理解 Linux 条件变量
理解 Linux 条件变量
1 简介
例1: 当系统不忙(这是一个条件)时,执行扫描文件状态的线程。
例2: 多个线程组成线程池,只有当任务队列中存在任务时,才用其中一个线程去执行这个任务。为避免惊群(thrundering herd),可以采用条件变量同步线程池中的线程。
2 用法
1) pthread_cond_init
2) pthread_cond_signal / pthread_cond_broadcast
3) pthread_cond_wait / pthread_cond_timedwait
4) pthread_cond_destroy
include <stdio.h> include <sys/time.h> include <unistd.h> include <pthread.h> include <errno.h> ... void A_thread_run(void *arg) { ... pthread_mutex_lock (& lock); // 条件满足, 发出通知 pthread_cond_signal (& cond); pthread_mutex_unlock (& lock); ... }
void B_thread_run(void *arg) { for ( ; ; ) { pthread_mutex_lock (&lock); /* pthread_cond_wait 原子调用: 等待条件变量, 解除锁, 然后阻塞 * 当 pthread_cond_wait 返回,则条件变量有信号,同时上锁 * * 等待条件有两种方式:条件等待pthread_cond_wait()和计时等待pthread_cond_timedwait(), * 其中计时等待方式如果在给定时刻前条件没有满足,则返回ETIMEOUT * 无论哪种等待方式,都必须和一个互斥锁配合,以防止多个线程同时请求pthread_cond_wait() * (或pthread_cond_timedwait(),下同)的竞争条件(Race Condition)。 * mutex互斥锁必须是普通锁(PTHREAD_MUTEX_TIMED_NP)或者适应锁(PTHREAD_MUTEX_ADAPTIVE_NP), * 且在调用pthread_cond_wait()前必须由本线程加锁(pthread_mutex_lock()),而在更新条件等待队列以前, * mutex保持锁定状态,并在线程挂起进入等待前解锁。 * 在条件满足从而离开pthread_cond_wait()之前,mutex将被重新加锁,以与进入pthread_cond_wait()前的加锁动作对应。 * 激发条件有两种形式,pthread_cond_signal()激活一个等待该条件的线程,存在多个等待线程时按入队顺序激活其中一个; * 而pthread_cond_broadcast()则激活所有等待线程(惊群)。 */ pthread_cond_wait (&cond, &lock); if (shutdown) { break; } /* Unlock */ pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock); /* do your task here */ } pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock); pthread_exit (0); }
3 避免惊群
这是个狼多肉少,僧多粥少,色鬼多美女少的时代。每当一块肉丢到狼群,就引发一群狼去争抢,但最后只有一只狼得到了肉。这就是惊群(thrundering herd)。现实世界的惊群,比如老师在课堂上每次提出一个问题,最后只找一个学生回答,时间久了,学生对这个老师的问题就倦怠了。计算机的惊群会造成服务器资源空耗。
4 线程池threadpool
每个线程有特定于线程的参数(thread argument),每个任务也有特定于任务的数据(task argument)。线程函数执行任务函数,同时传递给任务函数线程参数和任务参数。
/* * 2014-06-18: last modified by cheungmine * * Copyright (c) 2011, Mathias Brossard <mathias@brossard.org>. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef _THREADPOOL_H_ #define _THREADPOOL_H_ #ifndef POOL_MAX_THREADS # define POOL_MAX_THREADS 256 #endif #ifndef POOL_MAX_QUEUES # define POOL_MAX_QUEUES 1024 #endif #ifndef POOL_DEFAULT_THREADS # define POOL_DEFAULT_THREADS 32 #endif #ifndef POOL_DEFAULT_QUEUES # define POOL_DEFAULT_QUEUES 256 #endif /** * @file threadpool.h * @brief Threadpool Header file */ typedef struct threadpool_t threadpool_t; /** * @file threadpool.h * @brief thread_context_t * thread can take itself argument * added by cheungmine. * 2014-06-17 */ typedef struct thread_context_t { void *pool; pthread_t thread; void *thread_arg; struct threadpool_task_t *task; } thread_context_t; /** * @struct threadpool_task * @brief the work struct * * @var function Pointer to the function that will perform the task. * @var argument Argument to be passed to the function. */ typedef struct threadpool_task_t { void (*function)(thread_context_t *); int flags; /* user defined */ void * argument; } threadpool_task_t; typedef enum { threadpool_invalid = -1, threadpool_lock_failure = -2, threadpool_queue_full = -3, threadpool_shutdown = -4, threadpool_run_failure = -5, threadpool_out_memory = -6 } threadpool_error_t; static const char* threadpool_error_messages[] = { "threadpool_success", "threadpool_invalid", "threadpool_lock_failure", "threadpool_queue_full", "threadpool_shutdown", "threadpool_run_failure", "threadpool_out_memory" }; /** * @function threadpool_create * @brief Creates a threadpool_t object. * @param thread_count Number of worker threads. * @param queue_size Size of the queue. * @param