Alexandra and A*B Problem

Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 802    Accepted Submission(s): 211

Problem Description
has a little brother. He is new to programming. One day he is solving
the following problem: Given two positive integers A and B, output A*B.
problem is even easier than the last one. Alexandra can't wait to give
him another task: Given a positive integer A and a string S(S only
contains numbers.), find the minimum positive integer B, such that S is a
substring of T, where T is the decimal notation of A*B.
See the sample for better understanding.
Note: S can contain leading zeros, but T can't.
There are multiple test cases (no more than 500). Each case contains a positive integer A and a string S.
For each case, output the required B. It is guaranteed that such B always exists.
To C++ programmers: if you want to output 64-bit integers, please use "%I64d" specifier or cout.
Sample Input
6 8
96 19
2 0086
1 1
Sample Output
题意:给出一个数字a,以及一个串s(lens<=8)找到一个最小的数字 b ,使得 s 是 a*b = t 的一个连续子序列.
题解:非常巧妙的题目。假设t = xsy , 那么我们可以写出表达式 t = (x*10^lens+s)*10^len+y ,又因为 t%a == 0 所以对于最小的 t 式子的每一部分,都可以对 a 取模,
所以我们可以知道 x<a ,因为如果 x >= a,我们可以通过取模操作让 x 变小, 然后如果s[0]==0,那么x的下限就是1,否则x的下限为 0,然后对于 10^len 我们也可以通过同样的道理知道 10^len<= a <= 10^4 ,然后我们化出:
设 k = (x*10^lens+s)*10^len
所以 (k+y)%a=0
y = (-k%a+a)%a (y<10^len)
所以通过枚举 x,10^len 得到最终的答案。
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
typedef long long LL; int main()
LL a;
char s[];
int len = strlen(s);
LL ls = ,mid=;
for(int i=;i<len;i++) ls*=;
for(int i=;i<len;i++){
mid = mid*+s[i]-'';
LL ans = -;
for(LL i=;i<=;i*=){
for(LL j=(s[]=='');j<a;j++){
LL t = (j*ls+mid)*i;
LL y = (a-t%a)%a;
if(y>=i) continue;
if(ans<) ans = t+y;
else ans = min(t+y,ans);
return ;

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