jstl <fmt:formatDate>标签
属性 | 描述 | 必需 | 默认值 |
value | 要显示的日期值 | Yes | None |
type | DATE, TIME, or BOTH | No | date |
dateStyle | FULL, LONG, MEDIUM, SHORT, or DEFAULT | No | default |
timeStyle | FULL, LONG, MEDIUM, SHORT, or DEFAULT | No | default |
pattern | Custom formatting pattern | No | None |
timeZone | Time zone of the displayed date | No | Default time zone |
var | Name of the variable to store the formatted date | No | Print to page |
scope | Scope of the variable to store the formatted date | No | page |
Code | Purpose | Sample |
G |
The era designator |
AD |
y |
The year |
2002 |
M |
The month |
April & 04 |
d |
The day of the month |
20 |
h |
The hour(12-hour time) |
12 |
H |
The hour(24-hour time) |
0 |
m |
The minute |
45 |
s |
The second |
52 |
S |
The millisecond |
970 |
E |
The day of the week |
Tuesday |
D |
The day of the year |
180 |
F |
The day of the week in the month |
2 (2nd Wed in month) |
w |
The week in the year |
27 |
W |
The week in the month |
2 |
a |
The a.m./p.m. indicator |
PM |
k |
The hour(12-hour time) |
24 |
K |
The hour(24-hour time) |
0 |
z |
The time zone |
Central Standard Time |
' |
The escape for text |
'' |
The single quote |
<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="fmt" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/fmt" %> <html>
<title>JSTL fmt:dateNumber Tag - www.yiibai.com</title>
<h3>Number Format:</h3>
<c:set var="now" value="<%=new java.util.Date()%>" /> <p>Formatted Date (1): <fmt:formatDate type="time"
value="${now}" /></p>
<p>Formatted Date (2): <fmt:formatDate type="date"
value="${now}" /></p>
<p>Formatted Date (3): <fmt:formatDate type="both"
value="${now}" /></p>
<p>Formatted Date (4): <fmt:formatDate type="both"
dateStyle="short" timeStyle="short"
value="${now}" /></p>
<p>Formatted Date (5): <fmt:formatDate type="both"
dateStyle="medium" timeStyle="medium"
value="${now}" /></p>
<p>Formatted Date (6): <fmt:formatDate type="both"
dateStyle="long" timeStyle="long"
value="${now}" /></p>
<p>Formatted Date (7): <fmt:formatDate pattern="yyyy-MM-dd"
value="${now}" /></p> </body>
Date Format:
Formatted Date (1): 14:27:18
Formatted Date (2): 23-Sep-2010
Formatted Date (3): 23-Sep-2010 14:27:18
Formatted Date (4): 23/09/10 14:27
Formatted Date (5): 23-Sep-2010 14:27:18
Formatted Date (6): 23 September 2010 14:27:18 GST
Formatted Date (7): 2010-09-23
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