thread_args array of arguments with count of thread_count, NULL if ignored. * @param flags Unused parameter. * @return a newly created thread pool or NULL */ threadpool_t *threadpool_create (int thread_count, int queue_size, void **thread_args, int flags); /** * @function threadpool_add * @brief add a new task in the queue of a thread pool * @param pool Thread pool to which add the task. * @param function Pointer to the function that will perform the task. * @param argument Argument to be passed to the function. * @param flags Unused parameter. * @return 0 if all goes well, negative values in case of error (@see * threadpool_error_t for codes). */ int threadpool_add (threadpool_t *pool, void (*routine)(thread_context_t *), void *task_arg, int flags); /** * @function threadpool_destroy * @brief Stops and destroys a thread pool. * @param pool Thread pool to destroy. * @param flags Unused parameter. */ int threadpool_destroy (threadpool_t *pool, int flags); #endif /* _THREADPOOL_H_ */
/* * 2014-06-18: last modified by cheungmine * * Copyright (c) 2011, Mathias Brossard <mathias@brossard.org>. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** * @file threadpool.c * @brief Threadpool implementation file */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "threadpool.h" /** * @struct threadpool * @brief The threadpool struct * * @var notify Condition variable to notify worker threads. * @var threads Array containing worker threads ID. * @var thread_count Number of threads * @var queue Array containing the task queue. * @var queue_size Size of the task queue. * @var head Index of the first element. * @var tail Index of the next element. * @var shutdown Flag indicating if the pool is shutting down */ struct threadpool_t { pthread_mutex_t lock; pthread_cond_t notify; int head; int tail; int count; int shutdown; int started; int thread_count; int queue_size; threadpool_task_t *queues; thread_context_t thread_ctxs[0]; }; /** * @function void *threadpool_run(void *threadpool) * @brief the worker thread * @param threadpool the pool which own the thread */ static void *threadpool_run (void *threadpool); int threadpool_free(threadpool_t *pool); threadpool_t *threadpool_create(int thread_count, int queue_size, void **thread_args, int flags) { int i; threadpool_t *pool = NULL; /* Check thread_count for negative or otherwise very big input parameters */ if (thread_count < 0 || thread_count > POOL_MAX_THREADS) { goto err; } if (thread_count == 0) { thread_count = POOL_DEFAULT_THREADS; } /* Check queue_size for negative or otherwise very big input parameters */ if (queue_size < 0 || queue_size > POOL_MAX_QUEUES) { goto err; } if (queue_size == 0) { queue_size = POOL_DEFAULT_QUEUES; } /* create threadpool */ if ( (pool = (threadpool_t *) malloc (sizeof(threadpool_t) + sizeof(thread_context_t) * thread_count + sizeof(threadpool_task_t) * queue_size)) == NULL ) { goto err; } /* Initialize */ pool->thread_count = thread_count; pool->queue_size = queue_size; pool->head = pool->tail = pool->count = 0; pool->shutdown = pool->started = 0; pool->queues = (threadpool_task_t *) (& pool->thread_ctxs[thread_count]); /* Initialize mutex and conditional variable first */ if ((pthread_mutex_init (&(pool->lock), NULL) != 0) || (pthread_cond_init (&(pool->notify), NULL) != 0)) { goto err; } /* Start worker threads */ for (i = 0; i < thread_count; i++) { thread_context_t * pctx = & pool->thread_ctxs[i]; /* set pool to each thread context */ pctx->pool = (void*) pool; /* assign thread