

To observe the Fourier spectrum by FFT and the average value of an image.

Main requirements:

Ability of programming with C, C++, or Matlab.

Instruction manual:

(a) Download Fig. 4.18(a) and compute its (centered) Fourier spectrum.

(b) Display the spectrum.

(c) Use your result in (a) to compute the average value of the image.



close all;
clear all; %%
img = imread('gray_image.jpg');
title('original image'); % 计算傅里叶变换
img_F = fft2(img); [M, N] = size(img);
s = sum(abs(img_F(1:M, 1:N))); % 行求和
s = sum(s); % 列求和
ave = s / (M * N);
disp(['average value of image is: ',num2str(ave)]); S = log(1 + abs(img_F));
% figure;
% plot(S);
% title('二维图像显示幅度谱'); x = 0:1:255;
y = 0:1:255;
[x, y] = meshgrid(x, y);
title('三维图像显示幅度谱'); img_Q = angle(img_F);
% figure;
% plot(img_Q);
% title('二维图像显示相位谱'); x = 0:1:255;
y = 0:1:255;
[x, y] = meshgrid(x, y);






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