs = strings.Split(val, ", ")
            case "ready":
                if !c.ready(val) {
                // Start accepting calls
        case wr := <-p.killCh:
            if c.waitCh == nil {

            // If we don't accept calls, kill immediately
            if c.connCh == nil || c.client == nil {
            } else {
                // Be sure to kill the process if it doesn't obey Exit.
                go func(pid int, t time.Duration) {

                    if proc, err := os.FindProcess(pid); err == nil {
                }(pid, p.exitTimeout)

                c.client.Call(internalObject+".Exit", 0, nil)

            if c.client != nil {

            // Do not accept calls

            // When wait on the subprocess is exited, signal back via "over"
            c.over = wr
        case err := <-c.waitCh:
            if err != nil {
                if _, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); !ok {

            // Signal to whoever killed us (via killCh) that we are done
            if c.over != nil {

            c.proc = nil
            c.waitCh = nil
            c.linesCh = nil
        case <-p.exitCh:

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