argument if valid */ if (thread_args) { pctx->thread_arg = thread_args[i]; } else { pctx->thread_arg = 0; } if ( pthread_create (& pctx->thread, NULL, threadpool_run, (void*) pctx) != 0) { threadpool_destroy (pool, 0); return NULL; } else { pool->started++; } } return pool; err: if(pool) { threadpool_free(pool); } return NULL; } int threadpool_add (threadpool_t *pool, void (*function)(thread_context_t *), void *task_arg, int flags) { int err = 0; int next; if ( pool == NULL || function == NULL ) { return threadpool_invalid; } if (pthread_mutex_lock (&(pool->lock)) != 0) { return threadpool_lock_failure; } next = pool->tail + 1; next = (next == pool->queue_size) ? 0 : next; do { /* Are we full ? */ if (pool->count == pool->queue_size) { err = threadpool_queue_full; break; } /* Are we shutting down ? */ if (pool->shutdown) { err = threadpool_shutdown; break; } /* Add task to queue */ pool->queues[pool->tail].function = function; pool->queues[pool->tail].argument = task_arg; pool->queues[pool->tail].flags = flags; pool->tail = next; pool->count += 1; /* pthread_cond_broadcast */ if (pthread_cond_signal (&(pool->notify)) != 0) { err = threadpool_lock_failure; break; } } while(0); if (pthread_mutex_unlock (&pool->lock) != 0) { err = threadpool_lock_failure; } return err; } int threadpool_destroy (threadpool_t *pool, int flags) { int i, err = 0; if (pool == NULL) { return threadpool_invalid; } if (pthread_mutex_lock (&(pool->lock)) != 0) { return threadpool_lock_failure; } do { /* Already shutting down */ if (pool->shutdown) { err = threadpool_shutdown; break; } pool->shutdown = 1; /* Wake up all worker threads */ if ((pthread_cond_broadcast(&(pool->notify)) != 0) || (pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pool->lock)) != 0)) { err = threadpool_lock_failure; break; } /* Join all worker thread */ for (i = 0; i < pool->thread_count; i++) { if (pthread_join (pool->thread_ctxs[i].thread, NULL) != 0) { err = threadpool_run_failure; } } } while(0); if (pthread_mutex_unlock (&pool->lock) != 0) { err = threadpool_lock_failure; } /* Only if everything went well do we deallocate the pool */ if (!err) { threadpool_free (pool); } return err; } int threadpool_free (threadpool_t *pool) { if (pool == NULL || pool->started > 0) { return -1; } pthread_mutex_lock (&(pool->lock)); pthread_mutex_destroy (&(pool->lock)); pthread_cond_destroy (&(pool->notify)); free(pool); return 0; } /** * each thread run function */ static void *threadpool_run (void * param) { threadpool_task_t task; thread_context_t * thread_ctx = (thread_context_t *) param; threadpool_t * pool = thread_ctx->pool; for ( ; ; ) { /* Lock must be taken to wait on conditional variable */ pthread_mutex_lock (&(pool->lock)); /* Wait on condition variable, check for spurious wakeups. When returning from pthread_cond_wait(), we own the lock. */ while ((pool->count == 0) && (!pool->shutdown)) { pthread_cond_wait (&(pool->notify), &(pool->lock)); } if (pool->shutdown) { break; } /* Grab our task */ task.function = pool->queues[pool->head].function; task.argument = pool->queues[pool->head].argument; task.flags = pool->queues[pool->head].flags; thread_ctx->task = &task; pool->head += 1; pool->head = (pool->head == pool->queue_size) ? 0 : pool->head; pool->count -= 1; /* Unlock */ pthread_mutex_unlock (&(pool->lock)); /* Get to work */ (*(task.function)) (thread_ctx); } pool->started--; pthread_mutex_unlock (&(pool->lock)); pthread_exit (NULL); return (NULL); }
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