Advanced Pricing - How to source Pricing Attributes using QP_CUSTOM_SOURCE.Get_Custom_Attribute_Valu
详细内容需要参考文档:Oracle 11i Advanced Pricing—Don’t Customize, Extend!
Oracle Advanced Pricing - Version 11.5.8 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
***Checked for relevance on 06-DEC-2013***
This note explains details on sourcing Pricing Attributes by implementing QP_CUSTOM_SOURCE.Get_Custom_Attribute_Values procedure and troubleshooting custom sourced attributes.
Using Custom Sourced Attributes
Attributes can also be passed to the pricing engine directly, without the need for an attribute mapping rule. In such cases, the Attribute Manager API calls the QP_CUSTOM_SOURCE API, where the user has manually
defined the attributes being passed and coded the sourcing of their values.
The user code is written in the package procedure QP_CUSTOM_SOURCE.Get_Custom_Attribute_Values.
The Attribute Manager API program (Build_Contexts), calls this procedure to pick up custom-sourced attributes if the profile option QP: Custom Sourced is set to Yes. The input parameters to QP_CUSTOM_SOURCE are Request Type code and Pricing Type. Typical values
of Request Type Codes that can be passed are ONT, ASO, OKC, IC, FTE or MSD. By using the Request_Type_Code, the user can control how the attributes are sourced based on the PTE of the calling application.
The Pricing Type can be H (Header) or L (Line) which defines the level of the attribute mapping rule. These attributes and their values are passed to the pricing engine in the same manner as the attributes sourced through attribute mapping rules.
Profile option:
QP: Custom Sourced - Yes
a. QPXCSOUS.pls - QP_CUSTOM_SOURCE Package Specification.
b. QPXCSOUB.pls - QP_CUSTOM_SOURCE Package Body.
Customer has to implement the Package Body in QPXCSOUB.pls (for example) to source custom mapped qualifier/pricing attributes in Get_Custom_Attribute_Values procedure and need to set QP: Custom Sourced profile option
value to Yes.
Procedure Get_Custom_Attribute_Values:
QPXCSOUS.pls - QP_CUSTOM_SOURCE package specification contains the following procedure declaration.
PROCEDURE Get_Custom_Attribute_Values
( p_req_type_code IN VARCHAR2
, p_pricing_type_code IN VARCHAR2
p_req_type_code - Request Type Code. ex, ONT.
p_pricing_type_code - 'L' for Line and 'H' for Header Level attribute mapping rule.
x_qual_ctxts_result_tbl - Qualifier attributes result table.
x_price_ctxts_result_tbl - Pricing attributes result table.
If profile option QP: Custom Sourced is set to Yes, Attribute Manager API Build_Contexts will call QP_CUSTOM_SOURCE.Get_Custom_Attribute_Values procedure to source custom mapped attributes. ie, attributes with attribute
Attribute Mapping Method=CUSTOM SOURCED.
Example code:
The following example explains how a customer may code the body of QP_CUSTOM_SOURCE for a particular case.
In this case, two segment mapping columns, 'QUALIFIER_ATTRIBUTE31' and 'PRICING_ATTRIBUTE31' that belong to contexts CUST_SOURCE_QUAL_CON and CUST_SOURCE_PRIC_CON respectively and linked to PTE 'Order Fulfillment', will have Custom Sourced values as 10 for
ORDER as well as LINE Attribute Mapping levels. The user must ensure that the Attribute Mapping method for both these PTE-Attribute links is CUSTOM SOURCED in the 'Attribute Linking and Mapping' setup window.
/*Customizable Public Procedure*/
PROCEDURE Get_Custom_Attribute_Values
( p_req_type_code IN VARCHAR2
,p_pricing_type_code IN VARCHAR2
) is
/* Note:
a. Assign Context Code to context_name parameter and not the name of the context.
b. Assign Column Mapped for the attribute to attribute_name parameter and not the
attribute name.
c. Ensure that attribute_value is assigned to NOT NULL value, otherwise the attribute will not
get sourced and not used by pricing engine for calculation.
-- The statements below help the user in turning debug on
-- The user needs to set the oe_debug_pub.G_DIR value.
-- This value can be found by executing the following statement
-- select value
-- from v$parameter
-- where name like 'utl_file_dir%';
-- This might return multiple values , and any one of the values can be taken
-- Make sure that the value of the directory specified , actually exists
-- Sample debug message.
-- oe_debug_pub.add ('In Get_Custom_Attribute_Values');
If p_req_type_code = ‘ONT’ and p_pricing_type_code in (‘L’,’H’) then
-- Sourcing qualifier attributes.
x_qual_ctxts_result_tbl(1).context_name := 'CUST_SOURCE_QUAL_CON';
x_qual_ctxts_result_tbl(1).attribute_name := 'QUALIFIER_ATTRIBUTE31';
x_qual_ctxts_result_tbl(1).attribute_value := '10';
-- Sourcing pricing attributes.
x_price_ctxts_result_tbl(1).context_name := 'CUST_SOURCE_PRIC_CON';
x_price_ctxts_result_tbl(1).attribute_name := 'PRICING_ATTRIBUTE31';
x_price_ctxts_result_tbl(1).attribute_value:= '10';
end if;
End Get_Custom_Attribute_Values;
Please note that, context_name is actually the context code and NOT the name of the context.
Also, attribute_name is the column mapped for the attribute and NOT the attribute name.
Troubleshooting Custom sourced attributes:
1. Please check QP: Custom Sourced profile is set to Yes for the Attribute Manager API Build_Contexts to call QP_CUSTOM_SOURCE.Get_Custom_Attribute_Values procedure to source custom mapped attributes.
2. Please set QP: Debug profile to ‘Request Viewer On’ and reproduce the issue. Look at the Pricing Engine Request Viewer and see the custom sourced attribute is sourced correctly and the value assigned to the attribute
is matched with the setup value in the pricelist / modifier / formula setup. Please see 'Pricing Engine Request Viewer – Attributes section’ in Advanced Pricing implementation guide on how to use Pricing Engine Request Viewer for attribute sourcing issues.
3. Please check the string 'Before Calling Custom Sourcing Package' in the debug log and make sure that there is no exception/error message thrown in custom API call and check the number of custom attributes sourced.
Also, check the output of the following SQL to determine the error message thrown in the custom package:
SELECT line || ‘/’ position POS, text from DBA_ERRORS WHERE NAME =’QP_CUSTOM_SOURCE’;
4. Please note that the value assigned to the attribute in Get_Custom_Attribute_Values procedure should not be NULL, otherwise the attribute will not get sourced.
5. Please add debug messages in Get_Custom_Attribute_Values procedure using oe_debug_pub.add API and verify that the debug messages are printed in the debug log to diagnose the issue in the custom procedure implementation.
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